Taliban bans women’s voices, bare faces in public under new vice laws in Afghanistan

Educated women are better equipped to support families and contribute in all fields.

Some countries have embraced Feminism on a political level and do not value institution of marriage or nuclear family tradition. These countries have people who encourage others to sleep around and find pleasure in it. This is a faulty system and culture that leads to "the destruction of marriage rates and birth rates collapsing resulting in major demographic issues." But there is no need to adopt this system.

An Islamic country can have the best of both worlds. Education and a system that values institution of marriage and nuclear family tradition.

Education stops you from pointing out issues in Feminism? It is rather helpful. If an institution stops you from pointing out issues of Feminism then in this case the state should give you the option to report it for not allowing freedom of expression in true academic spirit. This is the solution.

Fundamentally I agree with you

I come from a educated family where the women of my family were educated, except for my mother was a traditional Pakistani mother

Now it was that traditional religious part from both my mother and father then kept our family in check in the west, the teaching of faith and morals and values etc

But the results are clear

Female empowerment has resulted REPEATEDLY in multiple nations the failure of marriage, sky rocketing divorce rates and birth rates collapsing.

Every nation that has pushed female education faces demographic crisis today

It has repeatedly led to a situation where women prioritise education, career above family
Educated women then have much more expectations upon men, fewer men fullfil those expectations and marriages become rarer with more issues and problem and high risk of failure and divorce wirh wives unwilling to fulfil the traditional duties of a wife

It's also creates a situation in society where women are added to the workforce, but additional jobs may be limited so it drives down wages and over time in the west instead of ONE MAN wage being sufficient for a home, now it's impossible to survive without a wife's income
Also putting your wife in contact with other men In close situations in work environments

I could go on

Once again I come from a educated family, but everywhere female education has been pushed has created a demographic crisis and family crisis
ONLY strict adherence to islam can balance this out and IN GENERAL we fail to implement islam

It will be interesting to see if the Taliban are right in limiting female education and what effect.it has on their society
1) There were many American people who opposed the Afghanistan war.
2) Afghan Taliban won the war in Afghanistan, Afghan Taliban are now back in power.
Fundamentally I agree with you

I come from a educated family where the women of my family were educated, except for my mother was a traditional Pakistani mother

Now it was that traditional religious part from both my mother and father then kept our family in check in the west, the teaching of faith and morals and values etc

But the results are clear

Female empowerment has resulted REPEATEDLY in multiple nations the failure of marriage, sky rocketing divorce rates and birth rates collapsing.

Every nation that has pushed female education faces demographic crisis today

It has repeatedly led to a situation where women prioritise education, career above family
Educated women then have much more expectations upon men, fewer men fullfil those expectations and marriages become rarer with more issues and problem and high risk of failure and divorce wirh wives unwilling to fulfil the traditional duties of a wife

It's also creates a situation in society where women are added to the workforce, but additional jobs may be limited so it drives down wages and over time in the west instead of ONE MAN wage being sufficient for a home, now it's impossible to survive without a wife's income
Also putting your wife in contact with other men In close situations in work environments

I could go on

Once again I come from a educated family, but everywhere female education has been pushed has created a demographic crisis and family crisis
ONLY strict adherence to islam can balance this out and IN GENERAL we fail to implement islam

It will be interesting to see if the Taliban are right in limiting female education and what effect.it has on their society
Mate, the FIRST message from Allah Almighty to the prophet (PBUH) was to "read":

Education is a human right or one can say a God given right to all humans. Education provides opportunities to all and is at the core of creating a civilization.

There are many educated women who support their families in current times, some do more than men to support their families. It is important to understand the value of these contributions.

Marriage is not a requirement for a woman to live her life and have income, it is a choice. For a man, if a woman likes you and wants to marry you by her own free will (or accepts your marriage proposal) then she is the best one for you. On the flip side, a man should strive to be a good husband as well. Children are best raised in a healthy nuclear family wherein both husband and wife have a good relationship dynamic.

Some countries have a faulty political system and culture that ruins womanhood. However, an Islamic country can have the best of both worlds: education and a system that values institution of marriage and nuclear family tradition.

In current times, an educated wife is your best bet and option. If something happens to you, who will take care of your wife and properties? You want another man to take it all? Think about it.
This is good, Afghanistan must get rid of enemy's society influences, in particular on how women should dress.

The emirate won the war and carries the flag of Islam. Now their mandate is to enforce and impose Islam and subjugate anything un-Islamic that the 20 years occupation brought to Afghanistan.
The islam we absolutely fear in the west...
InshaAllah all women in Paris will dress like that in the coming future.

I heard Islam will be majority in France in a century or two. Alhamdulillah
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Mate, the FIRST message from Allah Almighty to the prophet (PBUH) was to "read":

Education is a human right or one can say a God given right to all humans. Education provides opportunities to all and is at the core of creating a civilization.

There are many educated women who support their families in current times, some do more than men to support their families. It is important to understand the value of these contributions.

Marriage is not a requirement for a woman to live her life and have income, it is a choice. For a man, if a woman likes you and wants to marry you by her own free will (or accepts your marriage proposal) then she is the best one for you. On the flip side, a man should strive to be a good husband as well. Children are best raised in a healthy nuclear family wherein both husband and wife have a good relationship dynamic.

Some countries have a faulty political system and culture that ruins womanhood. However, an Islamic country can have the best of both worlds: education and a system that values institution of marriage and nuclear family tradition.

In current times, an educated wife is your best bet and option. If something happens to you, who will take care of your wife and properties? You want another man to take it all? Think about it.

John Glubb, the author of the "fate of empire" Identify that woman empowerment always happened on a country/society in decline.

Feminism and it's obsession with education and equality with men is what happenhappened in classical Rome and medieval Baghdad just right before they collapse.

The author also noticed the rise of women singers, in which the Taliban has also banned

This is good, Afghanistan must get rid of enemy's society influences, in particular on how women should dress.

The emirate won the war and carries the flag of Islam. Now their mandate is to enforce and impose Islam and subjugate anything un-Islamic that the 20 years occupation brought to Afghanistan.

I believe you are actually an agent here

Very strange member who say Islam is anti democracy, bla, bla...

While you are also pro F15 acquisition and anti KF21 program.....

Very anti China....

More like US agent
I believe you are actually an agent here

Very strange member who say Islam is anti democracy, bla, bla...

Democracy is as alien to Islam as Trinity is alien to Islam.

In a democracy = Vox Populi Vox Dei / voice of the people is the voice of God

In Islam = God is sovereign over all things

While you are also pro F15 acquisition and anti KF21 program.....

I'm pro P-51 Mustang
Democracy is as alien to Islam as Trinity is alien to Islam.

In a democracy = Vox Populi Vox Dei / voice of the people is the voice of God

In Islam = God is sovereign over all things

I'm pro P-51 Mustang

If you are pro Islam so why you are anti KF21 program that is the way Indonesia can be more independent when it comes to fighter jet acquisition, upgrade, and maintenance ?

If you are pro Islam so why you suggest Indonesia should order F15 EX that is just make the country increase its dependency to USA ?

If you are pro Islam so why you are so Anti China ? As China is the power that can balance Western power who support Israel
If you are pro Islam so why you are anti KF21 program that is the way Indonesia can be more independent when it comes to fighter jet acquisition, upgrade, and maintenance ?

If you are pro Islam so why you suggest Indonesia should order F15 EX that is just make the country increase its dependency to USA ?

If you are pro Islam so why you are so Anti China ? As China is the power that can balance Western power who support Israel
1.What has KF-21 has anything to do with theological correctness? 😅

Indonesia could buy Cessna for all I care.

2. I do not differentiate between the people who imprisoned Uyghurs and Palestinians.

My loyalty is to Islam, and because of that I refuse to look away on one (Uyghurs) while going all in on the other (Palestinians).
Does Taliban Ulama even read whole Quran and find this verse ?

O believers! Do not forbid the good things which Allah has made lawful for you, and do not transgress. Indeed, Allah does not like transgressors.


Human must not making something that is permitted by God as something Haram

Its not Islam but pathanwali culture. Now pashtun taliban is imposing on all of Afghanistan who are not even majority pashtun. Imagine pashtun nation father was this guy


Their supreme leader enjoyed company of boys while he kept women locked in cages, that was in 1747, not much have changed since then.
Does Taliban Ulama even read whole Quran and find this verse ?

O believers! Do not forbid the good things which Allah has made lawful for you, and do not transgress. Indeed, Allah does not like transgressors.


Human must not making something that is permitted by God as something Haram

And which part allow Muslim lady to go out without companionship?
Mate, the FIRST message from Allah Almighty to the prophet (PBUH) was to "read":

Education is a human right or one can say a God given right to all humans. Education provides opportunities to all and is at the core of creating a civilization.

There are many educated women who support their families in current times, some do more than men to support their families. It is important to understand the value of these contributions.

Marriage is not a requirement for a woman to live her life and have income, it is a choice. For a man, if a woman likes you and wants to marry you by her own free will (or accepts your marriage proposal) then she is the best one for you. On the flip side, a man should strive to be a good husband as well. Children are best raised in a healthy nuclear family wherein both husband and wife have a good relationship dynamic.

Some countries have a faulty political system and culture that ruins womanhood. However, an Islamic country can have the best of both worlds: education and a system that values institution of marriage and nuclear family tradition.

In current times, an educated wife is your best bet and option. If something happens to you, who will take care of your wife and properties? You want another man to take it all? Think about it.

And I agree with you

I believe in education, remaining stupid isn't a option

BUT the cold hearted reality of the world we live in suggests that female empowerment and education leads to a demographic crisis, marriage crisis, family crisis and birth rate crisis

Now the caveat your using is "Muslim country" but which country is really Muslim?
Where can we implement all this without the corrosive and toxic feminist LGBT crap of the west which our liberals embrace as life itself

The Taliban path may be extreme, but I feel they will protect their society from these influences far far better then we will
And I agree with you

I believe in education, remaining stupid isn't a option

BUT the cold hearted reality of the world we live in suggests that female empowerment and education leads to a demographic crisis, marriage crisis, family crisis and birth rate crisis

Now the caveat your using is "Muslim country" but which country is really Muslim?
Where can we implement all this without the corrosive and toxic feminist LGBT crap of the west which our liberals embrace as life itself

The Taliban path may be extreme, but I feel they will protect their society from these influences far far better then we will

Cheers, Doc
InshaAllah all women in Paris will dress like that in the coming future.

I heard Islam will be majority in France in a century or two. Alhamdulillah
Muslims only make 10% of France's population. How will Muslims be a majority in France in two centuries, lol?

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