Team USA

The level of anti-China hate by American trolls is off the charts compared to any anti-US posts. The number of pro-US and pro-India moderators and far exceeds pro-China moderators (if they even exist).

Almost all anti-US posts have been corralled into a handful of threads but anti-China trolls open a new anti-China thread practically every other day.

American posters need to stop acting like snowflakes for God's sake.

P.S. How ironic that the posters who are the most desperate to wrap themselves in the American flag and 'represent' America are clamoring the loudest for that most un-American of solutions: banning free speech. As they say, "you can take the man out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the man".
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Can we ask somebody to ban him from this thread or the Americas forum?

You can ask but what I refer to is deeply structural by design. A solution does not exist without fundamental changes which are unlikely to occur.
A banger for @dbc et al. (and the member legacy of gambit, jhungary, sven et al.)

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They Dumped 2 Million Tires Into The Ocean. Fifty Years Later The Results Are Shocking!​

Osborne Reef is an artificial reef off the coast of Fort Lauderdale, Florida at 26.10748°N 80.06493°W.[1] Originally constructed of concrete jacks, it was the subject of an ambitious expansion project utilizing old and discarded tires. The expansion ultimately failed, and the reef has come to be considered an environmental disaster—ultimately doing more harm than good in the coastal Florida waters.
Another "they don't make them like they used to".

Why is There an Epidemic of Bad Refrigerators?​

The team USA thread is here @GoMig-21

Lets inject some vigour into it from time to time as we can!
The team USA thread is here @GoMig-21

Lets inject some vigour into it from time to time as we can!

Hey hey hey, look who they finally let out of the cage hahaha. :D
Very glad to see you back on here, Nilgiri. Behave yourself, though! lol

BTW, I'm a little pissed off I see everyone and their mamas with all their previous forum posting credits while I'm starting all over again! WTH man!? Talk about getting snizzled and snuffed under the rug and never complained and I still couldn't even get my old username account set up on here! Pain in the asssss place! :D

I still have no idea what the beef was on the old forum that led to its demise and this one opened. Someone must've pissed someone off with the keys to the place, ey? But looks like the main characters are here so at least it's mostly the original crew. Funny how this crap infiltrates every facet of daily life & business.

BTW, you mentioned the carvings on the EAF thread; I'm 1/3rd of the way through a dramatically posed life-sized Red-Tailed hawk that should be quite the impactful sculpture when completed. I have pics of the work in progress on my old phone I;ll post them sometime this week. I think you'll like it. Should have around 600 +/- hours into it when it's app done ISA.

What could be greater than this?
Uhmm, how about something that's grammatically correct to begin with? What's the first line to this piece of historical document?

"We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for..."
Wait wuuut? "a more perfect union"? Not sure how something can become more perfect when it's already perfect to begin with lmao! It cracks me up every time someone mentions this masterpiece loool Especially when it was John Hancock himself (Mr, Signature) who wrote the thing and was thoroughly read by John Quincy Adams and the Mr. $100 dollar bill himself Benny Franklin and neither of them chose to correct it before introducing it into law that would be the essence of governing this great country!?

I guess if they let that blatant grammatical error slide, they weren't going to bother with others like 'insure' which clearly should be 'ensure' LooL! Crazy. I suppose there is something t be said about preserving it in it's original form from John Hancock's feather pen to the first draft.

Talk about historical masterpiece literature? Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg address has to be right up there with the best of the best. Truly a masterpiece with profound and impactful wording like none other.

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow—this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Abraham Lincoln

He also wrote that most incredible letter to the mother of the 5 Sullivan brothers who were all serving in WWII (2 in Europe & 3 in the Pacific Theater if I'm not mistaken) and they all died which led to the main theme of the story to Saving Private Ryan. The actor who plays Eisenhower read a portion of that incredible letter to the two generals who found the connection of Ryan to his other 3 slain brothers, hence leading Eisenhower to order him pulled out of the war. That was about the extent of the connection that Saving Private Ryan had to the Sullivan Brothers' story in WWII. Regardless, exemplifies the genius of Lincoln. A great sample for such inspiration to an epic movie. You can see why he was such a genius who basically changed the course of history of this country (and world for that matter) during his short term as president in arguably its most critical time of history. His choice of words and sentence structure is impeccable. Too bad he wasn't around at the time to proofread the Constitution lol.

Dear Madam,

I have been shown in the files of the War Department a statement of the Adjutant General of Massachusetts that you are the mother of five sons who have died gloriously on the field of battle.

I feel how weak and fruitless must be any word of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the Republic they died to save.

I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.

Yours, very sincerely and respectfully,

A. Lincoln


Anyone been to Washington D.C. and seen one of the most incredible marble sculptures in the world, the Lincoln Memorial?

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The team USA thread is here @GoMig-21

Lets inject some vigour into it from time to time as we can!

Why? USA is a preferred punching bag for just about everything that anyone is upset about on this forum. :D
Hey hey hey, look who they finally let out of the cage hahaha. :D
Very glad to see you back on here, Nilgiri. Behave yourself, though! lol
Yes chief I will do exactly that lol....someone even pre-empted my earlier proclivities and made me a half-bird colonel.... so I can't be getting into the messy grunt stuff anymore, forced leave of absence, exiles and all that jazz heh.

BTW, I'm a little pissed off I see everyone and their mamas with all their previous forum posting credits while I'm starting all over again! WTH man!? Talk about getting snizzled and snuffed under the rug and never complained and I still couldn't even get my old username account set up on here! Pain in the asssss place! :D
Post in here my friend:

To try get your post count back up to old one etc....hopefully they have some snapshot of you saved etc.

Otherwise just say fuggit, its no big deal as long as you settle in and we just pick up where we left off anyway. World keeps on turning. Buds recognise buds etc.

I still have no idea what the beef was on the old forum that led to its demise and this one opened. Someone must've pissed someone off with the keys to the place, ey? But looks like the main characters are here so at least it's mostly the original crew. Funny how this crap infiltrates every facet of daily life & business.
Long story and something of enigma wrapped in another one as to the terminal end of last forum (w.r.t webby, his folks back home he wanted to look out for..... and some authorities/threats in Pakistan apparently given some spiel spillover going on in the forum ....the political scene really has come to a head there). The old forum itself had become unkempt in various ways.

Anyway its new start now, new domain now etc. Just find your pals, have a good chat with them on whichever matter whenever you want.....and ignore the usual riff raff/trolls/haters (now constrained somewhat more) as much as you can

BTW, you mentioned the carvings on the EAF thread; I'm 1/3rd of the way through a dramatically posed life-sized Red-Tailed hawk that should be quite the impactful sculpture when completed. I have pics of the work in progress on my old phone I;ll post them sometime this week. I think you'll like it. Should have around 600 +/- hours into it when it's app done ISA.

Great! I always love watching red tailed hawks in summer heat catching a thermal surveying the whole area. Raptors in general are such unique wonderful birds.
Why? USA is a preferred punching bag for just about everything that anyone is upset about on this forum. :D

dbc will keep this thread a troll and hater free zone.

In my forced leave of absence, it was gomig and @Hamartia Antidote that engaged in some fun banter/convo on wholesome USA stuff in old forum I kept tabs on from time to time heh.

As for larger forum, pffft, haters gonna hate.

punching bag?.....India be like:


It comes with the space of being big, impactful and then existing/persevering to get better. The how, what why of doing more of the good and less of the bad on vast geography and population and moving parts.

I could care less about mean-spirited haters. They are drunk with envy and hypocrisy... I have no real use for them than to laugh at their antics....and the just desserts that come to roost sooner or later if they are actually reflective (i.e past forum larping) of the systems they want instead.

I know the real US of A deep down.....past its politics, issues and problems (that it airs out openly as possible as it understands everything is work in progress), its a genuine and unique country of some of the best stuff known to mankind.

It will do right by you if you do right by it. People that are ignorant of it or worse (jealous, hypocritical or ingrateful).....nuts to them
dbc will keep this thread a troll and hater free zone.

In my forced leave of absence, it was gomig and @Hamartia Antidote that engaged in some fun banter/convo on wholesome USA stuff in old forum I kept tabs on from time to time heh.

As for larger forum, pffft, haters gonna hate.

punching bag?.....India be like:

View attachment 27526

It comes with the space of being big, impactful and then existing/persevering to get better. The how, what why of doing more of the good and less of the bad on vast geography and population and moving parts.

I could care less about mean-spirited haters. They are drunk with envy and hypocrisy... I have no real use for them than to laugh at their antics....and the just desserts that come to roost sooner or later if they are actually reflective (i.e past forum larping) of the systems they want instead.

I know the real US of A deep down.....past its politics, issues and problems (that it airs out openly as possible as it understands everything is work in progress), its a genuine and unique country of some of the best stuff known to mankind.

It will do right by you if you do right by it. People that are ignorant of it or worse (jealous, hypocritical or ingrateful).....nuts to them

I agree with what you have said, but my comment was more to do with the role of the country as perceived on this forum as promoted by the management, not in the broader context of the country itself, which will carry on just fine indeed, and will take care of those who do right by it, as you said. It is just that I do not see any reason to present the reality of the country and its people to a membership and management whose minds are already made up. I started off an honest effort to do so, of which this thread is just one part in this forum (and the old one), but the futility of it was brought forward one too many times. C'est la vie.
I agree with what you have said, but my comment was more to do with the role of the country as perceived on this forum as promoted by the management, not in the broader context of the country itself, which will carry on just fine indeed, and will take care of those who do right by it, as you said. It is just that I do not see any reason to present the reality of the country and its people to a membership and management whose minds are already made up. I started off an honest effort to do so, of which this thread is just one part in this forum (and the old one), but the futility of it was brought forward one too many times. C'est la vie.

It happens, cookies crumble as they do these days. Then you just decide what is worth it and what isn't with your time and interest.

There is larger issue in world with what populism narratives are, how and why these are harnessed by those with power/ these cause friction and erosion with more stoic principles and objective approaches (given vast human imperfection in end)....and fact like you have pointed out several times I lost count of now that the top echelons of folks are not in some complete insular vacuum from the larger population they exert upon (and likewise get exerted upon by them) in whichever social, psychological and physical ways.....and that in end people get the leaders they deserve.

Way it stands with US more specifically is there is an attractive (largely "leftist") populist narrative of oppressed vs oppressor that also appeals to social conservatives of other cultures/societies different to the US.

The US itself is sending a number of disparate messages on this in its own internal political scene (long topic to get into).....and so there will always be some increasing fervour of sharks smelling this blood and circling it.....and all other segments around them (with more power or less power) responding/adjusting to that.

Now where and how to find folks past all this stuff and share stuff with all that then being worth it, thats just one's own call in the end.

I work on general principle of the shared values or common intellectual solidarity in whichever topic of interest. Someone basically has to try real hard to get on my enemy list because I am always full of optimism for the human species.....we have come a long way and theres a long way to go.

A forum is just a small microcosm of all this stuff. I accept it for what it is in the end.

Now those choice few that do make my enemy list, I do try make them rue the day they did so.....but that involves giving them plenty of rope and plenty of time for them to learn lessons of time.

Like Patton said (I mentioned this to my mom quite recently to make her laugh, as to the kind of thing that makes my dad tick past all the crap life threw at all of us or the "horse dung" in Patton's words, and why he absolutely admires Patton and that movie so much too).....

I dont wan't messages hearing about us "holding our position"....we aren't holding anything....let the Hun do that....WE are advancing constantly and we're not interested in holding anything except the enemy....

You talk to someone from that generation and I have had the pleasure a few times, including one that saw things right up close at Caen after Normandy.... You talk to one of those "wonderful guys" and you know what America is in the end....haha.

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