TF-X / KAAN / Hürjet Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircrafts News & Discussions


Bro, that account is unreliable and famous for its unfounded exaggeration of defence related news and statements.
@Merzifonlu @Oublious
Will the tender for the KAAN engine never be held? It is still unclear who will develop the engine. No official announcement.
IMO, if they get the thrust they want from that prototype when they make the first ignition, only then will they sign the official contract and official announcement. And yes, the tender for the KAAN engine will never be held.

TEI and TR Motor develop the engine together. There is no contribution from R&R company. Dr. Temel Kotil had already announced this last week.
IMO, if they get the thrust they want from that prototype when they make the first ignition, only then will they sign the official contract and official announcement. And yes, the tender for the KAAN engine will never be held.

TEI and TR Motor develop the engine together. There is no contribution from R&R company. Dr. Temel Kotil had already announced this last week.
That's what I thought, too. They don't want to rush with decisions that can't be undone easily which is fine in my book. It also gives us some clues about the current status of the project. It seems like they really believe in their skills and expertise.
It seems like they really believe in their skills and expertise.
I think we were forced to do this. The USA and she's cronies are shooting their last bullet by not being involved in our all of engine R&D projects. More precisely, they fire their penultimate bullet. Their last bullet will be to end scientific cooperation!!

When that stage comes, which it will definitely come, we must be prepared. Just as we have built a structure completely independent of the West in the defense industry, we will have to build an academic structure completely independent of the West.

That's when the real internal "intellectual conflict" in Turkey will occur. Currently, Kemalists and Islamists are in an "intellectual truce". However, this postponed conflict will eventually take place. Because this academic infrastructure independent of the West will be built according to the outcome of this "intellectual conflict".

Islamists see no problem in obtaining information used in weapons manufacturing, such as engine manufacturing, metallurgy or cannon casting techniques, from the West. But when it comes to internalizing scientific and questioning thought and applying it to life, they turn a blind eye! As a hardcore Kemalist, this is exactly the key issue on which I do not and will never compromise with the Islamists!!
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Kemalists doing nothing instead of statue
CHP wants to block Turkish Defense Industry ..

President ERDOGAN did everything to increase military projects from 62 to over 850 in the last 20 years

and MAHMUT AKSIT rules TEI to develop everything for 100% indigenous Engines
The West didn't even sell materials to Turkiye
even BAYRAKTAR Family fought against Kemalists to develop UCAVs

so-called Kemalists were pathetic puppets to USA and Israel
traitor puppets did not develop even a Rifle
in 1990s Kemalists blocked ERBAKAN who said I will produce Turkish Tank

We will never forget that in 1940s CHP ( Ismet Inönü ) blocked NURI DEMIRAG , VECIHI HURKUS , NURI KILLIGIL , SAKIR ZUMRE who tried to develop Turkish Defense Industry

People dont know , Turkiye developed Aircraft in 1930s

If ATATURK had lived until the 1950s, Turkiye would already have an advanced defense industry in 1960s

If it wasn't for President ERDOGAN, we wouldn't even be able to see the KAAN Fighter Jet today, even in our dreams.

not Kemalists but Islamists developed Turkish Defense Industry
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Kemalists doing nothing instead of statue
CHP wants to block Turkish Defense Industry ..

President ERDOGAN did everything to increase military projects from 62 to over 850 in the last 20 years

and MAHMUT AKSIT rules TEI to develop everything for 100% indigenous Engines
The West didn't even sell materials to Turkiye
even BAYRAKTAR Family fought against Kemalists to develop UCAVs

so-called Kemalists were pathetic puppets to USA and Israel
traitor puppets did not develop even a Rifle
in 1990s Kemalists blocked ERBAKAN who said I will produce Turkish Tank

We will never forget that in 1940s CHP ( Ismet Inönü ) blocked NURI DEMIRAG , VECIHI HURKUS , NURI KILLIGIL , SAKIR ZUMRE who tried to develop Turkish Defense Industry

People dont know , Turkiye developed Aircraft in 1930s
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If ATATURK had lived until the 1950s, Turkiye would already have an advanced defense industry in 1960s

If it wasn't for President ERDOGAN, we wouldn't even be able to see the KAAN Fighter Jet today, even in our dreams.

not Kemalists but Islamists developed Turkish Defense Industry
You are mixing everything together. The CHP could only stay in power until 1950. There has been no CHP since 1950. Understand that the real issue is not the CHP but the "gladio" hidden in the Turkish deep state. Don't forget that companies like Aselsan, which was founded in the 1970s, were founded by the Ecevit-Erbakan partnership after the Cyprus peace operation. Ecevit is of CHP origin.
You are mixing everything together. The CHP could only stay in power until 1950

After death of ATATURK

and Turkiye was always ruled by so-called Kemalists ( Generals , members of the Judiciary , etc ) American puppets

USA-İsrael ruled the Turkish Armed Forces over Kemalist Generals to make even coups in Turkiye in 1960 , 1971 , 1980 , 1997

btw ECEVIT and ERBAKAN were anti-American ...
and ERDOGAN fought so-called Kemalists in the last 20 years to make Turkiye independent

even BAYRAKTAR Family fought against Kemalists ( Generals ) to develop UCAVs

and today CHP is the real issue ... Thank GOD that CHP doesnt rule Turkiye
We wouldn't even be able to see the KAAN Fighter Jet today, even in our dreams.
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After death of ATATURK

and Turkiye was always ruled by so-called Kemalists ( Generals , members of the Judiciary , etc ) American puppets

USA-İsrael ruled the Turkish Armed Forces over Generals to make even coups in Turkiye in 1960 , 1971 , 1980 , 1997

btw ECEVIT and ERBAKAN were anti-American ...
and ERDOGAN fought so-called Kemalists in the last 20 years to make Turkiye independent

even BAYRAKTAR Family fought against Kemalists ( Generals ) to develop UCAVs

and today CHP is the real issue ... Thank GOD that CHP doesnt rule Turkiye
We wouldn't even be able to see the KAAN Fighter Jet today, even in our dreams.

They blocked Bayraktar b/c they were conservative. How many people got banned and blackballed from developing in Industries b/c their families wore headscarves or they didn't drink, and other nonsense discrimination. People like Seljuk would have never been able to do what they did if it weren't for the Ak party and the reforms that banned this sort of discrimination. Today the Bayraktar family is literally a flag bearer with its products world renowned to the point when people think Turkish defense industry, they think Drones and they know Bayraktar.
Today the Bayraktar family is literally a flag bearer with its products world renowned to the point when people think Turkish defense industry, they think Drones and they know Bayraktar.

If the Kemalists had prevented Selcuk Bayraktar . we would never see the KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet

So, we have seen that the Turks can develop even the most advanced technologies in the world when they are given the opportunity.

South Korean Air Force's Chief of Staff, General Lee Youngsu and his delegation visited BAYKAR

KIZILELMA will help KAAN Fighter Jet for future tactical air combat

and S.Korea wants to develop its own concept ....
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After death of ATATURK
İsmet İnönü kept Turkey out of World War II with a brilliant policy. Perhaps he prevented the destruction of Turkey. These names you mentioned (NURI DEMIRAG, VECIHI HURKUS, NURI KILLIGIL, SAKIR ZUMRE) were prevented only between 1940-1950? For example, Nuri Demirag died in 1957.

USA-İsrael ruled the Turkish Armed Forces over Kemalist Generals to make even coups in Turkiye in 1960 , 1971 , 1980 , 1997
Those who carried out these coups were not Kemalists. Since the ideology of Kemalism was the official ideology, naturally they all hid behind it. For example, the 1960 coup and the 1980 coup were not the same. After the 1960 coup the leftists got stronger, after the 1980 coup the rightists got stronger.

As I said, behind all this was the Turkish deep state 'gladio', which is linked to the US.

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