Trump Wishes Americans Stayed in Afghanistan To Fight China

When are Americans going to pay the Afghan lives lost and destructions incurred in the war ?
Lives are cheap, they only matter to the country that loses them. And even then, only sometimes.
The Afghans will pay penance to temporary Chinese influence in the region. Eventually they will get sick and start pushing back though (mainly when China begins deploying troops there to secure their assets).
The Americans built hundreds of roads and infrastructure projects and the Afghans still failed to repay their dues.

They’re already making moves with China and Russia.

Recently Afghanistan started trading in rubles with Russia
Donald Trump ending the longest, most costly war in American history, America has moved on. Europe moved on. Sadly for some of These American people are deranged and obsessed with China. And now, Twisting themselves into pretzels to try to excuse Afghanistan withdrawal disaster’s.

Now they started a new war in Ukraine

The president who helped end America’s longest war now regrets leaving behind U.S. bases.​

Former President Donald Trump helped negotiate the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, ending America's longest foreign war. But now he believes that the United States should have kept its largest base in Afghanistan to help in a future conflict against China.

During this week's Republican National Convention, speaker after speaker has tried to transform "America First" from a slogan against overseas entanglements into a cry for more aggressive military force. And the gambit seems to have succeeded. A day after Trump's running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance (R–Ohio), condemned the war in Afghanistan as a failure, Trump himself called for using Afghanistan as a springboard to future conflicts.

"They also gave up Bagram [Airfield], one of the biggest bases anywhere in the world, the longest runways, most powerful, hardened, thickened runways. We gave it up," he said on Thursday night. "I liked it not because of Afghanistan. I liked it because of China. It's one hour away from where China makes their nuclear weapons."

China is known to have nuclear facilities in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, a province bordering Afghanistan, although the facilities themselves are around 1,000 miles away from the border.

Like all politicians, Trump wants to have his cake and eat it too. He also bragged at the convention that there were no Taliban attacks on American troops after he made a deal to withdraw the U.S. military from Afghanistan. But it's hard to see how the United States could have held onto Bagram without resuming the war.

Trump's speech appears to be mixing up two criticisms of the Biden administration's withdrawal. Before the withdrawal, some hawks in Congress argued that Afghanistan was strategically valuable to China and that it would therefore be a mistake to give up America's military presence there. After the withdrawal, other members of Congress questioned why the U.S. military evacuated forces only through Kabul International Airport rather than using the larger Bagram Airfield.

The Biden administration insists that it could not have evacuated people through Bagram Airfield safely.

"Retaining Bagram would have required putting as many as 5,000 U.S. troops in harm's way, just to operate and defend it," Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said at a September 2021 congressional hearing. "It would have contributed little to the mission that we had been assigned: to protect and defend our embassy some 30 miles away. That distance from Kabul also rendered Bagram of little value in the evacuation."

Austin added that "staying at Bagram—even for counterterrorism purposes—meant staying at war in Afghanistan."

As for using Afghanistan as a cudgel against China, the idea was promoted by Rep. Mike Waltz (R–Fla.) in the months before the withdrawal. "By abandoning Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan, we will no longer have a U.S. airfield in a country that borders China," he wrote in a May 2021 op-ed for the Military Times, adding that the airfield would be useful in a war against Iran too.

Waltz also said that "American intelligence resources" based in Bagram could support Uyghur resistance to the Chinese government, comparing it to the U.S. support for Afghan and other Muslim rebels against the Soviet Union in the 1980s. "This campaign caused the Soviet military to divert divisions away from Eastern Europe to the Caucasus and Central Asia," Waltz wrote.

Ironically, that part of Waltz's argument highlighted exactly why holding onto Bagram would have been dangerous. The United States would be more like the Soviet Union in this scenario, pulling its forces away from the most important fronts to defend isolated outposts in hostile territory. In a war with China or Iran, the U.S. presence at Bagram would make it a lot easier for those countries to hit Americans than the other way around.

Many Republicans have tried to thread the needle, arguing that the withdrawal from Afghanistan was the right decision and criticizing Biden's execution of it. But Trump now seems to be under the sway of a different idea: that we should have kept troops in Afghanistan after all.

@Sainthood 2.0 @Menace2Society @Pakstallion @Vapnope @Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER @Dalit @ziaulislam @EternalMortal @RazPaK @HeratKabul @warking2005 @KingQamaR @PakFactor @Abid123 @SecularNationalist @pakistaniandproud @PAKISTANFOREVER @Dual Wielder @Great Janjua @SaadH @Olympus81 @Mobius @alphapak @RealNapster @Kharral @Goenitz @PakSword @Tamerlane @khan_patriot @Yousafzai_M @NaqsheYaar @safriz @Waz @PakSword @PakAl @Path-Finder @AlKardai @Dr. Strangelove @clutch @FuturePAF @SD 10 @ThunderCat @safriz @Dual Wielder @PakCan @Waz @SteppeWolff @Awwad @WAZA @Asfandyar Bhittani

Great stuff. I'm sure it can be arranged. We can start by sending 10-15 million afghans in Pakistan to america. They will definitely enrich american culture. Help build bridges between america and afghanistan.
Great stuff. I'm sure it can be arranged. We can start by sending 10-15 million afghans in Pakistan to america. They will definitely enrich american culture. Help build bridges between america and afghanistan.

Didn’t take long for Trump to be a neocon
Didn’t take long for Trump to be a neocon

They all are. white christian europeans are all united. They are all neocons/right-wing racists. Brown/olive-skinned Muslims are not united. That is why they get pushed around, oppressed and massacred. In fact some of them hate each other more than the whites hate them.
They all are. white christian europeans are all united. They are all neocons/right-wing racists. Brown/olive-skinned Muslims are not united. That is why they get pushed around, oppressed and massacred. In fact some of them hate each other more than the whites hate them.
The same "Brown/olive-skinned Muslims" love to live in White christian European Land and then criticize the same white people, isn't it ?.

If whites are so right-wing racists or bad, why live in UK, why not relocate to Ummah land and enjoy tax-free income as well ?.
temporary Chinese influence in the region.

China is a neighbor, not a temporary one.

If you learn how China handles Burma and the Golden Triangle, you'll realize how naive your thinking is.

What's an Afghanistan when China can clean up the world's largest drug production base and control hundreds of warlord-ridden regions?

Afghanistan's biggest problem is the lack of water, which is needed in large quantities to mine lithium and copper. In Central Asia, only Tajikistan can provide large amounts of water. Although relations between the Taliban and Tajikistan are bad, relations between Tajikistan and China are very good. So the problem is solved.
What's an Afghanistan when China can clean up the world's largest drug production base and control hundreds of warlord-ridden regions?

Afghanistan has done a lot of cleanup with regards to opium production

Afghanistan's biggest problem is the lack of water, which is needed in large quantities to mine lithium and copper. In Central Asia, only Tajikistan can provide large amounts of water. Although relations between the Taliban and Tajikistan are bad, relations between Tajikistan and China are very good. So the problem is solved.
There’s also water cooperation between discussed .

They can go back in, its not too late...
Afghanistan is playing the diplomatic game pretty well (better than the strategic lumber 1 thinkers in Pakistan who fucked their own country with their policies)

But it won't get directly involved like this, it'll maintain neutral ties and both powers will just try to tug for their influence and keep it balanced
The same "Brown/olive-skinned Muslims" love to live in White christian European Land and then criticize the same white people, isn't it ?.

If whites are so right-wing racists or bad, why live in UK, why not relocate to Ummah land and enjoy tax-free income as well ?.

Once 10-15 million afghans are removed from Pakistan and sent back to herat and kabul, perhaps then I can go back to Pakistan.
They can go back in, its not too late...
Personally, I am against Trump withdrawing the troop and irked him for it.

But then seeing the ANA collapsed without even a fight, that did it for me, felt like what we did, what I do is wasted. I mean, if they fight it out and lose, that's another story......

So thanks, but no thanks.
Personally, I am against Trump withdrawing the troop and irked him for it.

But then seeing the ANA collapsed without even a fight, that did it for me, felt like what we did, what I do is wasted. I mean, if they fight it out and lose, that's another story......

So thanks, but no thanks.
America has no business in Afghanistan, I am glad they left. World would breath a sigh of relief when US forces finally stay within their own borders like every other sovereign nation.

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