Trump Wishes Americans Stayed in Afghanistan To Fight China


You are wrong---. Americans thrive on war---they love wars---they love the killing of "bad guys" thru the use of smart american weapons---.

They are looking forward to another war---.
America has no business in Afghanistan, I am glad they left. World would breath a sigh of relief when US forces finally stay within their own borders like every other sovereign nation.
US force will never stay in their own border due to the establishment of NATO

The issue here is, the world will see more war than before if and when US weren't there to police it, like the US and its direction or not, we had more than 1000 wars in the world (30% of those are in Europe) during 1800-1900 period compared to about 250 since US became a superpower.

You need a body to tower over everyone so people would think twice before starting a war. Sadly, I wasn't talking about United Nation.
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US force will never stay in their own border due to the establishment of NATO

The issue here is, the world will see more war than before if and when US weren't there to police it, like the US and its direction or not, we had more than 1000 wars in the world (30% of those are in Europe) during 1800-1900 period compared to about 250 since US became a superpower.

You need a body to tower over everyone so people would think twice before starting a war. Sadly I wasn't talking about United Nation.
Establishment of NATO was based on fear mongering, A fear which US sold to the Europeans that they have to live in a constant fear of USSR invading which may or may never happen.

I don't agree with the reasoning that US being world police has stopped any wars, Actually its the opposite of what we have witness in the world since the fall of USSR, India and Pakistan haven't fought a full scale war since 1965 not due to US or USSR but because of nuclear deterrence, Armenia and Azerbaijan and many other conflicts. The reality is that the world is a global village and war for poor under-develop countries is a luxury they can't afford. US mere presence in the region has cause chaos and civil wars around the world, the conflicts where US did act as mediator or policing some would argue that there is some US hand behind those conflicts as well, such as Iran/Iraq war, Vietnam war, Korean war etc.

I am a hard core believer that world's 80% of wars conflicts and instability would be fixed only if US stop meddling in other people's business, and mind their own business Political assassinations, regime change, siding/provide weapons to one side in a civil war which has nothing to do with US, But again I know its a fools dream to even think that US soldiers will stay in their country, because US can only retain its Super power status for as long as the rest of the world is in Chaos, your house will only look pretty if every other house in neighborhood is burned down... There is a line in Game thrones by a character name Little finger, 'chaos is a ladder', which suits the US situation Perfectly. I haven't even touched the military industry of US which pushes for wars and conflicts only to supply weapons to both sides to make money and influence around the world. I don't think that argument that US policing has prevented wars has any substance, maybe for Europeans wars or their region but America is still on top when it comes ruining regions like South America and Middle East.

Also just wanted to make this clear, I have no issues with how US govern its own people in their own land, they have good governance, strong institutions and good economy with diversity unmatched but that doesn't take away the chaos and destruction US govt/establishment has cause around the world and God knows when will it all end.
Establishment of NATO was based on fear mongering, A fear which US sold to the Europeans that they have to live in a constant fear of USSR invading which may or may never happen.

I don't agree with the reasoning that US being world police has stopped any wars, Actually its the opposite of what we have witness in the world since the fall of USSR, India and Pakistan haven't fought a full scale war since 1965 not due to US or USSR but because of nuclear deterrence, Armenia and Azerbaijan and many other conflicts. The reality is that the world is a global village and war for poor under-develop countries is a luxury they can't afford. US mere presence in the region has cause chaos and civil wars around the world, the conflicts where US did act as mediator or policing some would argue that there is some US hand behind those conflicts as well, such as Iran/Iraq war, Vietnam war, Korean war etc.

I am a hard core believer that world's 80% of wars conflicts and instability would be fixed only if US stop meddling in other people's business, and mind their own business Political assassinations, regime change, siding/provide weapons to one side in a civil war which has nothing to do with US, But again I know its a fools dream to even think that US soldiers will stay in their country, because US can only retain its Super power status for as long as the rest of the world is in Chaos, your house will only look pretty if every other house in neighborhood is burned down... There is a line in Game thrones by a character name Little finger, 'chaos is a ladder', which suits the US situation Perfectly. I haven't even touched the military industry of US which pushes for wars and conflicts only to supply weapons to both sides to make money and influence around the world. I don't think that argument that US policing has prevented wars has any substance, maybe for Europeans wars or their region but America is still on top when it comes ruining regions like South America and Middle East.

Also just wanted to make this clear, I have no issues with how US govern its own people in their own land, they have good governance, strong institutions and good economy with diversity unmatched but that doesn't take away the chaos and destruction US govt/establishment has cause around the world and God knows when will it all end.
Well, that's historical there's that, I mean this is a fact that we had less war than before than we have just 100 years ago, the opinion from those fact can be drawn for just about everything.

On the other hand, rule number 1 for war is if there are two parties, then you will have a war, this world have 197 different countries. If we live in a perfect world, where people respect other people, country respect other countries boundaries, then yes, we don't need a superpower to control the world. The fact is, we weren't living in a perfect world.

I mean, do you really think if US stopped meddling, then people will just left to do what they should and go their merry way? Take Pakistan and India as an example, do you think if US does not exist, then Pakistan and India can co-exist together peacefully? How about Syria and Turkey? How about Turkey and Greece? How about Israel and Iran? How about Chile and Argentina? How about Azerbaijan and Armenia. war existed long before US had been established, I don't know about a lot of things, but I know about one thing, people are stupid, they fight each other any chance they get, be it for territories, be it for money, for religion, war exist because the cause of war exist, and there are 3 things in this life is always true.

People ALWAYS dies
People ALWAYS work for money
There are ALWAYS war.

I don't like to fight someone else's war, nobody does, but then would it be better if we just stay in our lane and mind our own business? Well, I wanted to say yes, but experience and my brain tells me no. It would have been the same even if US does not ever exist, or China, Russia, or [insert a random country name here] got to the top after WW2 instead of the US, the situation will be the same, just that it would be a different group of people bitching about it.........
US has its own share of evil. No matter how one's try to put it, it is the truth.
Well, that's historical there's that, I mean this is a fact that we had less war than before than we have just 100 years ago, the opinion from those fact can be drawn for just about everything.
Again I don't disagree that we have less war but I disagree that its because of US or its world policing. US policing is never neutral so by logic US does put its weight of support towards one party which by default put other party of war at disadvantage and hostile towards America/Americans, When some Organization attack US soldiers in their own country like Iraq or Afgh US say look they are killing our soldiers, dude you are not suppose to be there in the first place, Stay on the other side of Atlantic and no one is invading you, live and let the world live in peace it is just that simple.

On the other hand, rule number 1 for war is if there are two parties, then you will have a war, this world have 197 different countries. If we live in a perfect world, where people respect other people, country respect other countries boundaries, then yes, we don't need a superpower to control the world. The fact is, we weren't living in a perfect world.
Yes we aren't living in a perfect world, but just because countries have regional conflicts doesn't give US a right to interfere in their internal matters or civil wars, imagine if someone interfere in US Affairs when US is fighting a war in its own land against a Country, you and other Americans won't like that.

I mean, do you really think if US stopped meddling, then people will just left to do what they should and go their merry way? Take Pakistan and India as an example, do you think if US does not exist, then Pakistan and India can co-exist together peacefully? How about Syria and Turkey? How about Turkey and Greece? How about Israel and Iran? How about Chile and Argentina? How about Azerbaijan and Armenia. war existed long before US had been established, I don't know about a lot of things, but I know about one thing, people are stupid, they fight each other any chance they get, be it for territories, be it for money, for religion, war exist because the cause of war exist, and there are 3 things in this life is always true.
I never say US doesn't have to exists, I am only saying that US should mind its own business and not building military bases around the world to antagonize other nations. Now lets see those scenarios you mention, like I said the last time Pak/Ind went to full scale war was in 1965, and since 1998 two nations has shown restrains, regardless of skirmishes like kargil/Feb 2019, both countries have keep the escalation ladder under control, So US has no role in either keeping the peace of disturbing it but if USA start building bases in AJK or J&K and put their support for one side then yes things will be different. Again, Syria/Turkey has not seen a full scale war, skirmishes and Rouge Terrorist Organization and their operations doesn't count, like I said some would say the people who are attacking Turkey from Syria are trained/armed by US (again US presence and meddling in affairs which they have no business of). Turkey and Greece are both NATO countries and despite their ramblings and firey statements both countries know there is no chance of a full scale war, but again Add USA into any of the equation and see how dead conflicts suddenly becomes flashpoints.
Last Iran/Israel is concerned, the world is witnessing the Chaos perpetrated/supported by the USA, Iran has no Direct conflict with USA, but USA is eager to destroy Iran on behalf of Israel/GCC same world police thing, I don't think you are that naïve to believe USA has any conflict with Iran except that they are acting on behalf of Israel/GCC. But like I mentioned USA putting its foot into Israel's court by threatening many nations of full destruction to protect a tiny illegal Apartheid racist state, USA is threatening ICC/ICJ and other UN human right bodies to take action to protect one rough nation, which they well know is the only cause of unrest in the region, But we know America is doing so to create Chaos in the region so they can benefit from that, stealing resources from Syria/Iraq despite their people hate American presence but yet US is there, And when someone kill American soldiers in return America kill more civilians which angers more people and cycle continues.
People ALWAYS dies
People ALWAYS work for money
There are ALWAYS war.
People Always dies, doesn't give US right to kill them as well in their own countries.
People Always works for Money doesn't give US right to blackmail or bribe leaders from Foreign nations.
There are always Wars but you can't justify US wars with the logic that if it was not America than China or Russia or XYZ country would, we don't know that... American's assumption is based on the fact that China would do the same thing if they were Super power but we have no seen China invaded a single country with hope of occupying it, not even a tiny island which they considered their own, and yet USA has invaded/occupied territories on the bases of lies and false pretext so yes when it comes to Wars China is far better than America and even Russia has less blood on their hands than America.

It would have been the same even if US does not ever exist, or China, Russia, or [insert a random country name here] got to the top after WW2 instead of the US, the situation will be the same, just that it would be a different group of people bitching about it.........
This is just an Assumption, You and other Americans have ZERO evidence that Russia would do the same or China would or XYZ. You can't justify US wars by saying others will do the same if they had the power.
US force will never stay in their own border due to the establishment of NATO

The issue here is, the world will see more war than before if and when US weren't there to police it, like the US and its direction or not, we had more than 1000 wars in the world (30% of those are in Europe) during 1800-1900 period compared to about 250 since US became a superpower.

You need a body to tower over everyone so people would think twice before starting a war. Sadly, I wasn't talking about United Nation.
so, why are there no wars in China's neighborhoods, e.g., Southeast Asia, Central Asia, East Asia, etc.? And there are always wars near NATO countries?
It was a botched withdrawal

the US still haven't learned

USA has bases all round china in Japan south Korea phillipines and soon will have repair docks in India too .
So don't really need Afghanistan
They can park up in ladakh if they bring raptors and lightening and USA special forces
This is just an Assumption, You and other Americans have ZERO evidence that Russia would do the same or China would or XYZ. You can't justify US wars by saying others will do the same if they had the power.

I am not going to reply to whole thing, I mean, you see things your way, I see thing my way, everyone sees things differently. Does that mean you are right, and I am wrong? I don't know. Maybe or maybe not, I mean, call me jaded, but seeing things on the dark side, I mean, there are not much I believe in, that's my world view, we can talk about what justify and what is not, at the end of the day, what you think and what I think didn't really matter, if you get the short straw, well, bad luck I guess, but that's my world view.

The quoted part reminds me of a commander I know when I was still serving. I don't quite remember what he said exactly (It was decade ago), but his point was something like this

Can we live in our own society, our own country without Police and Law Enforcement? I mean if we all act within our boundary, mind our own business and never cross the line, why would we need the Police force? Now, if we can't trust our own citizens to act within our boundary, mind our own business and never cross the line, then how do we trust someone from somewhere else?

On the other hand, the line is man made, I mean take Russian invasion of Ukraine for example, if you ask the Russian, that line had not been cross, because that line is that it was NATO who encroaching Russia, they were forced to do it, and they think they are entitled to. But then, if you ask the same question to the Ukrainian, would they think the same? Thinking that line was not crossed by the Russian? You see, things always have 2 sides, and nobody in the world can stand on both.

As I said, I know enough to know if this was not us, it would be someone else, the world you think does not exist, I mean if we can all live amongst each other and sing Kumbaya every day, wouldn't it be nice? But then the reality is someone killing some other people because they have a better car, better wife or better house, things that not really that important, and you think we should just mind our own business? Well, thanks but no thanks, if someone had to take on those stuff, it may as well be us.
so, why are there no wars in China's neighborhoods, e.g., Southeast Asia, Central Asia, East Asia, etc.? And there are always wars near NATO countries?
No war on Chinese Neighbor??




That's just battle or war that involved China since 1949. (So it's some 70 years ), there is a seperate page for war and battle in South East Asia and Asia as a whole

Just because they didn't teach you anything on your History class does not mean it didn't exist........
No war on Chinese Neighbor??

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That's just battle or war that involved China since 1949. (So it's some 70 years ), there is a seperate page for war and battle in South East Asia and Asia as a whole

Just because they didn't teach you anything on your History class does not mean it didn't exist........
I'm talking about right now. There's no war in Southeast Asia, East Asia, or Central Asia right now.

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