Trump Wishes Americans Stayed in Afghanistan To Fight China

I'm talking about right now. There's no war in Southeast Asia, East Asia, or Central Asia right now.
What is "right now"? As in "now" now as I type? or as in 2 weeks ago? or as in 2 years ago? Because Ukraine war is just 2 years old.......

And I am talking about the past 100 years, and you are talking "right now" whatever that mean. Yes, no war right now mean it is secure in the next 100 years, what kind of logic is that?.
US forces in Afghanistan is a win for us. Won't happen though - Trump is playing to the gallery.

If it was to happen - we ought to not play both sides - let the Taliban take the full brunt and support the US. We also ought to deport all the refugees and close our borders for trade.

Let the Taliban learn a lesson and let the US rely on us for a bit. Trump is a businessman - see if we can work out some benefits for the people rather than F-solah.

If the Americans don't want an anti American South and Central Asia - they'd do well to work with our genuine democratic leadership, build relationships that are beneficial for our populous rather than the elite and don't impose anti Pakistani govts in Afghanistan.

Both sides need to learn a lesson from 2 decades of failure.
I am not going to reply to whole thing, I mean, you see things your way, I see thing my way, everyone sees things differently. Does that mean you are right, and I am wrong? I don't know.
At least you didn't told me to go back to my country if I don't like USA Govt foreign policy of wars chaos so for the least you are better than many other American members here, I have to give you that. But in the end, lets agree to that we both have our own way of seeing things.
At least you didn't told me to go back to my country if I don't like USA Govt foreign policy of wars chaos so for the least you are better than many other American members here, I have to give you that. But in the end, lets agree to that we both have our own way of seeing things.
The "go back to whatever you are from" argument is a lost argument. Basically it had no point, US was build in as a melting pot, which mean there are going to be different opinion from different people coming from around the world.

Whether or not I agree or disagree yours or anyone point is not the matter here, the issue here is It's okay to disagree because we aren't going to have the same opinion, what matter is I respect yours even if I don't agree on, because I can't think for you, and I won't think for you. That's the beauty of independent thinking.

It's like John Becker (One of my favourite show of all time) said at the end of this clip

"You are free not to like me either, as long as you are doing it for the right reason"
The "go back to whatever you are from" argument is a lost argument. Basically it had no point, US was build in as a melting pot, which mean there are going to be different opinion from different people coming from around the world.

Whether or not I agree or disagree yours or anyone point is not the matter here, the issue here is It's okay to disagree because we aren't going to have the same opinion, what matter is I respect yours even if I don't agree on, because I can't think for you, and I won't think for you. That's the beauty of independent thinking.

It's like John Becker (One of my favourite show of all time) said at the end of this clip

"You are free not to like me either, as long as you are doing it for the right reason"
That makes you one of the better ones, I have repeated many times I have no problems with American people or country, only their Foreign policies and wars which Millions of Americans opposes. Often times emotional people consider criticism of American wars to America, and when they can't respond they say things like " Go back or why are you in America " etc.
I always enjoy discussing things with you regardless of our disagreements because you are not blind patriot, which makes it easier to discuss things with you.
That makes you one of the better ones, I have repeated many times I have no problems with American people or country, only their Foreign policies and wars which Millions of Americans opposes. Often times emotional people consider criticism of American wars to America, and when they can't respond they say things like " Go back or why are you in America " etc.
I always enjoy discussing things with you regardless of our disagreements because you are not blind patriot, which makes it easier to discuss things with you.
Exactly you are right. Nothing wrong with USA or American people.

But it is the foreign policy and imperial wars fought by the American government, which leads people to criticize USA.

Personally I think its stupid to say "Go back to where you come from, or leave USA."

Give the American land back to the Native Americans, you hypocrites.

So true, the millions of Americans who oppose the imperial wars done against other peoples and nations.
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Well, that's historical there's that, I mean this is a fact that we had less war than before than we have just 100 years ago, the opinion from those fact can be drawn for just about everything.

On the other hand, rule number 1 for war is if there are two parties, then you will have a war, this world have 197 different countries. If we live in a perfect world, where people respect other people, country respect other countries boundaries, then yes, we don't need a superpower to control the world. The fact is, we weren't living in a perfect world.

I don't like to fight someone else's war, nobody does, but then would it be better if we just stay in our lane and mind our own business? Well, I wanted to say yes, but experience and my brain tells me no. It would have been the same even if US does not ever exist, or China, Russia, or [insert a random country name here] got to the top after WW2 instead of the US, the situation will be the same, just that it would be a different group of people bitching about it.........
1.China is one party in power, United States is two parties in power, it seems that you think China's political system is better?
2.More and more people around the world are opposing United States as the world's policeman. Not because people don't like order, but because this police officer is corrupt, selfish, and double standard. Russia was banned from the Olympics, and even Belarus. At the same time Israel not, after killing 20,000 children. The devil Netanyahu gave a speech to the United States Congress and was welcomed by all politicians. After Iran received the Mossad bombing, United States' allies United Kingdom, France, and Germany demanded that Iran refrain from retaliation for the sake of regional peace and stability. At the same time, the United States bombed Yemen.People are fed up with the current police, that's all.
3.Even if the Western media continues to demonize China, people like you continue to propagate that China will wage war and genocide in the future like the United States. But so what? It can't be worse than the order laid down by the bullies right now.Having already experienced President Trump and Biden, why not give Harris a try?

Afghanistani people do not want outsiders in their country.

Nor do the Afghan Taliban want that either.

Good riddance to shitty USA and NATO. Good they ran away from Afghanistan.
1.China is one party in power, United States is two parties in power, it seems that you think China's political system is better?
2.More and more people around the world are opposing United States as the world's policeman. Not because people don't like order, but because this police officer is corrupt, selfish, and double standard. Russia was banned from the Olympics, and even Belarus. At the same time Israel not, after killing 20,000 children. The devil Netanyahu gave a speech to the United States Congress and was welcomed by all politicians. After Iran received the Mossad bombing, United States' allies United Kingdom, France, and Germany demanded that Iran refrain from retaliation for the sake of regional peace and stability. At the same time, the United States bombed Yemen.People are fed up with the current police, that's all.
3.Even if the Western media continues to demonize China, people like you continue to propagate that China will wage war and genocide in the future like the United States. But so what? It can't be worse than the order laid down by the bullies right now.Having already experienced President Trump and Biden, why not give Harris a try?
1.) I never said that I said every government are going to be the same.

2.) What have IOC have to do with the US. You can petition to IOC to ban Israel as much as the American or anyone. This is about who give more money to IOC and control their function, they are an organisation, not charity, they run on money just like everyone else. If you want them to ban Israel, all you need to do is to dangle a lot of cash in front of them (Not actual cash but TV rights, merchandise right and so on) They will do whatever you say. Or you are that naive to believe IOC is neutral, just like anything else?

On the other hand, being a world police that have their priority is not about corruption, because unlike any countries police force, where they are duty bound to protect you because your tax pay their salary, US as a force to police the world is on demand basis, and they won't do anything that did not benefit them, if you want them to intervene you need it to benefit them, not you. I always said the term "World Police" is wrong, because that imply they are duty bound, they are doing this because they need to, it's actually more like a "World Security Guard" you want it to do something, you pay for their service, because no one is going to do it just because it is from the bottom of their heart, and they are not expecting to either, because you expect a country to serve their interest first. I mean is it a wrong thing for US to look after American interest first? As much as China to look after Chinese interest first? Or Russia to look after the Russian interest first? You don't go help a third world country because it suited their need, it ALWAYS it is because it suited yours

3.) That's actually my point, do you really think if US does not exist, then there will be no war, or no genocide committed somewhere? No, simply because it is a fact that all those thing existed long before a country called "The United States" exist, and it most likely continue to exist after any country turn over, including the United States. Unless there are no one left in this world to fight other anymore.

History always are violent, only ideology is peaceful, but ideology alone won't survive history, you don't need to look far, how many war did the Chinese fought amongst themselves or other during their 5000 years history. Some of the world most bloodied war happened in the 5 nations 10 kingdom (五代十國) period.

You can talk about which philosophy which country use, that's always peaceful, because we are just talking about implimentation, but when you have to apply said principal? It's AL:WAYS, I say again, ALWAYS got bloodied, it doesn't matter which country you are talking it about.
1.) I never said that I said every government are going to be the same.

2.) What have IOC have to do with the US. You can petition to IOC to ban Israel as much as the American or anyone. This is about who give more money to IOC and control their function, they are an organisation, not charity, they run on money just like everyone else. If you want them to ban Israel, all you need to do is to dangle a lot of cash in front of them (Not actual cash but TV rights, merchandise right and so on) They will do whatever you say. Or you are that naive to believe IOC is neutral, just like anything else?

On the other hand, being a world police that have their priority is not about corruption, because unlike any countries police force, where they are duty bound to protect you because your tax pay their salary, US as a force to police the world is on demand basis, and they won't do anything that did not benefit them, if you want them to intervene you need it to benefit them, not you. I always said the term "World Police" is wrong, because that imply they are duty bound, they are doing this because they need to, it's actually more like a "World Security Guard" you want it to do something, you pay for their service, because no one is going to do it just because it is from the bottom of their heart, and they are not expecting to either, because you expect a country to serve their interest first. I mean is it a wrong thing for US to look after American interest first? As much as China to look after Chinese interest first? Or Russia to look after the Russian interest first? You don't go help a third world country because it suited their need, it ALWAYS it is because it suited yours

3.) That's actually my point, do you really think if US does not exist, then there will be no war, or no genocide committed somewhere? No, simply because it is a fact that all those thing existed long before a country called "The United States" exist, and it most likely continue to exist after any country turn over, including the United States. Unless there are no one left in this world to fight other anymore.

History always are violent, only ideology is peaceful, but ideology alone won't survive history, you don't need to look far, how many war did the Chinese fought amongst themselves or other during their 5000 years history. Some of the world most bloodied war happened in the 5 nations 10 kingdom (五代十國) period.

You can talk about which philosophy which country use, that's always peaceful, because we are just talking about implimentation, but when you have to apply said principal? It's AL:WAYS, I say again, ALWAYS got bloodied, it doesn't matter which country you are talking it about.
Your answer is frank and sincere,a kind of realism and Darwinism,which is better than most western politicians or Chinese who hate their own country.

You know something about Chinese history. I'm not sure if you're of Chinese descent.The 5 Dynasties 10 Kingdoms were the most divided period in China, including the Three Kingdoms period, where division and chaos meant war and death, and this chaos could even spill over to neighboring countries. This period is similar to that of World War II, when various forces competed for power and territory.But when China was dominated by one power, the society was stable, the Han Empire and the Tang Empire. If you read more Chinese history. You will find the kings of China governed the country in two ways, "霸道" and "王道". "霸道", like the way the United States dominates the world today, which has been proven by many dynasties to be insustainable. The other "王道" is a way of asking kings to be benevolent, moral, and fair.

The world does need a force to maintain order, whether it is called "police", "security guard", or even "mafia and Yamaguchi-gumi".I don't want to play with words or make moral judgments. The reality is that more and more people around the world are dissatisfied with this "rules-based international order" and a lot of people are trying to break it.

No one thinks that without United States there would be no war and chaos. People just feel that it's time for a change of "security guard". The next thirty years will be more chaotic, and then the world will get a new order.
Your answer is frank and sincere,a kind of realism and Darwinism,which is better than most western politicians or Chinese who hate their own country.

You know something about Chinese history. I'm not sure if you're of Chinese descent.The 5 Dynasties 10 Kingdoms were the most divided period in China, including the Three Kingdoms period, where division and chaos meant war and death, and this chaos could even spill over to neighboring countries. This period is similar to that of World War II, when various forces competed for power and territory.But when China was dominated by one power, the society was stable, the Han Empire and the Tang Empire. If you read more Chinese history. You will find the kings of China governed the country in two ways, "霸道" and "王道". "霸道", like the way the United States dominates the world today, which has been proven by many dynasties to be insustainable. The other "王道" is a way of asking kings to be benevolent, moral, and fair.

The world does need a force to maintain order, whether it is called "police", "security guard", or even "mafia and Yamaguchi-gumi".I don't want to play with words or make moral judgments. The reality is that more and more people around the world are dissatisfied with this "rules-based international order" and a lot of people are trying to break it.

No one thinks that without United States there would be no war and chaos. People just feel that it's time for a change of "security guard". The next thirty years will be more chaotic, and then the world will get a new order.

The true value of American society is Social Darwinism. It means that the rules of the game at the bottom of the world order controlled by the United States Government are also biased in favor of Social Darwinism.

Social Darwinists' perception of rights is close to that of <商君书> written in China in 260 BC. Its core idea is that the ultimate purpose of any action taken by a regime should be to maintain the order and stability of the regime, rather than to pursue fairness and justice. The pursuit of fairness and justice is only a non-essential means to an end, not the ultimate end. In order to maintain the order and stability of the regime, the regime should integrate the most capable elite into the ruling group with generous treatment, and then use the six methods (弱民、愚民、疲民、辱民、贫民、虐民) to control the remaining civilians.

So the world the U.S. constructs with Social Darwinism is this: form a world domination group (G7) to maintain stability and order, and then use six methods of domination to exploit and oppress the remaining countries.
1, 弱民 Keep these countries from having a strong enough force that they can't resist the G7's domination.
2, 愚民 2. It is forbidden to disseminate any values and ideas that might jeopardize domination, such as communist ideas, etc. Suppress the development of education and ideas in other countries, control the media and public opinion, and use the immigration system to transfer the best elites to the ruling clique.
3, 疲民 plunged the people of these countries into long hours of work and fatigue, with no time or energy for reflection and resistance.
4, 辱民 By using racism and cultural superiority to insult other peoples, these populations will value the nationality of the ruling group even more, and the less respect the population has, the more they will seek power, and the poorer they are, the more they will value wealth. People have no self-respect and self-confidence and will abandon their conscience and morals in order to obtain power and wealth.
5, 贫民 The people of the non-ruling group countries were made to earn only enough to satisfy their hunger and have no extra wealth to accumulate. If the people hover around the subsistence level, and the people are constantly tortured, then each and every one of them will be reduced to a tool of the ruling group, only knowing how to work hard and not having time to think. At the same time, by making the people of these countries hate each other and feel threatened by other countries, they can be more grateful to the ruling group and embrace the rule.
6, 虐民 Violence is used to purge regimes of opponents, and conspiracies are used to overthrow uncooperative regimes. Leave the remaining countries with no choice but to cooperate.

<商君书> The propagated social Darwinist view of domination has been banned and criticized by Chinese society for 2,000 years. It is alien to our revered Confucianism. Yet it is similar to Machiavelli's <Il Principe>.
The United States has made the ideas we have hated and banned for 2,000 years the underlying values of this world, and it is totally incompatible with our traditional Confucianism. We are acutely aware that this ideology will inevitably lead to the division and destruction of human civilization, just as it destroyed the Qin Dynasty in China. Yet the Americans regard it as the secret recipe for domination. This is the greatest point of conflict between us and the Americans.
China is a neighbor, not a temporary one.

If you learn how China handles Burma and the Golden Triangle, you'll realize how naive your thinking is.

What's an Afghanistan when China can clean up the world's largest drug production base and control hundreds of warlord-ridden regions?

Afghanistan's biggest problem is the lack of water, which is needed in large quantities to mine lithium and copper. In Central Asia, only Tajikistan can provide large amounts of water. Although relations between the Taliban and Tajikistan are bad, relations between Tajikistan and China are very good. So the problem is solved.
The Talibs should find a way to mend fences with their neighbors to be seen as a stable force in the region and not one that extra-regional powers can convince the neighbors to get rid of.

Considering Afghanistan’s need to manage their water resources (coming from the rivers from Tajikistan) to go big in mining, they should look for a deal between themselves, Tajikistan, China, and Pakistan. A dam on the Amu darya and Chitral rivers in exchange for a connection to the Pakistani power grid and a rail line between Chitral (KPK; Pakistan proper for all international intents and purposes) and Tajikistan.

Tajikistan is the neighbor that would most want to see the talibs out of power, but if there was an economic incentive to work with them, it could create the foundations for a long term relationship. Otherwise, neighboring countries wouldn’t really care if their regime endured or not.
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It's a good thing to say that USA should have evacuated from Afghanistan ASAP. The Chinese are going to have a tough time mining Afghanistan in a profitable manner.
That was the initial plan but Afghans were not being able to tamed....
I'm talking about right now. There's no war in Southeast Asia, East Asia, or Central Asia right now.
Myanmar civil war is on going, and right on china’s border.

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