Turkish Air Force | News & Discussions


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Jul 6, 2017
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White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby

"If Turkiye addresses the US's concerns about the S-400s, it is possible to join the F-35 program again."

Turkish F-35 & Pilots training at Luke AFB ... 27.02.2019


6 Turkish F-35s have been in storage since 2019

The day this photo was leaked, KAAN maiden flight was scheduled , but has been postponed to a later date.

Ministry of National Defense sources:
The F-35 issue has been talked about and discussed a lot. There is no change in the stance of both countries right now. At this stage, the statements made by the USA should be considered as a declaration of good faith. If there is any change or development in this regard, we will inform you.
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Turkiye will continue its demand for Eurofighter

💢 Ministry of National Defense sources stated that Turkiye's demand for Eurofighter Typhoon warplane continues.

🗣️ "Germany's positive approach on this issue is expected from the consortium countries. Negotiations and studies continue."

Turkiye wants to buy 40 Eurofighters


WASHINGTON, January 26, 2024 - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Republic of Türkiye of F-16 Aircraft Acquisition and Modernization and related equipment for an estimated cost of $23.0 billion. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.

-- to buy 40 new F-16 block70 ( 32 F-16C and 8 F-16D )
-- to modernize 79 existing F-16 aircraft to V-Configuration.
-- 48 F110-GE-129D Engines
-- 149 Improved Programmable Display Generators (iPDG)
-- 149 AN/APG-83 AESA Scalable Agile Beam Radars
-- 169 Modular Mission Computers (MMC) 7000AHC

-- 159 Embedded Global Positioning System (GPS) Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) (EGI) with Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Module (SAASM)

-- 168 Integrated Viper Electronic Warfare Suite (IVEWS)
-- 858 LAU-129 guided missile launchers
-- 44 M61 Vulcan cannons

-- 151 Multifunctional Information Distribution System-Joint Tactical Radio Systems (MIDS-JTRS)

-- 16 AN/AAQ-33 Sniper Advanced Targeting Pods
-- 952 Advanced Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM) AIM-120C-8
-- 401 AIM-9X Block II Sidewinder Air-to-Air Missiles

-- 96 AGM-88B High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missiles (HARM)
-- 96 AGM-88E Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missiles

-- 864 GBU-39/B Small Diameter Bombs Increment 1 (SDB-1)
-- 850 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM)
-- 200 JDAM KMU-557 tail kits for GBU-31v3
-- 384 JDAM KMU-559 tail kits for GBU-32
-- 1,050 FMU-152 fuzes

and Active Optical Target Detectors (AOTD)
Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS) II
Infrared Search and Track (IRST) Pods
AN/ALE-47 Countermeasure Dispenser Systems

40 new F-16 block70 ( 32 F-16C and 8 F-16D )
79 existing F-16 aircraft to VIPER-Configuration.

149 AN/APG-83 AESA Scalable Agile Beam Radars

952 Advanced Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM) AIM-120C8

401 AIM-9X Block II Sidewinder Air-to-Air Missiles

96 AGM-88B High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missiles (HARM)
96 AGM-88E Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missiles

While Türkiye had previously announced the first flight as 2025-2026, this was brought forward 1 year

If NO F35
We have KAAN

See this spectacular and smooth takeoff and landing
The Turkish Engineer friends who designed the aerodynamics did a great job.

The pride of the Turkish defense and Aviation industry
▪️December 14, 2022: Bayraktar KIZILELMA first flight
▪️25 April 2023: HÜRJET first flight
▪️28 December 2023: ANKA-III first flight
▪️21 February 2024: KAAN first flight
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US sent letter of approval for Türkiye's F-16 acquisition​


President ERDOGAN said on Monday that Türkiye is concentrated on F-16 fighter jets rather than F-35s, as the U.S. sale of F-16 fighter jets to Ankara is considered final. "We are locked on the F-16s rather than the F-35s

Türkiye expects 'positive approach' from Germany to buy Eurofighters​


Sources from the Defense Ministry said Thursday that Türkiye was pursuing a deal to obtain Eurofighter jets from a European consortium. They stated that technical talks were underway with the United Kingdom and representatives of the jet's manufacturer and awaited "a positive approach" from Germany, a member of the European consortium behind the production.

Aselsa MURAD AESA Radar

With the ASELSAN TOLUN Guided Munition, which will reinforce the deterrent power of the Turkish Air Force, precision strike competence has been gained on up to 8 different targets in one sortie with a single Aircraft

Weight: 139 kg
Warhead : 20 kg
Range: 100+ km from F-16
Guidance: GPS / INS

TOLUN-IIR will have the ability to hit moving targets
AKINCI UCAV accurately hit the target 100km away with its CAKIR cruise missile

CAKIR owes the ability to engage targets with high precision under all weather conditions to its advanced mid-phase and terminal phase guidance systems.

Network-based datalink facilitates Man-in-the-Loop capability for target update

CAKIR’s ability for super sea-skimming and terrain masking in combination with radar-absorbing structure minimizes the detectability by enemy air-defence systems.

Thanks to its Antijam GNSS and altimeter-supported inertial navigation system, CAKIR continues on its trajectory even in the event of intense electronic jamming.

Range : 150+ km
Weight : 275 kg
Warhead : 70 kg
Speed : High Subsonic (Mach 0.85)
DatalinkNetwork-Based Bidirectional Datalink

Mid-Phase Guidance:
Inertial Navigation System
Antijam Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
Radar Altimeter
Barometric Altimeter
Terrain Referenced Navigation System

Terminal Phase Guidance: Imaging Infrared-IIR . RF Seeker Hybrid (IIR+RF) Seeker

Powered by indigenous KTJ-1750 turbojet Engine
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AKINCI UCAV accurately hit the target 100km away with its CAKIR cruise missile

CAKIR owes the ability to engage targets with high precision under all weather conditions to its advanced mid-phase and terminal phase guidance systems.

Network-based datalink facilitates Man-in-the-Loop capability for target update

CAKIR’s ability for super sea-skimming and terrain masking in combination with radar-absorbing structure minimizes the detectability by enemy air-defence systems.

Thanks to its Antijam GNSS and altimeter-supported inertial navigation system, CAKIR continues on its trajectory even in the event of intense electronic jamming.

Range : 150+ km
Weight : 275 kg
Warhead : 70 kg
Speed : High Subsonic (Mach 0.85)
DatalinkNetwork-Based Bidirectional Datalink

Mid-Phase Guidance:
Inertial Navigation System
Antijam Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
Radar Altimeter
Barometric Altimeter
Terrain Referenced Navigation System

Terminal Phase Guidance: Imaging Infrared-IIR . RF Seeker Hybrid (IIR+RF) Seeker

View attachment 23016
View attachment 23022
Pinpoint accuracy, 100 percent success. 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Historical development in the air: National AESA radar is now on F-16 OZGUR
Turkiye takes its place among the few countries in the global arena with this technology.

Aselsan MURAD AESA Radar made its first flight with the F-16, which was localized within the scope of the OZGUR Project

produced with 100% national resources, from chip level to final system integration.

next platforms are AKINCI , HÜRJET, KIZILELMA, ANKA-3

Very assertive claims about Aselsan AESA Radar

The chips produced at the AB Micronano Laboratory, established in partnership with ASELSAN and Bilkent University, have taken MURAD AESA to a higher level than its American counterparts. It is stated that the national AESA radar has twice the sending and receiving capacity of the AN/APG-77 type radar used on F-22


It is claimed that with the new technological level achieved with GaN modules, the national AESA radar can scan a range of approximately 500 km in the air.

The range of AN/APG-77 on F-22 mention a range of approximately 250 km for a radar cross-sectional area (RCS) definition of 1 square meter. In other words, the F-22 radar can detect a 1 square meter RCS tracked object from a distance exceeding 200 km

It is stated that new generation GaN technologies can increase this range to 500 km. Aselsan MURAD radar incorporates this technology

Are you saying MURAD AESA can detect 1sq meter target from 500km distance? Is that what you're saying?

A month ago
You made fun on me when I said BURFIS AESA Radar will detect 1m2 RCS target from 200km away

Now TRTHABER says Aselsan AESA Radar has higher level than its American counterparts.
It is stated that the national AESA radar has twice the sending and receiving capacity of the AN/APG-77 Radar used on F-22

AN/APG-77 Radar detect Aircraft from 500 km away and 1m2 RCS target from 200+ km away

so with the new technological level achieved with GaN modules, MURAD AESA radar can scan a max range of approximately 500 km in the air

That will be enough to detect 1 m2 RCS target from 200 km away to fire GOKHAN ramjet powered long range air to air Missile

and BURFIS AESA Radar will be more powerful than both MURAD and AN/APG-77 Radars

Aselsan MURAD AESA Radar with 1280 GaN T/R modules
Aselsan BURFIS AESA Radar with 2000+ GaN T/R modules

AN/APG-77 AESA Radar with 1.956 GaAS T/R modules

RAFALE Fighter Jet has RBE2 AESA Radar with 838 GaAs T/R modules and detect 1m2 RCS target from 110-130 km away

RAFALE : 1 m2
F-16V block70 : 1 m2

KAAN Fighter Jet even with GE F110 Engines has much lower RCS than RAFALE and F-16V
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