Turkish Air Force | News & Discussions

Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler .... 02.05.2024

"HAVASOJ is very important.
TAI and Aselsan are carrying out intensive activities. 4 of our Aircraft will be ready in 2025 and 2026."

HAVASOJ Airborne Stand off Jammer
Airborne SOJ will be produced for the purpose of detecting and diagnosing enemy communication systems and radars (air defense, early warning, etc.), finding their location, and mixing and deceiving these systems in order not to use them against friendly elements, especially in cross border operations
View attachment 37821

HAVASOJ will combine many different electronic warfare capabilities on a single Aircraft

-- Radar Electronic Support and Electronic Attack Sub System
-- Communication Electronic Support and Electronic Attack Sub System
-- Self Protection Sub System
-- Communication and Tactical Data-Link Sub System
-- Sense and counter measure capabilities of Radar and Missile threats
-- AESA Technology

View attachment 37822

Turkey needs to build its own AWACS. Not necessarily the plane itself, but the avionics. I suspect in the coming years sensor platforms will become more and more key, and I really doubt more Wedgetails are coming with the Greek, Armenian, PKK and Israeli lobbies in Washington. They will lobby to keep Turkey from gaining strength.

It might be worth approaching a non US/EU plane make like Embraer and having them supply the platform, to then have Aselsan develop into a domestic AWACS and ELINT aircraft like the Israelis have done with the Elta EL/W-2085 and EL/W-2090.
Turkey needs to build its own AWACS. Not necessarily the plane itself, but the avionics. I suspect in the coming years sensor platforms will become more and more key, and I really doubt more Wedgetails are coming with the Greek, Armenian, PKK and Israeli lobbies in Washington. They will lobby to keep Turkey from gaining strength.

TURAF has 4 Boeing E-7T AEWC since 2015 ... ( most modern AEWC fleet in the region even in Europe ) ..... We can use them for 20 years

and Turkiye has GaN based AESA Radar technology
ERALP AESA Radar was able to detect and track the International Space Station ( RCS dbm2 of 31 ) at a range of 729 km and an altitude of 423 km

Turkiye can buy Platform and can integrate the Avionics into the Aircraft for national AWACS project

If Sweden has done it with the ERIEYE Radar then Turkiye also easily can do it with ASELSAN

Turkiye has enough technology to develop
-- Stand off Jammer Aircraft
-- Anti Submarine Warfare Aircraft

We can buy Aircraft from Canada , Brazil even from Ukraine
or Turkish Airlines have hundreds of Planes for AWACS project
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I suspect the Germans may cause problems here as well..

Turkish Airlines buys 350 new Planes from AIRBUS for $70 billion
also Turkish Airlines negotiates with Airbus and Boeing to buy another 235 Planes

Turkiye should use this mega purchase and put pressure on Germany via AIRBUS
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Turkish Airlines buys 350 new Planes from AIRBUS for $70 billion
also Turkish Airlines negotiates with Airbus and Boeing to buy another 235 Planes

Turkiye should use this mega purchase and put pressure on Germany via AIRBUS

They don't care, the Germans are delulu and vindictive, they are still mad about the whole Northern Syria operation and have been behaving incredibly hostile towards Turkey, with no reset, even with changing circumstances, and treat the relationship as transactional not as a partnership, and I suspect they see Turkey as enemy, even though they don't say it out in the open, same with the other western euopeans, France, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Norway, etc.

Turkey has friends of course, Italy, Spain, UK, Hungary. But the North western EU state are always stuckup and have a thinly veiled contempt towards Turkey, they think they are better than everyone else or something.
TURAF has 4 Boeing E-7T AEWC since 2015 ... ( most modern AEWC fleet in the region even in Europe ) ..... We can use them for 20 years

and Turkiye has GaN based AESA Radar technology
ERALP AESA Radar was able to detect and track the International Space Station ( RCS dbm2 of 31 ) at a range of 729 km and an altitude of 423 km
View attachment 37865

Turkiye can buy Platform and can integrate the Avionics into the Aircraft for national AWACS project

If Sweden has done it with the ERIEYE Radar then Turkiye also easily can do it with ASELSAN

Turkiye has enough technology to develop
-- Stand off Jammer Aircraft
-- Anti Submarine Warfare Aircraft

We can buy Aircraft from Canada , Brazil even from Ukraine
or Turkish Airlines have hundreds of Planes for AWACS project

They definitely will need more than 4 AWACS, its not just Turkish Airspace that you need to worry about, but other operations for example around eastern Mediterranean like Cyprus and Libya and other operations. Plus as we have seen in the Russia Ukraine war, they are crucial and the attrition rate and operational availability can be challenging.
They definitely will need more than 4 AWACS, its not just Turkish Airspace that you need to worry about, but other operations for example around eastern Mediterranean like Cyprus and Libya and other operations. Plus as we have seen in the Russia Ukraine war, they are crucial and the attrition rate and operational availability can be challenging.

4 AWACS are enough for now
but 4 more Turkish AWACS would be better ..... ASELSAN has these technologies to develop AWACS

1 Boeing E-7T AEWC can control whole Eastern Mediterranean through 600 km AESA Radar

We will use 3 AKINCI UAVs at the same time for AWACS role 7/24

AKINCI-C equipped with 1.700 hp Engines to carry MURAD AESA Radar

3 AKINCI UAVs can control 300-400 km line in the Eastern Mediterranean from Crete to Cyprus

Also Turkish ERALP Early Warning AESA Radars enter service which can see Fighter Jets over Athens or Crete
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Also Turkish ERALP Early Warning AESA Radars enter service which can see Fighter Jets over Athens or Crete
Good thing "Turkish weapons are not for Greece,we need them for others".
Good thing "Turkish weapons are not for Greece,we need them for others".

The Franco-Greek defence agreement is a threat to Turkiye

Greece buys Weapons only for Turkiye
Turkiye buys weapons for France-Greece , Russia , Iran .. even Egypt for Libya
The Franco-Greek defence agreement is a threat to Turkiye

Greece buys Weapons only for Turkiye
Turkiye buys weapons for France-Greece , Russia , Iran .. even Egypt for Libya
top officials in Turkey and Iran will avoid war at all costs, they have very warm relations behind the scenes despite some disagreements and even supporting opposing sides in many conflicts. for example, Turkey secretly helped Iran evade sanctions in the hardest years for Iran.

but Turkey has no real ABM systems and isn't 1200km away like Israel. it has no defence against Iranian missiles. that said, Turkey's conventional military is much more capable than Iran and any conflict would likely end in a stalemate with major pointless damage to both sides.
but Turkey has no real ABM systems and isn't 1200km away like Israel. it has no defence against Iranian missiles. that said, Turkey's conventional military is much more capable than Iran and any conflict would likely end in a stalemate with major pointless damage to both sides.

And Iran doesnt have modern Air Force to stop 234 Turkish F-16s to carry thousands of NEB Bombs which carry 500 kg warhead to destroy a building

and Turkiye can build 100 NEB Bombs in price of 1 MRBM

Also Turkiye has Ballistic Missiles to hit Teheran and other Iranian cities
and Iran doesnt have real ABM systems

Turkish SIPER AD System will have Ballistic Missile interceptor capability in 2028
also KAAN , ANKA-3 and KIZILELMA stealth platforms are coming for 2028

btw Our biggest weapon is 40 million Turks in Iran ...

Iran can fire Missiles ... nothing else
Turkiye-Azerbaijan can take TABRIZ

Iran sometimes threatens Azerbaijan
but Iran never can fight Turkiye-Azerbaijan
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And Iran doesnt have modern Air Force to stop 234 Turkish F-16s to carry thousands of NEB Bombs which can destroy a building
air defence is enough for that and the jets will be destroyed on the ground with missiles
and Turkiye can build 100 NEB Bombs in price of 1 MRBM
find that hard to believe
Also Turkiye has Ballistic Missiles to hit Teheran and other Iranian cities
and Iran doesnt have real ABM systems
didn't deny it
btw Our biggest weapon is 40 million Turks in Iran ...
wow 50% of our entire population, mashallah

our biggest weapon is 200 billion Iranic Kurds in turkey
Iran can fire Missiles ... nothing else
Turkiye-Azerbaijan can take TABRIZ

Iran sometimes threatens Azerbaijan
but Iran never can fight Turkiye-Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan is irrelevant and why should iran threaten turkey, it's not an enemy
air defence is enough for that and the jets will be destroyed on the ground with missiles

Only dont hit civil Plane please

wow 50% of our entire population, mashallah

our biggest weapon is 200 billion Iranic Kurds in turkey

Kurds dont care about Iran
but TURKS in Iran are with Turkiye-Azerbaijan


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