What book are you reading?

A luxurious myth us plebes can only dream of, Sir.. :D
You of all people have no right to say that. You get enough free time to enjoy your hobbies.
My all time favorite, Raja Gidh by Banu Qudsia.
Design and test reports.
I hate my life. 😔
16 ways to defend a city by KJ Parker
Circa 1780, Pennsylvania would also become the first state to pass some early gradual abolition law. Though it was limited (manumission for all children of slaves when they reached ~ 28 years old),these both convinced forten to sign up for privateer ship "Royal Louis" at 14 years old....commanded by iirc a Captain Decatur.
Not exactly a book, but related to my earlier post. This is anyway something like a short audiobook I suppose.

Stephen Decatur senior had a son, Decatur jr....who saw action in the 2nd war (1812) as recounted by this recent podcast episode. It gives some idea of the nature of the naval battles of the time close up.

The great lakes theatre he mentions at the end is a long subject by itself. Drachinifel's channel is a very good one for all kinds of naval history.
@RescueRanger @Nilgiri @Joe Shearer @LeGenD Gentlemen, my exams are starting from Thursday. Wish me luck. :)

Also, I couldn't help myself as I ended up buying The Deep by Nick Cutter. It is considered to be one of the finest sci-fi-horror books of this century. Stephen King loves it. It was only going Rs 299. Sadly, I may not be able to read it this year.
@RescueRanger @Nilgiri @Joe Shearer @LeGenD Gentlemen, my exams are starting from Thursday. Wish me luck. :)

Also, I couldn't help myself as I ended up buying The Deep by Nick Cutter. It is considered to be one of the finest sci-fi-horror books of this century. Stephen King loves it. It was only going Rs 299. Sadly, I may not be able to read it this year.
E X A M S ???
Uhh, the very best of luck.
What exams might these be?
I am sitting here - just remembered to drop a damning 'h' - racked by wave after wave of horror.
The last exams I did were fifty years ago.
E X A M S ???
Uhh, the very best of luck.
What exams might these be?
I am sitting here - just remembered to drop a damning 'h' - racked by wave after wave of horror.
The last exams I did were fifty years ago.
6th semester finals. I am doing a bachelor's in computer science.
Anyone who can give a guideline what books and other content to study for CSS, PMS exams? And how to have an organized study plan. Many ask for recommendations/advice related to this...
Anyone who can give a guideline what books and other content to study for CSS, PMS exams? And how to have an organized study plan. Many ask for recommendations/advice related to this...

Most my friends, barring very few (who can play at my level or better) dont play Poker with me anymore either as I take them to the cleaners consistently.

Its math probabilities, knowing your chip pile and their chip pile (and how chip sizes work and are to be leveraged with the time and situation given) and only then the associated extras (ability of reading others, disguising what they can read of you, managing risks and so on).

Lot of people frontload and focus on the latter bits, rather than getting good at the first bits....as the latter bits appeal to society gup shup and so on much more...its what percolates to movies and amateur social scene readily etc.

Hence they dont understand what good poker players have gotten good at early.

Just like people focus on "insufficient money" funding a program like there is some overabundance of HR to be easily fiscally steered by demand-pull alone.

But its only understood if you know the basics of the chip pile heft and what it dictates upstream and has shaped the downstream.

Exactly the king of thing HR is to any organisation of note. It also applies to other domains in the human realm.

Ike and Yamamoto were GREAT poker players for a reason heh. Ike picked up the game very early as a kid (even with his Quaker mom tut-tutting his time spent with the local illiterate "frontiersman" that taught him the tricks of the trade.... she would be even more disappointed later when he did the "Ma! its a college scholarship" for joining Westpoint against her explicit religious beliefs).

Yamamoto also picked Poker up with great skill apparently. Much later in age in his case compared to Ike....during his sojourns in the US to better finance his recon/understanding of the US and at relative ease too heh.

All things that would play large roles in their own impactful way when the war arrived, and its prioritizing and deploying of resources, tactics and strategies.

Best generals and admirals (poker enthusiasts or not) know how to work with what they have, intuitively grasp the realm of possibilities/probabilities and seek to defeat the opponents forces in detail rather than all at once for a reason.

Civilian peacetime correlation of this is how you deploy HR....to solve tasks sequentially and optimally (as much force concentration upon problems that have been split up and prioritized well), rather than spreading things too thin on everything and getting nowhere for what you put in.

Anyway a thread for maybe @VCheng @Oscar @Fatman17 and any others to peruse over as well.

Poker was a highlight night during my uni days and later during my job in the USA 🇺🇸.
5 card stud
7 card with jacks are wild or whatever.
Quarter ante
No chip or card calculation with me. As the game got deeper and the pot got heavier, l started to sweat and squirm in my seat. I would win some and lose more but they were always friendly games between buddies.
Great memories!

This was the book I first really got a deep delve into Ike about btw (I really found it impossible to put down ~12 years ago, Korda did a great job, its how I remember the "start", poker and all....very distinctly):


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