
welcome to team pink, bro

@Lulldapull wish @r3alist would join but I've not seen any srs 🧌 chops from the guy. Dar dar ke khelta hai saala, usko mountain dew pilao.. darr ke aagey jeet hai.

Well, NK is called the modern equivalent of a Hermit Kingdom for a reason.
Yup, I've been fascinated by it forever. Vlogger/blogger toh bhool hi jao, no solo free travel there, always govt. minders keeping a close eye on you, apart from others tailing your every move.. srsly paranoid fuggers.
Yup, I've been fascinated by it forever. Vlogger/blogger toh bhool hi jao, no solo free travel there, always govt. minders keeping a close eye on you, apart from others tailing your every move.. srsly paranoid fuggers.

A typical nashnull skortee ishtate. There are many more like that.
Skorti is no1

Most states exist for their people; some states exist for their skortee, and not much else.

It is only a matter of national priorities.

Most nations know they themselves are responsible for whatever choice they make; some states find it easier to blame others for their choices.
@Michael I am unable to reply there on account of serving a penalty for some shit-posting elsewhere lol .. but I do want to reply so this will have to do.

@Sharma Ji​

It can be seen from your statement that your heart is full of hostility towards China. This is not a good start and does not help in any way with communication. You don't know the real China. If you don't want to communicate, you can choose to leave; If you want people to have friendly exchanges, you need to have a friendly attitude.

As a courtesy, I'm willing to answer some of your questions. But I hope you can let go of your grievances in the follow-up communication.

not at all, zero.. just looking for a frank dialogue without any of that. Whatever even made you think I was being hostile ?

In all your descriptions, there is your impression of China. There is no description of what you think is the impression that the Chinese have of India.

Yes, and as I clarified, I can only speak of India, from our perspective. For a clear Chinese perspective, I look to you, because you can speak with some authority as a Chinese citizen, one well versed with your government's side of the argument.

I'm most interested in what the Chinese mood on the street is like, home dinner table, and conversations at a bar etc when it comes to India.

Over here, I can tell you, China barely figures, its generally all Pakistan, Kashmir, and a bit of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants, if at all the conversation goes geopolitical.

That's the street view and that's how it is.

not privy to what Modi and the generals may be discussing in their high-powered meetings unfortunately :P

Hope this clears it, no hostility from me.. maybe a language cultural glitch, but no hostility was intended. Looking forward to a frank dialogue. 🤝

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