

They really terrorised the world. Goes to show you that at the end ofcthe day what matters is only power and might.
lol, cool, your site, you do as you see fit.

what'd he do but ?

They really terrorised the world. Goes to show you that at the end ofcthe day what matters is only power and might.
Map is slightly inaccurate and doesn't expand on why Japan escaped European colonial ambitions. 1. It doesn't explain how Japan had a brief encounter for western colonial intrusion between the 15th and 16th century and

2. Japan was too remote, far away and lacked any desirable resources that would make it worthy of colonization at the time.

I read a lot about the history of Japan and Hideyoshi, I always find it fascinating how academics gloss over his influence in Japan.
Most states exist for their people; some states exist for their skortee, and not much else.

It is only a matter of national priorities.

Most nations know they themselves are responsible for whatever choice they make; some states find it easier to blame others for their choices.

Nations are rarely a reasonable representation of its people, they are subverted and captured all the time by minority interests, probably the majority right now and historically.

in that sense let's not blame a nation in it's entirety for minority actions
look to you, because you can speak with some authority as a Chinese citizen, one well versed with your government's side of the argument.
Over here, I can tell you, China barely figures, its generally all Pakistan, Kashmir, and a bit of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants, if at all the conversation goes geopolitical.

What's the most polite way to say bs?😂

From an economic development competition perspective china is the main prominent talking point, as that portends to military disparity

Dalia lama?

Tibet integral?
@RescueRanger @Panzerkiel The saien guy 'mustered' 1.5 kg gold.
How much is true?
Yar these discussions are pointless now. Hes talking ancient history. Gen. Niazi ko wasiey bulldozer kay neechay day daitain hain at every turn.

These babbas most respectfully should have a cup of tea and a biscuit, read the newspaper and enjoy their retirement.
As for certain persona nongrata's they are not to be mentioned, no point.
Yar these discussions are pointless now. Hes talking ancient history. Gen. Niazi ko wasiey bulldozer kay neechay day daitain hain at every turn.

These babbas most respectfully should have a cup of tea and a biscuit, read the newspaper and enjoy their retirement.
I know it's a beaten topic but it was a new revelation for me. Nonetheless, lessons and wisdom can still be drawn.
That major spent 25 years imprisonment btw.

What's the most polite way to say bs?😂

From an economic development competition perspective china is the main prominent talking point, as that portends to military disparity

Dalia lama?

Tibet integral?
This -> 😂

We don't talk about Tibet, the Dalai is an honored guest and India is home to the "Tibetan govt. in exile".

China, for it's part, (and somewhat reciprocally, I guess) do not make too much noise about Kashmir. Just a small diplomatic courtesy both nations extend to the other, at least so far.

Military strategy I mentioned earlier, their whole civilization is basically on their far east coast, and as such, that is where their main focus remains.. US forces stationed in Rok and Japan.

Things may change going forward, which is to say they may get worse. We'll find out.

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