Why a Strong Pakistan Matters?

Pakistan can be a pivotal player, however they are too predictable because the country is run by some of the lowest iq people in the world.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s run by the military and the politicians as they were put in place by outsiders to manage an artificial country. Every decision they’ve taken makes absolutely no sense to anyone. The decisions have continue to harm Pakistan and its people, but the brown Viceroys continue.
Once their assignment is over, they move to another country. Even if I’m wrong 100%, why don’t they take any decision that will strengthen Pakistan?

I can make a 10 page list here but choose not to insult my fellow Pakistanis intelligence.

It’s truly is a banana republic.

The only correction - your elite choose army rule. Outsiders just deal with whoever you choose
A country does not become strong by feeding biryanis to global terrorists.

For any country to become strong, politicians need to be in Parliament, Judges in courts, businessman in factories, and army at border.

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