1st HANGOR Class Submarine of Pakistan Navy has been launched at Shuangliu

No. You want secure second strike you need range to keep the vesel as far away from the enemy as possible.
An SSK which is committed to second strike is one thats unavailable for submarine ops. Like shawdoing and killing an enemy carrier or sneaking off the coast.
Then find a missile that has that range and additional subs. Pakistan does not have thag luxury yet.
Even when you were asking for Hangoor they offered nuclear ones. You chose Type 39. Also, even if we can afford, I don't think China's Nuclear Submarines specially the ones which can carry cruise missiles are at that level that we should get them. Ballistic Missile ones for nuclear deterrence could come maybe 3 or at best 4. But those who carry cruise missiles in large numbers for conventional strikes which I would love to see in our Navy they are a distant reality.
Keep dreaming baseless
Then find a missile that has that range and additional subs. Pakistan does not have thag luxury yet.
This Type 039B (upgraded) diesel electric attack submarine looks like a Quality product.

It is also called the Yuan class submarine.

4 of the submarines will be built in Pakistan.
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Those missiles - i.e., DF-3A - that China sold to Saudi Arabia in the 1980s are the least sophisticated military hardware it ever produced. It is notoriously inaccurate. China in 1980s would have sold its military hardware at almost any cost to anyone, so long it returned financial or political profit. Also, and I am saying this respectfully, your suggestion that China is "more than willing to export" n-subs [to Pakistan] is oversimplified. While indeed there were rumours of Pakistan considering leasing Type-91SSN, I do not think that there was much seriousness in that contemplation. Besides, the submarine was a floating radioactive/cancerous death trap for sailers anyway. On the other hand, selling or leasing Type-93 SSN or Type-94 SSBN is out of question for several reasons:

1. Political cost would be too high, although since much reduced because of the AUKUS n-sub deal (political cost remains high for Pakistan though).

2. Resource constraint, especially financial and infrastructural, of Pakistan/PN.

3. Foremost of all, PLAN's requirements come first and they have not been met yet.
China should be able to meet its need by the early 2030s when it has produced enough Type 093B subs and moved on to the Type 095. It’s Pakistan that has to prepare itself, before 2030, for the political fallout from even leasing such subs and the costs of leasing and operating such subs. Pakistan will need at least 3 subs to always have one on patrol.
Where have you seen them on the rudder? ive struggled to find photos of such.
In this image of 039C you can see a cylindrical opening on the non moving part of the rudder, near the top. Thats the towed sonar opening.
Are we sure it carried a towed array?
PN has never skimped on this when it comes to the sub force. Infact, during the time of the Agosta procurement, they had deemed foreign options as not being good enough for our operational requirement so they developed their own SLTA. This is present on the Agosta class.

The Hangor's do have an SLTA, the fairing is just less obvious on the B's vs the C's
Pen aids like chaff and jammers. PBV which permits the vehicle to adjust its trajectory. Smart warheads able to evade incoming fire.
We have been working on defeating ABM systems for 20 years.
Pen aids all BMs have, nothing new about this and rest of your posts are just speculations without any solid proofs
Every ballistic missiles be normal OR MIRV can be intercepted than whats the point of having them and developing them and upgrading them.then there should be no missile program why investing so much and if you cannot deliever war head than whats the point of being nuclear power. I dont know why you are keep bringing ABMS. Every one has it so what every one is ready to counter it. You already decided looks like all are missiles are being intercepted. You know what happened to s400 in ukraine russia war. Ukraine tactically defeated it easily. There should always we be tit for tat history tells the same. SLBM has nothing to with india if they have it or not doesnot matter. we should be able to deliever war heads in all 3 domains. Land forces and air force are making slowly progress towards it. Navy seems to be left behind with only SLCM. On the other hand your statement are also contradicting by saying we have less option because ballistic missile and MIRV can easily be intercepted so by that statement we need to discover more option for ability to counter. By that means it is even more imp to have SLBM.
SSBN and SLBM projects will be extremely long with current financial situation and technical know how its extremely difficult to develop SSBN and SLBM tech in-house and don't think China will give their strategic tech to develop SLBM and SSBN, so we wisely move to much cheaper and more accurate methods to cover India SSK +SLCM combos
I know that. As for your type you will always be in denial. So continue. Even when we get nuclear submarines you will be in denial about something else.
First lease is the probability but tot is not, and continue to having a wet dream without any future to have tot for SLBM and SSBN lol
What's the maximum range of our SLCM currently?

Plus as range increases I think chances of interception for cruise missiles increase due to early detection
400 km for harba, and SLCM is much harder to detect because of terrain following/terrain hugging capability

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