800+km range BrahMos missile successfully test fired by Indian Navy

The missile's Block-III version is needed for mountain warfare. The enormous energy of such a fast moving missile provides India with a brilliant weapon against deeply buried enemy bunkers and heavily protected locations behind the mountain range.
I think with suicide drones, cheaper options are also becoming available.
Remember, this missile costs 3-4 million dollar a pop.
So guys I'm explaining what is the impact of having 40km ranged X band aesa seeker on Brahmos

So Assume Ins kolkata have fired 3 salvos of Brahmos on Type 052D destroyer which have HQ-9 SAM whose operational range is almost 120km

Now detection will be done via many sources like ka31 aew helis or P8i or MQ9 or drishti uavs or even Americans can send the location of PLAN Destroyer from their ELINT assests

The moment approximate GPS location of enemy ship will be feeded to Brahmos it will start moving towards that target

If enemy will be at 500km away then Brahmos will acquire some altitude to increase its range

Obviously incoming Missile will be detected by 052D destroyer through their long range radars but it will detect when Brahmos will enter almost 200km radius of Type 52D

So from 200km distance brahmos will take almost 200 seconds to hit its target

But here brahmos plays the game, it reduces its altitude almost 120-130km away from enemy!!

And this altitude change is done in regards with original data feeded during launch

So at Supersonic speed brahmos comes at SEA SKIMMING height!!

And suddenly it gets disappeared from enemy radar😎😎😎😎😎

And again reappear on radar when missiles reaches 30km near to ship!

Where Brahmos seeker have almost locked its target!

From 30km it will take almost 24 sec to strike!

Before enemy sense this panic and respond this

Brahmos breaches their Multilayered Air defense on ship

And come enough close where generally HQ9 can't hit!!

Means brahmos comes under their minimum engagement range

And here 3 salvos perform different S maneuvers from 3 different angles where enemy CIWS don't have any answer!!

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View attachment 15202
So guys I'm explaining what is the impact of having 40km ranged X band aesa seeker on Brahmos

So Assume Ins kolkata have fired 3 salvos of Brahmos on Tughril class of frigates/ Type 052D destroyer which have Hq9 SAM whose operational range is almost 120km

Now detection will b done via many sources like ka31 aew helis or P8i or MQ9 or drishti uavs or even Americans can send the location of PLAN Destroyer from their ELINT assests

The moment approximate GPS location of enemy ship will be feeded to Brahmos it will start moving towards that target

If enemy will be at 500km away then Brahmos will acquire some altitude to increase its range

Obviously incoming Missile will be detected by 052D destroyer through their long range radars but it will detect when Brahmos will enter almost 200km radius of Type 52D

So from 200km distance brahmos will take almost 200 seconds to hit its target

But here brahmos plays the game, it reduces its altitude almost 120-130km away from enemy!!

And this altitude change is done in regards with original data feeded during launch

So at Supersonic speed brahmos comes at SEA SKIMMING height!!

And suddenly it gets disappeared from enemy radar😎😎😎😎😎

And again reappear on radar when missiles reaches 30km near to ship!

Where Brahmos seeker have almost locked its target!

From 30km it will take almost 24 sec to impact!

Before enemy sense this panic and respond this

Brahmos breaches their Multilayered Air defense on ship

And come enough close where Generally HQ9 can't hit!!

Means brahmos comes under their minimum engagement range

And here 3 salvos perform different S manuvers from 3 different angles where enemy CIWS don't have any answer!!

Imaging seeker are like a high resolution camera, and highly resistant to electronic jamming
So 40km range of Seeker allow it to acquire and lock its target before it gets reappear on enemy radar
Where enemy deploys different kind of decoys/EW techniques especially when moving at such a high speed with missile being quite maneuverable

Once these seekers acquire their locks then it can't be deceived easily!
Means Brahmos will lock its enemy way before they apply different decoys
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With the BrahMos cruise missile, now operational with all 3 services, taking care of supersonic duties β€” including a range expansion to 900 km or more β€” the LRLACM will be developed as a clear Nirbhay derivative, but with additional propulsion elements.
I heard that the interception accuracy for Sub sonic cruise missiles in the current Russo-Ukraine war is 60% and that for Oniks (Brahmos derivative is 10%, how will the sub sonic nirbhay perform in the war? it is time we go up the ladder with hypersonic missles.
Notam was issued for 900 km. That's 100km safety margin. Indians are claiming the actual range of the missile to be 900km based on NOTAM πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
BrahMos Anti-Ship Missile: Deadlier than you think
Testing started in early 2000s, primarily as a land attack munition launched from a TEL. By the late 2000s, the armed forces were happy with its ability to conduct pin point strikes with smart target identification features validated. This lead to orders being placed for landbased TELs for the army and deployment on Rajput class destroyers for the navy. Year 2016 brought MTCR certification and thus development of longer range variants. Range of 450 – 500 km range was validated by 2017 in real world tests, by Jan 2022, test with a speculated range of 780 km was carried out, and then finally in Jan 2024 the current maximum of between 800-900 km was tested. Hence I will due to all future calculations with 850km as the maximum range for now.

Performance of BrahMos

I am not going to regurgitate ohhh BrahMos can do Mach 3, ohhh it can do 450 – 500 km, now upto 850 km, damn its awesome and so on. I am going to explain it to you WHY it is awesome.

This missile can reach upwards of Mach 2.8 to Mach 3. I am going to calculate my numbers based on the speed of Mach 1 = 1,200 kph for easy calculations. Now below is a table of time taken by missiles to reach their target from different ranges. I am considering three ranges, full range, half range and radar horizon range. Since exact speeds at altitudes are classified, I am going to take the advertised speed and consider it constant.
What is Radar Horizon range you may ask? When a missile is sea skimming, due to the curvature of the Earth it might be blocked by the curve and not visible to the radar. Generally radar horizons at sea level for modern naval radars are at 15 – 20 km. Although detection range is also dependent on the height of the target above sea level, since those are classified numbers let us assume higher end i.e. all of these are detected at 20 km in sea skimming mode. I am not counting Zircon as it is still new and would like to wait for more information about it. Hypersonics are the next horizon and Zircon is right there.
BrahMos takes approximately 14 mins to travel 850 km, thats the same time as Harpoon to cover a quarter of its distance. From radar horizon to target it takes 20 seconds. Generally, VLS takes 2-3 seconds per missile per VLS module in a salvo launch. So if a naval vessel only has 4 VLS modules, it will only be able to launch an absolute maximum of 40 SAMs before missile strike if the CIWS doesnt get it. But remember, ships’s systems need to calculate intercept, feed the data to the missile and then launch it that takes precious few seconds.

Older Semi-Active Radar Homing missiles need launch platform guidance and not all ships can guide 40 SAMs in one go. Active Radar Homing missiles are a different beast and can be used for fire and forget or data linked guidance (eg USN NIFC-CA). Also, dont forget all SAMs have a minimum engagement range and they may not be able to maneuver fast enough to hit it. Realistically, 10-20 SAMs is the most that can be launched within the golden engagement zone so 8-10 AShMs is enough for any modern surface combatant. BrahMos is just too fast!

Another advantage of Mach 3 approach is the energy. Kinetic energy is 0.5*m*v*v. It increases by the square of speed. If the velocity is doubled, KE goes up 4 times. Since payload fractions are classified , I am calculating energy by maximum weight. Now Tomahawk weighs half that of BrahMos and BrahMos is 4x the speed [ref].
Hence, BrahMos has 32 times the energy of Tomahawk and can get through deep inside vessels. This is BrahMos’s(without warhead) exit hole against a puny corvette sized vessel

Advertised range of BrahMos post-MTCR inclusion is 450 – 500 km. That means a launch asset must be within 500 km of its target. This is especially helpful for submarines as all launch platforms can hide in 785,398 sq km area around its target. Now increase the range to 850km and boy are the circles bigger, the area increases 3 fold to 2.2 million sq km. This is especially helpful in oceanic environment where this range can either give flexibility to hide or visibility for deterrence. You can have missiles loiter longer to hide a platform closer to the enemy so that it can get the time to execute its exit strategy. I mean, look at the pic to the left below. It shows the common Indian Navy deployments in the IOR, to the right is my rough 500 km and then 850km range circles on the deployment points.
500km Circles.
850km Circles

The range helps India easily blockade anything they want with a handful of ships. At the minimum, 7 BrahMos carriers can block few of the busiest sea lanes of communication. Not considering India’s secretive SSBN fleet, India has

Current BrahMos carriers: 14

2x Rajput Class,
3x Delhi Class MLU,
3x Talwar Class Batch 2,
3x Vishakhapatnam Class and
3x Kolkata Class

Future BrahMos carriers: 24

1x Vishakhapatnam Class,
7x Nilgiri Class,
4x Talwar Class Batch 3
6x NGMVs
3x Shivalik Class MLUs,
3x Talwar Class Batch 1 MLUs and
Currently 3x Shivalik and 3x Talwar Batch 1 cannot launch them as they use Russian made UKSK VLS module against the Indian made UVLM on newer vessels [as of May 2023]. India has land based batteries as well to provide additional deterrence. Range also allows for waypointing as in the missile flies through pre-determined GPS points to masquerade origin and attack vector.

Tactics Using BrahMos
Mission Packaging
Mission packaging is a difficult task, you need to study about the enemy’s defense and plan a load out to achieve mission success. The process is very complicated and requires a lot of information and intelligence to carry out. The rough beats of the process are as follows.

In this case what kind of SAMs, jamming, ESM and decoys do enemy surface vessels have.

Identify gaps in defenses (for eg. only short-range SAM, no short-range SAM, very high minimum engagement range for SAM, weak or no CIWS etc.)
Select munitions based on the target (for eg. In case of single vessel with short range SAM, select an Anti-Ship missile with higher low level final approach range, incase of a flotilla with more potent ships, select a missile with longer low-low range to allow for platforms to launch and exit without detection).

Select numbers needed to break through defenses (rule of thumb atleast 8 AShMs per modern naval combatant).
Select Archers i.e. launch platforms and their numbers.
Plan mission path.
Plan mission contingencies.

Know thy enemy
Given that Pakistan has heavily invested in 4 Type 054AP or Tughril class frigates which have a decent SAM in HQ-16/LY-90N and in good numbers (32) for her tonnage. The anti-ship missile department is well armed but scant numbers for the YJ-12/CM-302, which is a supersonic anti-ship missile deriving its lineage from the excellent Soviet Moskit missile. The BrahMos and Barak 8 combination will be the primary adversary for these vessels.
BrahMos far outranges the CM-302 which is limited by MTCR range of 300 km. That means Indian vessels can take pot shots at Pakistani vessels from well outside the range of counter-strikes. Passive contact or even active contact can be maintained using drones or P-8I which have excellent sensor suites for detecting targets at long ranges.
Given the SAM range, any Type 054AP operating outside land based air cover will not be able to do anything against loitering Indian naval or shore aviation just outside its SAM range. This creates a situation where not only India’s overwhelming naval superiority comes into play but also its long coastline and presence of P-8I and Su-30MKI makes the situation for BrahMos’s use easy. Heck, even Su-30MKIs can sling a few BrahMos if no surface vessel is available to sling a few dozen.

It is not just the range or speed that is a game changer, but the combination of both. Ability to sustain Mach 2.8 – 3 throughout flight makes it hard for interception in any phase of the flight. Hypersonic cruise BrahMos will be a game changer just like Zircon is if its numbers are corroborated by others.

@UKBengali @Awwad @Pingle
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Screenshot from the 34th test of the BrahMos shows the missile executing a double maneuver in S form, flying just 1 meter above the waterline 🀯
So guys I'm explaining what is the impact of having 40km ranged X band aesa seeker on Brahmos

So Assume Ins kolkata have fired 3 salvos of Brahmos on Type 052D destroyer which have HQ-9 SAM whose operational range is almost 120km

Now detection will be done via many sources like ka31 aew helis or P8i or MQ9 or drishti uavs or even Americans can send the location of PLAN Destroyer from their ELINT assests

The moment approximate GPS location of enemy ship will be feeded to Brahmos it will start moving towards that target

If enemy will be at 500km away then Brahmos will acquire some altitude to increase its range

Obviously incoming Missile will be detected by 052D destroyer through their long range radars but it will detect when Brahmos will enter almost 200km radius of Type 52D

So from 200km distance brahmos will take almost 200 seconds to hit its target

But here brahmos plays the game, it reduces its altitude almost 120-130km away from enemy!!

And this altitude change is done in regards with original data feeded during launch

So at Supersonic speed brahmos comes at SEA SKIMMING height!!

And suddenly it gets disappeared from enemy radar😎😎😎😎😎

And again reappear on radar when missiles reaches 30km near to ship!

Where Brahmos seeker have almost locked its target!

From 30km it will take almost 24 sec to strike!

Before enemy sense this panic and respond this

Brahmos breaches their Multilayered Air defense on ship

And come enough close where generally HQ9 can't hit!!

Means brahmos comes under their minimum engagement range

And here 3 salvos perform different S maneuvers from 3 different angles where enemy CIWS don't have any answer!!

A simple calculation,
It is known that HQ-9 speed is above Mach 4, the minimum interception distance is 5km, and the system response time is 10 seconds.
Therefore, when it is found that it is facing a target with a distance of 30km and an arrival time of 24 seconds, it launches and intercepts it 10 seconds later. Their intersection point is roughly around 10km.
So, I don't quite understand how you come up with that Means brahmos comes under hq-9 minimum engagement range?
Can you explain the calculation logic?
While the calculation offers an estimate, it's crucial to recognize its limitations. Real-world engagements involve complexities like acceleration, deceleration, and maneuverability, which aren't fully captured in a simplified model. Additionally, uncertainties can affect interception outcomes. So, while helpful for assessment, these calculations provide only a rough estimation of the effectiveness of air defense systems against agile threats like the BrahMos missile.
While the calculation offers an estimate, it's crucial to recognize its limitations. Real-world engagements involve complexities like acceleration, deceleration, and maneuverability, which aren't fully captured in a simplified model. Additionally, uncertainties can affect interception outcomes. So, while helpful for assessment, these calculations provide only a rough estimation of the effectiveness of air defense systems against agile threats like the BrahMos missile.
Weird algorithm?
Why can BrahMos fly 9690 m at the same time when the faster HQ-9 reaches 5000 meters? This violates common sense in physics.
Normal algorithm,
hq-9 1225 m/s,BrahMos 1020 m/s,
(30000M-10S*1020 m)/(1225 m+1020 m)=8.89S
This means that the interception point is approximately 10.9km away from 052D.
Weird algorithm?
Why can BrahMos fly 9690 m at the same time when the faster HQ-9 reaches 5000 meters? This violates common sense in physics.
Normal algorithm,
hq-9 1225 m/s,BrahMos 1020 m/s,
(30000M-10S*1020 m)/(1225 m+1020 m)=8.89S
This means that the interception point is approximately 10.9km away from 052D.
  1. Given Parameters:
    • HQ-9 speed (v_hq9) = 1225 m/s
    • BrahMos speed (v_brahmos) = 1020 m/s
    • Maximum altitude for interception (h_max) = 30000 m
    • Initial distance between the 052D (defender) and the target = 10.9 km = 10900 m
  2. Time taken for BrahMos to reach h_max:
    • Time_brahmos = h_max / v_brahmos = 30000 m / 1020 m/s β‰ˆ 29.41 seconds
  3. Distance covered by BrahMos in time_brahmos:
    • Distance_brahmos = Time_brahmos * v_brahmos β‰ˆ 29.41 s * 1020 m/s β‰ˆ 29999.6 m
  4. Remaining distance for HQ-9 to intercept BrahMos:
    • Remaining_distance = Initial_distance - Distance_brahmos
    • Remaining_distance = 10900 m - 29999.6 m β‰ˆ -19099.6 m
  5. Analysis:
    • The negative remaining distance indicates that the BrahMos has already surpassed the interception point before the HQ-9 missile could reach it.
    • Thus, based on these calculations, the HQ-9 missile would not intercept the BrahMos missile under these conditions.
In this scenario, the BrahMos missile outpaces the HQ-9 and reaches its maximum altitude before the HQ-9 can intercept it. Therefore, interception by the HQ-9 missile is not feasible within the given parameters.

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