Adjustments: Post Count, Reactions and Join Date




Jan 18, 2009

10,115 posts


18,139 lies


just realized I missed an A. I am getting too old for this
Hey, how are you?
This is Joe Shearer. Remember me?
I couldnt guess in a million years that you would be wearing this tag hahaha

Exactly. The ill advised experiment is coming to a rapid end as expected. No worries. Welcome anyway!
Exactly. The ill advised experiment is coming to a rapid end as expected. No worries. Welcome anyway!
nah you are doing fine! I came after many years and first I didnt see my info pool threads and then saw you defending jf17.. I thought, man time has really flown
nah you are doing fine! I came after many years and first I didnt see my info pool threads and then saw you defending jf17.. I thought, man time has really flown

LOL. You don’t know the tenth of it yet. Rules are rules. No exceptions. But that is the problem.
yes sir!! we used to have watch discussions in members forum
This forum feels so good, I can't tell you. Bhakts are minimised, the blood feuds among Pakistani politically inclined is under firm control, with some luck, the content will keep increasing from present levels once people get over their surprise and wonder at the peace and quiet.
I have not been much active online.. Life happenned. Really dont know of recent dramas.

just saw a yt video that paf is inducting jft so google to find the news... then saw the changed layout

nice to see old faces... santro, dazler are here... was sad to learn of munirs passing
This forum feels so good, I can't tell you. Bhakts are minimised, the blood feuds among Pakistani politically inclined is under firm control, with some luck, the content will keep increasing from present levels once people get over their surprise and wonder at the peace and quiet.
When I was mod we were getting 100 plus reports every day and if someone didnt go through them in a ay, they started pilling up very quickly.. A time comes when you stop enjoying the forum as most time is used up in moderating
sir, is sir araz still here? sir p.shamim?
Haven't seen them around, sadly. Oscar and Fatman17 are here, Niaz Sahib is not. Jungibaaz is here Chak Bamu is not. I haven't seen Sicilian Defence. It is to be hoped that they will get news on the grapevine and come here sooner or later.
Haven't seen them around, sadly. Oscar and Fatman17 are here, Niaz Sahib is not. Jungibaaz is here Chak Bamu is not. I haven't seen Sicilian Defence. It is to be hoped that they will get news on the grapevine and come here sooner or later.
sir amir hussain.. I hope he is well. when I posted dioramas in military section he was so happy he called me up .. we talked and he promised a jf17 kit. This was 10 years back.

hope all are well

how have you been doing? hows your health?
Thanks for the change of name and tag guys! feels good to be recognized

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