Adjustments: Post Count, Reactions and Join Date

All requests are processed until this post. Kindly use this thread for updating your records as I may miss your request if made elsewhere
Keep the profiles coming guys

I will update them together next year (tomorrow).

Today is your last day to make use of it as there is no guarantee from tomorrow. If the website disappears please don’t blame us for not keeping your records as it is impossible to store record of 230,000 accounts in just a couple of days. Help yourself by saving a screenshot of your profile otherwise you may have to start from 0 posts.

@Hyde I know its late, but ...

@nighthawk here.

I'm guessing drifters will see the village lights and keep coming in.

Cheers, Doc
Well joined as asked by a friend and heard all old guys are coming back. @Mr X


Many people tag me for adjustments to their profile, I do fix them but sometime it gets ignored if the request was made several hours ago. Kindly share the screenshot here if you still have any adjustments to make so that it's easier to track and fix it.

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