As China Unleashes 80,000-Ton Fujian, India’s Ex-Naval Chief Wants France’s Help To Construct Nuke-Powered Aircraft Carrier

Do you believe Russia now is militarily more advanced than China barring mega nuclear stockpiles?
Russia's extensive fleet of SSBNs and SSNs showcases their lead over China in nuclear reactor technology. Additionally, their vast assortment of battle-tested conventional cruise and ballistic missiles positions them as a formidable force. Russia holds the distinction of being the first major power to deploy scramjet-powered hypersonic cruise missiles in active combat, highlighting their advanced capabilities. In contrast, China's standing appears insignificant, lacking comparable advancements. Furthermore, recent events, such as the undetected Pelosi plane, underscore the inadequacies of China's surveillance systems.
China's standing appears insignificant, lacking comparable advancements. Furthermore, recent events, such as the undetected Pelosi plane, underscore the inadequacies of China's surveillance systems.
lol, OK, Indians' view should be so cherished and US navy should try to compete and go after Russia's instead of Chinese navy.
Battle experience is not the only valuable standard. Like US army, all they had participated in wars against third-rate enemies at the best in the past decades, they haven't battle proved in large scale wars against first rate advanced armies.

Simple example for you - you are playing football matches within china and home. might you believe that your players are top most players in the world... Even not playing against those top rated countries or other football nations.

when I said, you need to fight a wars against the top enemies... War situation between Ukraine and Russia, proves many things.. USA has also gones thru many war scenarios

What do you believe - Ukraine fighting alone - West and NATO, not providing their resources, intelligence, from sky - satellites to ground..... If it was just Ukraine- do you believe they can still stand till now?
China is just a country with some money playing at big power fantasy.
We like to keep a low profile, but US doesn't let us, you should try to convince Americans about this idea.
. Furthermore, recent events, such as the undetected Pelosi plane, underscore the inadequacies of China's surveillance systems.
Lol, who tell you that the Chinese military didn't detect Pelosi plane flying over SCS ? Indian news ? China didn't shot down her plane doesn't mean Chinese was unable to track it in the sky.
Indian Navy is currently building 11 Frigates and 14 Corvettes

It is designing the Next Gen Destroyers under P18 program , 8 of these will be built in 2 batches as replacement for 5 Rajput class and 3 Delhi class destoyers

So we are sorted as far as Principal Surface combatants are concerned

Our main weekness are the 7 ageing Kilo class subs and 4 Ageing U209 Subs, while navy plans to carry out a second MLU of 4 Kilos and 3 U209 subs , so that they could remain operational beyond 2030, but it is critical that we Sign Additional 3 scorpene deal and P75I deal with Germany at the earliest , otherwise we would be left with just 7 SSKs ( 6 scorpenes + 1 kilo)in 2034
when I said, you need to fight a wars against the top enemies... War situation between Ukraine and Russia, proves many things..

What do you believe - Ukraine fighting alone - West and NATO, not providing their resources, intelligence, from sky - satellites to ground..... If it was just Ukraine- do you believe they can still stand till now?
We fought US the very next year of PRC in 1951, but after that US always tried to avoid direct conflict with China even during the Vietnam war, what do you expect us to do?

Simple example for you - you are playing football matches within china and home. might you believe that your players are top most players in the world... Even not playing against those top rated countries or other football nations.

when I said, you need to fight a wars against the top enemies... War situation between Ukraine and Russia, proves many things.. USA has also gones thru many war scenarios

What do you believe - Ukraine fighting alone - West and NATO, not providing their resources, intelligence, from sky - satellites to ground..... If it was just Ukraine- do you believe they can still stand till now?
The Ukraine war proves Russia army has many inadequacies in modern high tech conventional war.
Sir - 1951?

Generation is already passed... Do you believe living in past?
Read again

We fought US the very next year of PRC in 1951, but after that US always tried to avoid direct conflict with China even during the Vietnam war, what do you expect us to do?
The Ukraine war proves Russia army has many inadequacies in modern high tech conventional war.

Western is always having advantage over Russia on technology parts, is that surprise you?

But the way have handled against all odds, still proved their capabilities and reason most put them after USA when comes about military power as
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The Ukraine war proves Russia army has many inadequacies in modern high tech conventional war.

Ukraine has the entire might of Nato behind it.
They have received 150 billion USD worth of weapons from the west in their war against Russia
Read again

We fought US the very next year of PRC in 1951, but after that US always tried to avoid direct conflict with China even during the Vietnam war, what do you expect us to do?

Vietnam war - China were mostly using Soviet era military equipment's or copied

Again, war scenarios more than 50-60 years, not relevant to morden wars scenarios. That generation is already passed.

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