As China Unleashes 80,000-Ton Fujian, India’s Ex-Naval Chief Wants France’s Help To Construct Nuke-Powered Aircraft Carrier

Western is always having adhe over Russia, is that surprise you?

But the way have handled against all odds, still proved their capabilities and reason most put than after USA when comes about military power as
Because they have way more nukes.
Western is always having adhe over Russia, is that surprise you?

But the way have handled against all odds, still proved their capabilities and reason most put than after USA when comes about military power as
Not anymore

Vietnam war - China were mostly using Soviet era military equipment's or copied
Chinese sent hundreds of thousands soldiers to Vietnam to help the country to fight US, but US pretended it didn't know.

lol, OK, Indians' view should be so cherished and US navy should try to compete and go after Russia's instead of Chinese navy.
Upon searching for the Yasen-class submarine and examining its armaments, one will find it equipped with 32 VLS equipped silos capable of deploying a diverse array of lethal ordnance, including Zircon, P800 Oniks, and Kalibr missiles, rendering it unparalleled in lethality among sub-surface platforms. Moreover, it boasts a complement of 10 heavyweight torpedoes designed for incapacitating surface targets. Additionally, Russia's development of the nuclear-powered Poseidon, endowed with an effectively unlimited operational range, further underscores its maritime supremacy. In contrast, China's submarine fleet is deemed insufficiently equipped and technologically inferior in this comparative analysis.
Chinese sent 100,00 to Vietnam to help the country to fight US, but US pretended it didn't know.
It's more like 500,000 over the years though not in direct combat against US soldiers, but engaged in like air defense of ports and cities.
Upon searching for the Yasen-class submarine and examining its armaments, one will find it equipped with 32 VLS equipped silos capable of deploying a diverse array of lethal ordnance, including Zircon, P800 Oniks, and Kalibr missiles, rendering it unparalleled in lethality among sub-surface platforms. Moreover, it boasts a complement of 10 heavyweight torpedoes designed for incapacitating surface targets. Additionally, Russia's development of the nuclear-powered Poseidon, endowed with an effectively unlimited operational range, further underscores its maritime supremacy. In contrast, China's submarine fleet is deemed insufficiently equipped and technologically inferior in this comparative analysis.
Chinese game change ones are coming up soon.
Vietnam war - China were mostly using Soviet era military equipment's or copied
But US pretended they didn't know that Chinese armies were in Vietnam killing US soliders and always tried to avoid direct conflict with China, what do you expect China to do?
If PDF Indians can convince US, as they always try to convince we Chinese here in PDF, that China is a weak country , which doesn't pose any threat to US, we would really appreciate and thank them.
But US pretended they didn't know that Chinese armies were in Vietnam and always tried to avoid direct conflict with China, what do you expect China to do?

A country once join a such war, they calculate - what will gain or loss...... Fighting with china and Soviet, over Vietnam issue..

After sacrificed almost 60,000 American lives, and suffered hundreds of thousands of American wounded.

It would be disaster for them to continue fighting the war. This war you can just compared to war in Afghanistan by Soviet.

It's not something you can say that because of chinese army - USA is lost, even Soviet lost to Taliban - and everyone's know, Chinese army is better than Taliban

Don't take wrong way - I am trying to say, scenarios was different..... I was talking about morden warfare and battles.
LOL, Thank you, it's quite a compliment for China from an Indian.

I knew you will note only this line, rest will be ignored.. anyhow good day, I have to go for drive..

Just to add- I don't disrespect to china mostly. I give credits where is due.. I just give on another thread sometimes back.

If I would have such negative mindset as you believe, I never appreciable and posts for china.. just saying
Russia's extensive fleet of SSBNs and SSNs showcases their lead over China in nuclear reactor technology.
So Russian navy is more powerful than Chinese navy?
You are the biggest boaster in the world and nothing to support the boast.
Everyone knows I prefer facts and figures, data, charts and diagrams. You guys brag with nothing to back you up.
Crazy how they think we are competing with them. They should at least feed their people before thinking about nuclear carriers. Our weapons and ships are all built in China, it provide jobs and have a tech spillover to the civillian industry. They never learn....
Indians would say the same thing about Pakistan. But Defence Industry is a good way to develop industrial base. China also gained from international collaboration to get where it is now

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