As China Unleashes 80,000-Ton Fujian, India’s Ex-Naval Chief Wants France’s Help To Construct Nuke-Powered Aircraft Carrier

we will have peacful transer from you by 2100
But why isn't India demanding Diego Garcia from the USA? I know that militarily, India may not be capable enough to defeat the USA and take it back, but there should at least be a demand.
talking from your experrince ?
Atleast you stop mention US in this thread. Whatever this thread is not about US and China. You Indian love to o1o riding the US everytime you are talking about China.
so be happy to float your diesel barge in South China Sea and bully minos like Philippines
Isn't the Phillipines supposed to be US' treaty bound ally?
Got to agree with that

TBF I don't think they are trying to match

But they need something to keep some form of deterrence in place especially at sea ...we need our Indian ocean to be free for our imports of energy and exports

It's not your ocean😂😂
In the Barak-8 JV, the propulsion was in DRDL's purview. It was also the reason for the initial delays. It was the first time that India was developing dual pulse motors. Outcome of that!
We are masters in fuel composition and missile propulsion tech.

What’s DRDL? You mean DRDO?
What’s DRDL? You mean DRDO?
DRDL, a laboratory under DRDO's umbrella, specializes in missile systems, synergizing multiple fields of expertise.
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Guys stop taking the bait from.the Pakistanis
China is a super power
But calling India third world country is slightly wrong
It's a developing country
And is also the fifth largest economy and the fastest growing too

As for ship building we are currently deploying some very powerful.ships of Indian origin
How many countries boast home built
Nuke subs
Frigates and corvettes

Well India has deployed new ones all five categories in the last four years

Not bad for the so called third world country

What was our forex 600 billion and gdp 4 trillion

That's is not bad 😕
It's named after our country it feels ours .
Our navy will dominate these seas soon

😂😂😂😂 No it's named after the region, the only sea you control is your coastal waters, everything else is international waters available to any state

Your feelings don't mean donkey shit, that's woman talk

China isn't threatening anyone, it's India with it's delusions that is a threat to the entire region of it makes stupid claims on international waters
😂😂😂😂 No it's named after the region, the only sea you control is your coastal waters, everything else is international waters available to any state

Your feelings don't mean donkey shit, that's woman talk

China isn't threatening anyone, it's India with it's delusions that is a threat to the entire region of it makes stupid claims on international waters

You know I'm teasing 😜
There powerful navies in the Indian ocean witn huge presence USA china and other
But the Indian navy foot print is massive
As far red sea so we have growing influence
We will watch and protect our sea lanes in the INDIAN OCEAN
Lol 😆
Back to topic the Chinese projected carrier looks stunning

And with upto sixty destroyers of ,type 52 projected and similar no of frigates china is equal almost of USA now
I don't think India truly feels threats from China. Otherwise, they would be focusing more on the substance, instead of trying to look better on paper, which is mostly for domestic political consumption.
Lol, who tell you that the Chinese military didn't detect Pelosi plane flying over SCS ? Indian news ? China didn't shot down her plane doesn't mean Chinese was unable to track it in the sky.
You are not second... 2nd is still hold by Russia. They are much mature and battle tested army in the world. When china fought the war last time - 1962?

And as per the same rating India comes -4-5 place.

So as I said. It's never ending game... Everyone needs to follow no.1 USA and so on

Russia is second? OK, then I guess 3rd is India then

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