Azerbaijan Air Force Becomes Fourth Operator of JF-17 Fighter Aircraft, President Aliyev Confirms

Azerbaijan has officially added JF-17C fighter jets, co-produced by Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) and China’s Chengdu Aircraft Corporation (CAC), to its military arsenal.

Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev inspected the newly acquired jets during a presentation at Baku’s Heydar Aliyev International Airport. He was accompanied by Azerbaijan’s Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov and senior military officials from Pakistan.

All of the news published today will be traced back to the official website of the President of Azerbaijan. The President of any country is a sufficiently official source to confirm the authenticity of this information. There can be mistakes in the news reporting but the news itself will be authentic.

I believe it is fully confirmed that Azerbaijan has JF-17s in their inventory; however, it is possible that one of the jets shown in the picture was sourced from the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) inventory. We have only seen images of 1 JF-17. We cannot ascertain whether the other JF-17s in the Azerbaijan Air Force also bear PAF colours.

I am positive that you will find JF-17 in Azerbaijan's Air Force colours after a couple of months.
In case of imminent war 3 Nos wont do much. They will need a squadron instead.
IMO we are mixing up two things.
1. A deal for purchase of JF 17 is confirmed.
2. 3 Nos of PAF JF 17 is in Azerbaijan is for exhibition.
Two separate events are mixed up due to the timing..

So why does the official statement say

"The jets have already been integrated into the arsenal of Azerbaijan's Air Force."

whats that supposed to mean?

This isn't from a blog, this is the mouth piece of the govt, they release official statements to the press from this medium.

I'm reading other sources that its a mixed order of Jf-17Bs and Jf-17C. Maybe Pakistan had extra inventory or diverted inventory.
So pakistan is selling JF 17 Block 3 from its own inventory ? They have only 30 Block 3.
This will raise many questions..

Although I do not and would not take this to be the case unless officially and explicitly confirmed, aircraft from existing inventory can be sent on lease to expedite the integration while the sold aircraft are still under production. Other air forces have done this or something similar to this before, including the IAF with it's first 2 batches of SU-30Ks.

PAF can set aside three block 3s without any issues, at least presently. Especially with the production line still running. Doesn't really raise any questions.

If the aircraft have indeed been purchased, then I would guess this aircraft to be there only for domestic Azeri PR and display purposes. Which would also mean that the Azeri examples are not ready and integrated yet. Had the flag been there, then I would have guessed it to be there for PAF's PR and display purposes.
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Elhamdulillah. The BAF will join this club Insha'Allah....

I judge the character of persons or institutions by how they're functioning while going through tribulations. Pakistan is in a dead crisis, yet the PAF is forging ahead by firing all of her chambers....

The Pak aviation industry is enlightening other Muslim airforces no matter how painful it's for Bharat....
So why does the official statement say

"The jets have already been integrated into the arsenal of Azerbaijan's Air Force."

whats that supposed to mean?

This isn't from a blog, this is the mouth piece of the govt, they release official statements to the press from this medium.

I'm reading other sources that its a mixed order of Jf-17Bs and Jf-17C. Maybe Pakistan had extra inventory or diverted inventory.
That's the most baffling part. It mentions : presented as well integrated. If already integrated then the jets should be with Them for quite some time.
That's the most baffling part. It mentions : presented as well integrated. If already integrated then the jets should be with Them for quite some time.

The Azeri pilots were training in Pakistan on these jets, this may be them flying home with these jets after completing training, so in a sense they are being presented to the President as well as integrated with the Air Force. Maybe this is what they mean.
The Azeri pilots were training in Pakistan on these jets, this may be them flying home with these jets after completing training, so in a sense they are being presented to the President as well as integrated with the Air Force. Maybe this is what they mean.
May be. Also surprising is that there is no statement from either Pakistan or China..!
May be. Also surprising is that there is no statement from either Pakistan or China..!

Exactly my point even more since these countries - and we see it here from almost all, who alone rate a question or a critical consideration almost an insult - are so much proud, I question again: Why showing a JF-17C in PAF colours with PAF markings when you unveil it as the AF's latest toy? that alone smells fishy!
So why does the official statement say

"The jets have already been integrated into the arsenal of Azerbaijan's Air Force."

whats that supposed to mean?

This isn't from a blog, this is the mouth piece of the govt, they release official statements to the press from this medium.
Put some pressure on Armenia.

An agreement could be reached, 3 JF-17 station at AZ, 3 PAF pilots hired, not allowed to fly over the border in any engagement. Until the rest of jets are delivered and AZ pilots are fully trained.

Both the president of Armenia and Azerbaijani are going to attend the BRICS summit in Russia.
Selling Block 3 from its own inventory ? Doesn't make much sense. You have only 30.
Brother thing is unlike Tejas our JF-17 BLOCK III is under mass production and we are already increasing our rate of production. So they would get replaced soon.
I think it was a statement from the Azeri President's Office...
Not his office but Azeri President himself. Azerbaijan is having its own ideas which started yesterday. Azeri President visited and there he announced it himself.

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