Bangladesh Socio-Political Crisis 2024

Do you even know how significantly expensive power from Adani is?

It is competitive when you take into account that BD does not need to pay to build the power plant in the first place, which would have been another loan due to lack of BD financial resources.

The only really cheap power that BD produces is from gas power stations where it can use its own gas but those reserves are rapidly running out.
As for power from Nepal, it took Hasina to sacrifice everything to get a mere 40MW. Whereas we had the hard bargaining chip to obtain transit for Bhutan and Nepal to give them access to Chittagong port and also get Hydroelectricity from Bhutan and Nepal in return for the transit facility we have been giving to India for such a long time already. A transit facility for which we significantly undercharge.

You are acting as if we are dependent on India for power production and almost everything, but in reality we are not. That kind of defeatist mentality is exactly the reason why we will never make it out of 3rd world.

That 40MW is just the start. They have also inked a deal for another 500MW.

The idea was to have an interconnecting power-grid of India-BD-Nepal-Bhutan where GWs of clean and cheap hydroelectric power would flow to power BD's rapidly growing economy.

Without India, BD cannot make any arrangements with either Nepal or Bhutan for obvious reasons. Now maybe the transit deals were a little one-sided and Hasina gave away more than she needed to, but BD absolutely must have access to the hydroelectric power from Bhutan and Nepal. It does not have the money to keep building multiple nuclear power stations as capital costs are enormous.

As long as India does not have control of more than 20% of the power that BD needs then all good. BD must hedge its bets and not give any country too much control over a vital and strategic sector like power.
It is competitive when you take into account that BD does not need to pay to build the power plant in the first place, which would have been another loan due to lack of BD financial resources.

The only really cheap power that BD produces is from gas power stations where it can use its own gas but those reserves are rapidly running out

You didn't read my post nor did you read the article. Bangladesh has overcapacity - 10000 mw powerplant sitting idle because of lack of fuel. What justifies buying power from a highly marked up "coal fired" plant, instead of purchasing the necessary coal and oil to generate electricity in existing idle powerplant at home?

Also, the news report highlights the alternatives that were present for Bangladesh. But you are holding on to your narrative.

It is abundantly clear that you are not sincere and your bias is clearly visible. I don't want to waste anymore of my time discussing with you.
You didn't read my post nor did you read the article. Bangladesh has overcapacity - 10000 mw powerplant sitting idle because of lack of fuel. What justifies buying power from a highly marked up "coal fired" plant, instead of purchasing the necessary coal and oil to generate electricity in existing idle powerplant at home?

Also, the news report highlights the alternatives that were present for Bangladesh. But you are holding on to your narrative.

It is abundantly clear that you are not sincere and your bias is clearly visible. I don't want to waste anymore of my time discussing with you.

You seem to be the biased one and not me. BD also buys 1.1GW of power from India for less than 8Tk per kw/h.

I see you are not querying the hydroelectric power from Nepal and eventually Bhutan from India.

Like I say look at the holistic picture and not a myopic one at each single thing, as that is a child's way of thinking. There is always a bit of give and take.
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BD has far more national structure and cohesion than any ME State.

No offence to them but BD nation cannot be toyed around with like ME ones are by the rulers.

For real? They toyed us for the last 15 years. No offense, but your attitude will not help Bangladesh stand up to the upcoming challenges.
As soon as Abu Saeed's bloodied body hit the ground, every student in Bangladesh rose up, standing like a rock against oppression.

A wise general once said that no man has ever won a war by dying for his country. It is won by making the other poor bastard die for his.

I wondered why that boy Abu Saeed did it. Standing like that unarmed challenging the security forces. And then, I understood why. How a single image can move and transform an entire nation overnight.

The goal of schools is not to make students, but teachers. And these students have displayed that remarkably. Thank you. Your sacrifices will not go in vain.

Never again.
Do you even know how significantly expensive power from Adani is?

An extract from the article I want to highlight which indicates massive corruption- "The decision to buy Adani's power also surprised everyone in the energy industry – because Bangladesh now has huge surplus power generation capacity. Right now, power plants having as much as 10,000MW capacity are sitting idle – mostly for lack of primary fuel.

With average power generation cost of Rs6.29 per unit, India has many sources from where Bangladesh could have purchased cheaper power."

As for power from Nepal, it took Hasina to sacrifice everything to get a mere 40MW. Whereas we had the hard bargaining chip to obtain transit for Bhutan and Nepal to give them access to Chittagong port and also get Hydroelectricity from Bhutan and Nepal in return for the transit facility we have been giving to India for such a long time already. A transit facility for which we significantly undercharge.

You are acting as if we are dependent on India for power production and almost everything, but in reality we are not. That kind of defeatist mentality is exactly the reason why we will never make it out of 3rd world.

That article and you reek of intellectual dishonesty. Otherwise there has to be info regarding cost of electricity from those "IDLE" power plants, Not just about Adani's power plant.

Are those "IDLE" power plants Gas/furnace oil based from 70s ? Why dont you ask Pakistanis about the cost of running those. Ask them how Ukraine war affected it.
That article and you reek of intellectual dishonesty. Otherwise there has to be info regarding cost of electricity from those "IDLE" power plants, Not just about Adani's power plant.

Are those "IDLE" power plants Gas/furnace oil based from 70s ? Why dont you ask Pakistanis about the cost of running those. Ask them how Ukraine war affected it.

And you reek of a typical Hindutva bhakt. I have no interest in explaining to you why the Adani deal was a corruption and against the national interest of Bangladesh. Don't bother quoting me again.
And we have yet another retarded bhakt. Just ignore him folks.

BNP continues with their dumb political moves. The entire country is in a state of emergency due to flood and this guy talking about election roadmap. If there is something as political IQ, BNP leadership has none of it.

I do agree there should be transparency, but no election before major system and constitutional reform.
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BNP continues with their dumb political moves. The entire country is in a state of emergency due to flood and this guy talking about election roadmap. If there is something as political IQ, BNP leadership has none of it.

I do agree there should be transparency, but no election before major system and constitutional reform.

They proved their dumbness when they held a procession shortly after the tyrant's fall.

That being said, an interim government cannot create or reform laws. It can however pass ordinances.

I believe it is high time to add fresh blood in the politics of Bangladesh. I have come to think that most of these guys in politics are too old to take on the challenges of the 21st century. I mean, what can Khaleda Zia do here? Boggles my mind.
They proved their dumbness when they held a procession shortly after the tyrant's fall.

That being said, an interim government cannot create or reform laws. It can however pass ordinances.

I believe it is high time to add fresh blood in the politics of Bangladesh. I have come to think that most of these guys in politics are too old to take on the challenges of the 21st century. I mean, what can Khaleda Zia do here? Boggles my mind.

There is an argument that this is a govt after mass uprising and there apparently is a provision in the constitution to make changes after a mass uprising, several political commentators have raised this issue recently. But I agree that it won't probably happen until an elected govt comes to office.
That article and you reek of intellectual dishonesty. Otherwise there has to be info regarding cost of electricity from those "IDLE" power plants, Not just about Adani's power plant.

Are those "IDLE" power plants Gas/furnace oil based from 70s ? Why dont you ask Pakistanis about the cost of running those. Ask them how Ukraine war affected it.

A lot of these are old and oil based and so production cost would be higher than Adani plant tariff due to high cost of maintence/operation and fuel.

As soon as a new more efficient coal plant is inducted then these are used as standby plants.

Average cost per unit is steadily coming down that it is now less than 5TK per unit and so it makes no sense that BD would unnessarily pay more than it needs to for this one source of electricity.

Adani plant seems expensive but we need to bear in mind that it supplies 10% of the total demand of BD and it cost BD nothing to build it.

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