Breaking: President Biden officially drops out of 2024 Presidential race, endorses Vice President Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris has a better chance than Biden...I don't know if she will win, that depends on how she campaign for the next 3 months. Notice that most poll put Biden behind 3 to 5 points and Harris behind 1 to 2 points, while Harris dissatisfaction rate actually lower than Trump, this is far from a "landslide" similar to the predicted "red-wash" in 2022 Mid-Term. You can see that from the GOP supporting base (Heritage foundation, Lincoln Project, etc) start talking about lawsuit to see the GOP base was shaken by this decision...

The issue here is that Trump's VP pick is not at all a "welcoming" choice, the poll I mentioned before is from before Vance being nominated, Vance is not at all a good choice for Trump, he is almost as hated as Trump for a whole different reason, the GOP are roughly going toward the same road Tory is going toward in the last general election, they are depending on the "angry white men" vote, Kamala impact on female voter and POC voter is unknown, while women already had a fixated opinion on Trump and POC already had a fixated opinion on Vance, that can push the two categories above toward the Dem depends on how Harris campaign it.

Biden should have step down long ago, he should have just refused the nomination before the Primary even started to vet for a better candidate, I would say I will put Gretch Whitmer, Hakem Jefferies or Michelle Obama or the Governer @FuturePAF said (forgot his name) probably will have a better outcome than Harris, but this is probably the best alternative than Biden for now, unless they can think of a way to dispose the 91 million Biden-Harris campaign fund to a third party candidate.
The Kentucky governor would be the best choice, he would be a perfect juxtaposition between Trump-Vance fake care for the working man compared to the democrats platform and policies of getting something down for working people, which we saw over the last 4 years.

Even still, Harris could lose on the margin if she doesn’t have a plan to win back young voters that we have seen lose faith in the democrats over Gaza.

If she has no good plan for Gaza, I’m not voting for her. This election I’m going to be a single issue voter. Even if it means we get Trump, the democrat party needs to be a party with real alternative choices, even if they have to sit in the cold to learn that lesson.
The Kentucky governor would be the best choice, he would be a perfect juxtaposition between Trump-Vance fake care for the working man compared to the democrats platform and policies of getting something down for working people, which we saw over the last 4 years.

Even still, Harris could lose on the margin if she doesn’t have a plan to win back young voters that we have seen lose faith in the democrats over Gaza.

If she has no good plan for Gaza, I’m not voting for her. This election I’m going to be a single issue voter. Even if it means we get Trump, the democrat party needs to be a party with real alternative choices, even if they have to sit in the cold to learn that lesson.
sadly I don't think the Gaza issue is going to be that top of a priority in this election. This election is about the 7 swings state, and I don't see how Gaza would be risen on top of those 7 states (except probably MI) over other issue such as cost of living, unemployment, immigration and women healthcare (specifically abortion issue)

On the other hand, as I mentioned before, would you really actually vote for Trump just to punish the dem for not doing enough in Gaza when you know for a fact that Trump/Vance ticket will not do anything on Gaza at all? I mean, you personally may do it, but if you ask the next 10, they probably say differently.......

While we are talking about Whitmer. I have found a very funny clip local station WWMT interview with Whitmer on youtube

sadly I don't think the Gaza issue is going to be that top of a priority in this election. This election is about the 7 swings state, and I don't see how Gaza would be risen on top of those 7 states (except probably MI) over other issue such as cost of living, unemployment, immigration and women healthcare (specifically abortion issue)

On the other hand, as I mentioned before, would you really actually vote for Trump just to punish the dem for not doing enough in Gaza when you know for a fact that Trump/Vance ticket will not do anything on Gaza at all? I mean, you personally may do it, but if you ask the next 10, they probably say differently.......

While we are talking about Whitmer. I have found a very funny clip local station WWMT interview with Whitmer on youtube

There are enough people that won’t vote dem, and will vote third party or stay home, just to register their displeasure.

Trump making the situation worse (there isn’t much Trump could do to make it worse, look at China trying to broker a unity government amongst Palestinian factions, today, and how it will up the ante, complicating what Trump or Harris could do) will only force regional countries and publics to realize they have to take it upon them to change their situation. The US, nor any external power, will do it for them.
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There are enough people that won’t vote dem, and will vote third party or stay home, just to register their displeasure.

Trump making the situation worse (there isn’t much Trump could do to make it worse, look at China trying to broker a unity government amongst Palestinian factions, today, and how it will up the ante, complicating what Trump or Harris could do) will only force regional countries and publics to realize they have to take it upon them to change their situation. The US, nor any external power, will do it for them.
If Gaza issue is the only issue for the people, what you said may be true. There are enough people that won't vote for dem, that part is true, but the issue is not just because of the Gaza situation.

China broker a deal is not going to do anything but dragging Westbank into the war, the issue still lies with Hamas, uniting Hamas and PLO (Which already been done numerous time before, including the Moscow conference in Feb this year) wouldn't solve the issue, because the issue itself had to involve Israel, because they are the other part of this issue, if they want to up the ante, they would be doing so on the UN table or outright recognize Palestine. It does not take a political genius to know China is doing this to put themselves in the international spotlight, amount to the same thing Marcon did in Russia back in March 2022 when the Russian-Ukrainian war broke out.

The issue with this election is going to be Trump vs Harris, who is going to be better for the American, not for Gaza, while I will say Dem picking up a pro-Palestinian plan would appease moderate voter, but it won't be enough to win the election if that is what they focus on, and highly likely won't follow thru because GOP will likely to still control the Congress. As I mentioned before, the top issue with the American is Cost of living, Immigration, Unemployment and Healthcare. That is going to be what being pushed. Or they are going to really lose this election.
If Gaza issue is the only issue for the people, what you said may be true. There are enough people that won't vote for dem, that part is true, but the issue is not just because of the Gaza situation.

China broker a deal is not going to do anything but dragging Westbank into the war, the issue still lies with Hamas, uniting Hamas and PLO (Which already been done numerous time before, including the Moscow conference in Feb this year) wouldn't solve the issue, because the issue itself had to involve Israel, because they are the other part of this issue, if they want to up the ante, they would be doing so on the UN table or outright recognize Palestine. It does not take a political genius to know China is doing this to put themselves in the international spotlight, amount to the same thing Marcon did in Russia back in March 2022 when the Russian-Ukrainian war broke out.

The issue with this election is going to be Trump vs Harris, who is going to be better for the American, not for Gaza, while I will say Dem picking up a pro-Palestinian plan would appease moderate voter, but it won't be enough to win the election if that is what they focus on, and highly likely won't follow thru because GOP will likely to still control the Congress. As I mentioned before, the top issue with the American is Cost of living, Immigration, Unemployment and Healthcare. That is going to be what being pushed. Or they are going to really lose this election.
Sure it’s not the most pressing issue for lost voters, but America’s standing in the world, its moral leadership is important, if America is to challenge China and other powers in an efficient whole of national power approach, but also as in an of itself, for domestic reasons. Enough voters and young people are demoralized to and dissuaded from public service. The cost of living challenges don’t help dissuade of the notion that the country is run on a moral basis. Immigration plays into this as illegal immigrants are suppressing wage growth. Funding the Ukraine war is also wasting resources that ought of be spent at home, just like the GWOT wasted Trillions, putting the nation and the world in a worse off position then pre-2001. The interest on the debt alone will be greater than defense spending soon enough if it isn’t already.

It is in this way, the moral way, the hard way, America can live up to its principles and ideals, and beat the autocracies of the world. The global south is once again a battleground of influence between the Sino-Russo Axis and the US led Axis, in this new Cold War. A Cold War, a Thucydides trap, in which America has finally met a power or collection of powers actually capable of challenge it in a comprehensive manner, except, potentially, on a moral level.

The US at this moment is the inheritor of the entire moral legacy of western civilization, enlightenment and the great moral struggles of the past hundreds of years, especially ones for individual liberty.

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Kamala Harris has a better chance than Biden...I don't know if she will win, that depends on how she campaign for the next 3 months. Notice that most poll put Biden behind 3 to 5 points and Harris behind 1 to 2 points, while Harris dissatisfaction rate actually lower than Trump, this is far from a "landslide" similar to the predicted "red-wash" in 2022 Mid-Term. You can see that from the GOP supporting base (Heritage foundation, Lincoln Project, etc) start talking about lawsuit to see the GOP base was shaken by this decision...

The issue here is that Trump's VP pick is not at all a "welcoming" choice, the poll I mentioned before is from before Vance being nominated, Vance is not at all a good choice for Trump, he is almost as hated as Trump for a whole different reason, the GOP are roughly going toward the same road Tory is going toward in the last general election, they are depending on the "angry white men" vote, Kamala impact on female voter and POC voter is unknown, while women already had a fixated opinion on Trump and POC already had a fixated opinion on Vance, that can push the two categories above toward the Dem depends on how Harris campaign it.

Biden should have step down long ago, he should have just refused the nomination before the Primary even started to vet for a better candidate, I would say I will put Gretch Whitmer, Hakem Jefferies or Michelle Obama or the Governer @FuturePAF said (forgot his name) probably will have a better outcome than Harris, but this is probably the best alternative than Biden for now, unless they can think of a way to dispose the 91 million Biden-Harris campaign fund to a third party candidate.
Kamala definitely has better chance than Biden but the bullet that grazed Trump has almost sealed his victory...Not that I care who wins because all of them are puppets and controlled by Lobbies like AIPAC but this election will definitely be top notch entertainment.
Kamala definitely has better chance than Biden but the bullet that grazed Trump has almost sealed his victory...Not that I care who wins because all of them are puppets and controlled by Lobbies like AIPAC but this election will definitely be top notch entertainment.
His assassination wouldn't change much, there aren't that much coverage on the news merely 1 week since it happened, only right wing channel and people who are stunned by the failure of secret service still talk about it now.

In fact, early poll suggested Harris marginally lead Trump in the early poll.

This, however, is a honeymoon tho, it will very much depends on how Harris tackle both Policy and Trump in the next 3 months.
Sure it’s not the most pressing issue for lost voters, but America’s standing in the world, its moral leadership is important, if America is to challenge China and other powers in an efficient whole of national power approach, but also as in an of itself, for domestic reasons. Enough voters and young people are demoralized to and dissuaded from public service. The cost of living challenges don’t help dissuade of the notion that the country is run on a moral basis. Immigration plays into this as illegal immigrants are suppressing wage growth. Funding the Ukraine war is also wasting resources that ought of be spent at home, just like the GWOT wasted Trillions, putting the nation and the world in a worse off position then pre-2001. The interest on the debt alone will be greater than defense spending soon enough if it isn’t already.

It is in this way, the moral way, the hard way, America can live up to its principles and ideals, and beat the autocracies of the world. The global south is once again a battleground of influence between the Sino-Russo Axis and the US led Axis, in this new Cold War. A Cold War, a Thucydides trap, in which America has finally met a power or collection of powers actually capable of challenge it in a comprehensive manner, except, potentially, on a moral level.

The US at this moment is the inheritor of the entire moral legacy of western civilization, enlightenment and the great moral struggles of the past hundreds of years, especially ones for individual liberty.

Well, there are no "moral" way in election, it's just whether or not voter buying what politician is selling. As I said, people are straight forward, they will look at Policy and see what it's going to do with them, you and other Muslim may vote because of Gaza, but general American vote because of themselves.

You have to realise this, you can only talk about moral high ground after a full stomach, most people don't really care about how these people suffer 7000 miles from them, they care about what they are going to eat tomorrow, and do I still be able to afford a vacation. That's the sad truth about Politics.
His assassination wouldn't change much, there aren't that much coverage on the news merely 1 week since it happened, only right wing channel and people who are stunned by the failure of secret service still talk about it now.

In fact, early poll suggested Harris marginally lead Trump in the early poll.

This, however, is a honeymoon tho, it will very much depends on how Harris tackle both Policy and Trump in the next 3 months.
Trump will be using the attack on him in upcoming debates, Kamala's background and history is not the best either so its more like the same predicament of 2016 election, have to chose between a bad and worse candidate.
I means polls can be manipulated, and just like back in 2016 every poll has put Hilary ahead of Trump but yet he manage to secure the victory, People in in Florida at least are rallying up... every time I pass through a small walk away bridge I see trump banners and people holding them.
Plus Democrats will be losing the swing states because Muslim voter is not voting for Democrats, The betrayal they suffer from the Democrats it will take time to heal, and given the fact that there is no end in sight for Gaza war and US sending bombs to blow kids to pieces, not only Muslims but the young people are not voting or putting their own candidate name, the far left are trying scare tactics with things like " Project 2025 " to once again lure the huge democratic voter to vote against the Trump but I don't see it happening, but again I can be wrong here, but I think there is 90% chance that trump will secure his second term.
Trump will be using the attack on him in upcoming debates, Kamala's background and history is not the best either so its more like the same predicament of 2016 election, have to chose between a bad and worse candidate.
I means polls can be manipulated, and just like back in 2016 every poll has put Hilary ahead of Trump but yet he manage to secure the victory, People in in Florida at least are rallying up... every time I pass through a small walk away bridge I see trump banners and people holding them.
Plus Democrats will be losing the swing states because Muslim voter is not voting for Democrats, The betrayal they suffer from the Democrats it will take time to heal, and given the fact that there is no end in sight for Gaza war and US sending bombs to blow kids to pieces, not only Muslims but the young people are not voting or putting their own candidate name, the far left are trying scare tactics with things like " Project 2025 " to once again lure the huge democratic voter to vote against the Trump but I don't see it happening, but again I can be wrong here, but I think there is 90% chance that trump will secure his second term.
lol, that's not how election go at all.

Trump can't debate Harris just talking about his assassination, if it wouldn't draw people 1 week after the event, it won't do anything when he debates her, he also can't use his main point to Biden against Harris, Harris is 59, Trump is 78, in fact, that would have been Harris point as she will point out that by the time Trump was elected, he will be as old as Biden now. Which mean this is going to be a show down on Policy, and to some media put it, Prosecutor vs Criminal, if the debate descends into this stage, then Trump will lose.

Muslim vote isn't really that matter in the swing state, the made up between 0.8 - 1.3% of the entire state population, even in Muslim heavy area such as Michigan, you are talking about close to 2%, if Harris play her card right, she can compensate with the Black vote, which account for 14% of the population. Do remember even if Harris loses Muslim vote, she will gain against Women and POC vote, how much it was, is the question here, of course, if the course remain unchanged, then losing Muslim vote won't be able to compensated. But the demographic of the swing state will suggest a POC friendly policy than Muslim friendly policy. This is the same argument why people voted Labour/Starmer and drawn out the Reform party (It was estimated they will get 13 but only get 4), even Muslim perceived him as anti-Muslim. A lot of votes from Muslim didn't really matter because it was drowned out by other group.

On the other hand, it's not just Project 2025 is the issue, you have a lot of lingering problem with respect to GOP corruption, from the Supreme Court stacking/Ruling (Alito and Clearence scandal, roe v wade) to Matt Gaetz and even George Santos. The people in the middle hated both Trump and Biden, now Biden's gone, would that group of people hate Harris is the issue here, again, this is a blank slate, and we won't know until Harris campaign pick up, maybe she can put people faith back in democratic party, maybe she cannot. But I don't think Trump is 90% winning, that margin has to be slim for the GOP group to challenge the legitimacy for Harris to take over.
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lol, that's not how election go at all.

Trump can't debate Harris just talking about his assassination, if it wouldn't draw people 1 week after the event, it won't do anything when he debates her, he also can't use his main point to Biden against Harris, Harris is 59, Trump is 78, in fact, that would have been Harris point as she will point out that by the time Trump was elected, he will be as old as Biden now. Which mean this is going to be a show down on Policy, and to some media put it, Prosecutor vs Criminal, if the debate descends into this stage, then Trump will lose.

Muslim vote isn't really that matter in the swing state, the made up between 0.8 - 1.3% of the entire state population, even in Muslim heavy area such as Michigan, you are talking about close to 2%, if Harris play her card right, she can compensate with the Black vote, which account for 14% of the population. Do remember even if Harris loses Muslim vote, she will gain against Women and POC vote, how much it was, is the question here, of course, if the course remain unchanged, then losing Muslim vote won't be able to compensated. But the demographic of the swing state will suggest a POC friendly policy than Muslim friendly policy. This is the same argument why people voted Labour/Starmer and drawn out the Reform party (It was estimated they will get 13 but only get 4), even Muslim perceived him as anti-Muslim. A lot of votes from Muslim didn't really matter because it was drowned out by other group.

On the other hand, it's not just Project 2025 is the issue, you have a lot of lingering problem with respect to GOP corruption, from the Supreme Court stacking/Ruling (Alito and Clearence scandal, roe v wade) to Matt Gaetz and even George Santos. The people in the middle hated both Trump and Biden, now Biden's gone, would that group of people hate Harris is the issue here, again, this is a blank slate, and we won't know until Harris campaign pick up, maybe she can put people faith back in democratic party, maybe she cannot. But I don't think Trump is 90% winning, that margin has to be slim for the GOP group to challenge the legitimacy for Harris to take over.
I never said this is how election will go.. I was merely commenting on Trump's possible assassination and him profiting on it, we are seeing it happen.

You miss the point here, Trump doesn't have to win the debates, he has to just play with people's fear and say few cheesy lines like Mexican r@pists and Muslim ban or ISIS etc and he will rallying the people who are following him, his followers are not with him because of intellectual Genius to win debates, most of his followers are Racists/Xenophobes and they love his unfiltered statements. Well you say Muslims voters won't make a difference yet every major media outlet is saying otherwise, you maybe seeing it through some sort of Bias or idk. Kamala is not famous in Black voters her past as attorney is not hidden from Blacks and other minority groups so yeah at least the intelligent ones will know when they are casting their votes.

That's fair assumption that people who had issues with Biden's age may or may not go towards Harris but again age is not the only factor why Biden is hated, lets face it Biden is a Racist and his past support of Policies are well known to people, young people are not hating biden because of Gaza war, I agree Americans don't care about Brown people or kids dying, they love funding it though.
Just to give you a small example, I met many many gay/LGBT people and majority of them were not going to vote for Biden because of War, but many of them have their own reasons. But again we don't know until the campaign trail begins and lets see what Kamala has to say in her speeches, I don't see American election solely from domestic policies but also see it from the wider Geopolitics lens, unfortunately we live in the world where US elections have effect on the rest of the world, when it should only be concerns of Americans...
The most entertaining election of all time.
lol, that's not how election go at all.

Trump can't debate Harris just talking about his assassination, if it wouldn't draw people 1 week after the event, it won't do anything when he debates her, he also can't use his main point to Biden against Harris, Harris is 59, Trump is 78, in fact, that would have been Harris point as she will point out that by the time Trump was elected, he will be as old as Biden now. Which mean this is going to be a show down on Policy, and to some media put it, Prosecutor vs Criminal, if the debate descends into this stage, then Trump will lose.

Muslim vote isn't really that matter in the swing state, the made up between 0.8 - 1.3% of the entire state population, even in Muslim heavy area such as Michigan, you are talking about close to 2%, if Harris play her card right, she can compensate with the Black vote, which account for 14% of the population. Do remember even if Harris loses Muslim vote, she will gain against Women and POC vote, how much it was, is the question here, of course, if the course remain unchanged, then losing Muslim vote won't be able to compensated. But the demographic of the swing state will suggest a POC friendly policy than Muslim friendly policy.

On the other hand, it's not just Project 2025 is the issue, you have a lot of lingering problem with respect to GOP corruption, from the Supreme Court stacking/Ruling (Alito and Clearence scandal, roe v wade) to Matt Gaetz and even George Santos. The people in the middle hated both Trump and Biden, now Biden's gone, would that group of people hate Harris is the issue here, again, this is a blank slate, and we won't know until Harris campaign pick up, maybe she can put people faith back in democratic party, maybe she cannot. But I don't think Trump is 90% winning, that margin has to be slim for the GOP group to challenge the legitimacy for Harris to take over.

I never said this is how election will go.. I was merely commenting on Trump's possible assassination and him profiting on it, we are seeing it happen.

You miss the point here, Trump doesn't have to win the debates, he has to just play with people's fear and say few cheesy lines like Mexican r@pists and Muslim ban or ISIS etc and he will rallying the people who are following him, his followers are not with him because of intellectual Genius to win debates, most of his followers are Racists/Xenophobes and they love his unfiltered statements. Well you say Muslims voters won't make a difference yet every major media outlet is saying otherwise, you maybe seeing it through some sort of Bias or idk. Kamala is not famous in Black voters her past as attorney is not hidden from Blacks and other minority groups so yeah at least the intelligent ones will know when they are casting their votes.

That's fair assumption that people who had issues with Biden's age may or may not go towards Harris but again age is not the only factor why Biden is hated, lets face it Biden is a Racist and his past support of Policies are well known to people, young people are not hating biden because of Gaza war, I agree Americans don't care about Brown people or kids dying, they love funding it though.
Just to give you a small example, I met many many gay/LGBT people and majority of them were not going to vote for Biden because of War, but many of them have their own reasons. But again we don't know until the campaign trail begins and lets see what Kamala has to say in her speeches, I don't see American election solely from domestic policies but also see it from the wider Geopolitics lens, unfortunately we live in the world where US elections have effect on the rest of the world, when it should only be concerns of Americans...
This is why I said this is not how election works.

The election is going to boil down to 7 swings state, it's never about base voter, they can't win an election from either party, the undecided in those 7 swings state will basically decide who is the next president. Because those 10,000 -20,000 votes here and there will flip a state and hand the presidency to whoever party they choose, and that's what Harris need to flip to her favor if she wants to win. Which mean at the end of the day, both party don't need to convince the base majority, GOP base will not vote for anyone but Trump, Dem base will not vote for anyone but Harris(?), which mean it's more important to score more and lose less in the independent voter, and none of them will just going to tow the party line, that's why they are independent undecided.

Trump can preach those "rapist Mexican" or ISIS terrorist to all he wanted, this works to consolidate Trump base, but then it won't touch those independent, they want a solution to deal with the illegal problem, not scare tactics, it might have worked on FL or TX where they were actually facing the blunt of the illegal immigrant, but they are always going to Trump regardless. The same tactics won't actually work in say MI or WI, where immigrant crime is virtually unheard of. Whatever Trump was running on, it just can't be "Biden is old and senile and he don't know what he was doing" anymore, it won't work because Biden is gone, they would need to come up with real solution to the problem to get those independent in those swing state to vote for him, not just the "other side is bad and I am better" argument.

Again, whether or not Harris is favourite to Black, Latino or Women? as I said numerous times before, I don't know. Her campaign had not started yet, if this is about policy then Trump will need to have a better topic than what he did when he was against Biden, Biden is gone, it doesn't really matter how people hated him, he won't be on the next Ticket. Just because someone who won't vote for Biden does not automatically mean they won't vote for Harris, that's only true if this is a GOP base. Which mean Harris is starting on a blank slate. How she run her campaign is the key to whether or not she will win, not whether or not Trump started those xenophobic remark.
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