Chants of "Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan Zindabad" echo through the heart of an Afghan city, broadcasted by Taliban loudspeakers and TTP members,


Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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Chants of "Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan Zindabad" echo through the heart of an Afghan city, broadcasted by Taliban loudspeakers and TTP members, their voices carried clearly through the streets. Meanwhile, the Taliban's hypocritical leaders in Kabul consistently deny the presence of these terrorists on their soil, despite concrete evidences. The Taliban must cease this hypocrisy and end their support for these elements.
Next time some changez khan here pokes fun at our military that its them this pic Ghazi bhai........Mountains as far as the eye can see for hundreds of miles in all directions. Infinite places to hide, take cover, easy to melt away and withdraw. One of the most unforgiving terrains on the planet. The US military threw in the towel here, cuz you can't fight in this type of terrain. Nobody can!


Chants of "Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan Zindabad" echo through the heart of an Afghan city, broadcasted by Taliban loudspeakers and TTP members, their voices carried clearly through the streets. Meanwhile, the Taliban's hypocritical leaders in Kabul consistently deny the presence of these terrorists on their soil, despite concrete evidences. The Taliban must cease this hypocrisy and end their support for these elements.
Wow the military touts are pushing for a war really hard
Very soon our Jets will bomb the ..... out of them again.
Good Taliban and Bad Taliban turned out be the same people..what a pitty for Pakistanis, who advocated so hard the Good Taliban.
Good Taliban and Bad Taliban turned out be the same people..what a pitty for Pakistanis, who advocated so hard the Good Taliban.

Imagine a neighbouring state such as France, voting against Germany's admission into the UN. Continuously rejecting the idea that Germany is a sovereign state and launching multiple incursions into Germany's territory because they don't recognise the validity of the border they share.

That's basically why Pakistan has continuously supported any movement opposed to the government in Kabul, until Afghans recognise the sovereignty of the Durand Line. Pakistan will always have icy relations with Kabul.
At least it's not an Indian backed government. We'll just have to deal with the mess we made.

It would have been easier to deal with Indian backed puppet government than a government which has intrinsic hatred and animosity towards you with mass public support.

Give it a thought.
@PoKeMon - The Ghani Regime, like every Afghan government, had a vehement hatred for Pakistan. The only difference was it had the backing of the Americans (who eventually gave up on delusions of civilising Afghanistan) and India (who used it to sponsor terrorism within Pakistan). It's not a big deal, Pakistan can make Afghanistan collapse and send it to the stone age again, as afghan analysts have always cried victim about.
It's 2024 and you still have people arguing about specific Afghan regimes not realising the country itself is the problem.

Just like in India the Indo-Pak rivalry has nothing to do with any specific government - the same is the case with Afghanistan.
At least it's not an Indian backed government. We'll just have to deal with the mess we made.
Your hatred of "evil" India, blinds you to any other kind evil out there.

You will have to pay dearly for it.

Americans once had similar irrational hatred toward communism. They paid dearly in Vietnam.
Imagine a neighbouring state such as France, voting against Germany's admission into the UN. Continuously rejecting the idea that Germany is a sovereign state and launching multiple incursions into Germany's territory because they don't recognise the validity of the border they share.

That's basically why Pakistan has continuously supported any movement opposed to the government in Kabul, until Afghans recognise the sovereignty of the Durand Line. Pakistan will always have icy relations with Kabul.
That doesn't even make sense and it's not even true.

Pakistan has always supported a regime in Afghanistan, that it hopes, would do it's bidding in Afghanistan, no matter how uncivilized or toxic they might be for Aghan people.

Pakistanis wanted hardcore Islamic Taliban rule in Afghanistan, but don't want the same in parts of Pakistan.

It shows basic contempt Pakistanis have for Afghan people.

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