China's strategy for taking Taiwan without a shot - MSN news

3, Which Chinese person told you this reason? It couldn't have been your own guess.

Of course it was my own. It doesn't take a genius to see this delicate situation the CCP is in.
You guys are pretty easy to read. You can tell by how the CCP quickly silences any chatter about stuff they don't like before it gets a chance to get out of hand. Having photos of peeling skin young Chinese families in the war ravaged streets of Taiwan bouncing around in Wechat could cause civil unrest.

Same with the US. Pics of Canadians in the above situation would cause almost a violent uproar/outrage by the US populace...but shown pics of Palestinians, Israelis, Ukrainians, Russians..meh most people don't care.
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Of course it was my own. It doesn't take a genius to see this delicate situation the CCP is in.
You guys are pretty easy to read. You can tell by how the CCP quickly silences any chatter about stuff they don't like before it gets a chance to get out of hand. Having photos of peeling skin young Chinese families in the war ravaged streets of Taiwan bouncing around in Wechat could cause civil unrest.

Same with the US. Pics of Canadians in the above situation would cause almost a violent uproar/outrage by the US populace...but Palestinians, Israelis, Ukrainians, Russians..meh most people don't care.

You have some knowledge of the Chinese, but still not enough.

You guessed correctly that if Taiwan had not declared independence and the Chinese government had initiated an attack on Taiwan, the Chinese government would indeed have faced a lot of pressure and even accusations once the bodies of Chinese civilians fell on the streets of Taiwan. But once Taiwan declares independence, the Chinese government will have almost universal support to launch an attack, and the responsibility for the bloodshed will be borne by the Taiwanese government.

If you don't know, the Chinese are not so obsessed with some territories. For example, the eastern part of Afghanistan's Badakhshan province and Tajikistan's Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region used to be Chinese territory, and in 1956, some Tajiks in Xinjiang wanted to leave China, so the Chinese government let the Tajiks vote on their own. The Tajiks in the west chose to join Afghanistan and the Tajiks in the north chose to join Tajikistan, and the Chinese government honored their choices by handing over the territories of these two regions to Afghanistan and Tajikistan. The Tajiks in the east chose to remain in China, so the Chinese Government allowed them to retain their Chinese citizenship. I don't think anyone would argue that Afghanistan and Tajikistan acquired these two regions from China by force, would they?

So one question, why do the Chinese not care about these territories but are extremely concerned about Taiwan?

This is because Taiwan is the traditional territory of the Han Chinese, and an important kernel of Han Chinese culture is the prohibition of secession and the perpetual pursuit of unity. We standardized writing, language, weights and measures, even the spacing of wagon wheels in 221 BC. No separatist regime is allowed in any Han people dynasty. As long as any breakaway Han power exists, the war machine of the empire will never stop.

Anyone who tries to split the traditional territory of the Han people is naturally regarded as an enemy, a traitor and a target who must be eliminated.

So as long as the Taiwanese government declares independence, then the Chinese will accept any bodies dumped on the streets, and it is all the Taiwanese government's responsibility.
This is because Taiwan is the traditional territory of the Han Chinese, thought it was the 台灣原住民....are you now saying the Han are descended from them? thought it was the 台灣原住民....are you saying the Han are descended from them?
Taiwan's Han Chinese population is 98%.

In 230 A.D., the Han generals Wei Wen and Zhuge Zhi discovered the island and began to live and reproduce there.
Taiwan's Han Chinese population is 98%.

In 230 A.D., the Han generals Wei Wen and Zhuge Zhi discovered the island and began to live and reproduce there.

You do know why there are not many 台灣原住民 left...weren't the native people hunted down....fate sounds familiar maybe to another indigenous population on the other side of the planet? 🤔
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You have some knowledge of the Chinese, but still not enough.

You guessed correctly that if Taiwan had not declared independence and the Chinese government had initiated an attack on Taiwan, the Chinese government would indeed have faced a lot of pressure and even accusations once the bodies of Chinese civilians fell on the streets of Taiwan. But once Taiwan declares independence, the Chinese government will have almost universal support to launch an attack, and the responsibility for the bloodshed will be borne by the Taiwanese government.

If you don't know, the Chinese are not so obsessed with some territories. For example, the eastern part of Afghanistan's Badakhshan province and Tajikistan's Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region used to be Chinese territory, and in 1956, some Tajiks in Xinjiang wanted to leave China, so the Chinese government let the Tajiks vote on their own. The Tajiks in the west chose to join Afghanistan and the Tajiks in the north chose to join Tajikistan, and the Chinese government honored their choices by handing over the territories of these two regions to Afghanistan and Tajikistan. The Tajiks in the east chose to remain in China, so the Chinese Government allowed them to retain their Chinese citizenship. I don't think anyone would argue that Afghanistan and Tajikistan acquired these two regions from China by force, would they?

So one question, why do the Chinese not care about these territories but are extremely concerned about Taiwan?

This is because Taiwan is the traditional territory of the Han Chinese, and an important kernel of Han Chinese culture is the prohibition of secession and the perpetual pursuit of unity. We standardized writing, language, weights and measures, even the spacing of wagon wheels in 221 BC. No separatist regime is allowed in any Han people dynasty. As long as any breakaway Han power exists, the war machine of the empire will never stop.

Anyone who tries to split the traditional territory of the Han people is naturally regarded as an enemy, a traitor and a target who must be eliminated.

So as long as the Taiwanese government declares independence, then the Chinese will accept any bodies dumped on the streets, and it is all the Taiwanese government's responsibility.
China should had let those people migrate to Afghanistan and Tajikistan, but kept the lands as they belong to Chinese nation, lol, commies same how they dealt borders with Burma, just gave up.
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You do know why there are not many 台灣原住民 left...weren't the native people hunted down....fate sounds familiar maybe to another indigenous population on the other side of the planet? 🤔

According to historical records, Taiwan was still an uninhabited island when General Wei Wen discovered it. These so-called aborigines are the South Islanders who migrated to Taiwan on their own after the Han Chinese had developed Taiwan. Therefore, the Han Chinese are more aboriginal than these aborigines.

Secondly, do you know "Mkuni Paran"? The vast majority of aborigines were massacred by the Japanese colonizers. This is Japan's own published and recorded official history.

If the Han Chinese wanted to massacre these aborigines, they would have been extinct long ago and could not have survived to the present time, a thousand years later. The Han Chinese were an overwhelmingly demographically and culturally dominant people in East Asia, secure enough not to need to maintain their dominance by massacring other peoples. Even the Jews have lived safely for thousands of years in Henan Province, the very core of the Han, not to mention these South Islanders whose blood is close to ours.

You, the descendants of colonizers, see any powerful people and think it is also a colonizer. Unlike you, we prefer to accomplish expansion through culture rather than bloodshed and colonization. Our fleet arrived in Africa before you did, and we only chose to spread Chinese culture and trade, not to establish colonies.

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According to historical records, Taiwan was still an uninhabited island when General Wei Wen discovered it. These so-called aborigines are the South Islanders who migrated to Taiwan on their own after the Han Chinese had developed Taiwan.

What?? There is evidence of people there for thousands of years.
They are likely the ancestors of the Polynesians that inhabit the Pacific islands.

The first settlers of the far-flung Pacific islands of Tonga and Vanuatu likely arrived from Taiwan and the northern Philippines between 2,300 and 3,100 years ago, a new genetic analysis suggests.
Ancient DNA extracted from skeletons at two archaeological sites on the islands helps paint this picture of how the remotest reaches of the Pacific were first colonized.
"The people of Vanuatu today are descended from Asia first of all. They were straight out of Taiwan and perhaps the northern Philippines," study co-author Matthew Spriggs, an archaeologist and anthropologist at the Australian National University, said in a statement
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China should had let those people migrate to Afghanistan and Tajikistan, but kept the lands as they belong to Chinese nation, lol, commies same how they dealt borders with Burma, just gave up.
The Han Chinese are an agrarian civilization with a strong sense of territoriality and nationalism since ancient times. The traditional territories of the Han people cannot be discarded even for a centimeter, or else they will be cursed for thousands of years by the Han history books, and the government or king who loses the Han territories will also lose its legitimacy.

Many of the ethnic groups in Xinjiang are nomadic, and they don't care too much about their territories; they've always been nomadic, and wherever they go, that's where their pastures are.
What?? There is evidence of people there for thousands of years.
They are likely the ancestors of the Polynesians that inhabit the Pacific islands.

The Han Chinese are a people who are extremely strict about historical records, and China is not one of those countries that can falsify history at will. There are 181,755 history books, 2,367,046 volumes, and more than 40 billion characters that have been handed down to the present day. Chinese history books can be verified against each other by the existence of multiple calendars of the same period, unlike some peoples who use myths as historical records.

For example, according to the "Three Kingdoms Chronicle-Wu Shu-Sun Quan Biography", Emperor Sun Quan of the Three Kingdoms period of Eastern Wu, in the second year of the Huanglong reign (230 A.D.), dispatched generals Wei Wen and Zhuge Zhi to arrive in Taiwan with a fleet of 14,000 men. At that time, General Wei Wen did not find any aborigines present, so he farmed and built cities in the area.

If you want to refute these historical accounts, okya, show your evidence of historical accounts.
From what I understand America is the country with the most criminals in prison and it brutally suppressed the American Black Panther Party and severely punished every member of the Black Panther Party.

But how Americans treat criminals is America's own problem. No matter what the US does, we will also treat the traitors of our nation in our own way. We are not interested in following America's example, nor are we interested in listening to other people's opinions.

Separatist organizations are not political prisoners against the Government, but traitors against the nation.

To be anti-government means to be against the ruling party, and to advocate secession is to be anti-national. There is a fundamental difference between the two.

Traitors to the nation should of course be severely punished and must be retrospectively and thoroughly liquidated. We Chinese have a tradition of not forgiving traitors.
For example, the iron man kneeling in the first picture is called Qin Hui, and it has been kneeling at Yue Fei's grave for a thousand years. The food in the second picture is one of the traditional Chinese breakfasts, and its name is "fried Qin Hui".

Do you understand now? It is the tradition of our Chinese nation to never forgive and severely punish traitors, and it is the collective will of our Chinese nation, not the will of any particular government. The third chart shows that at the end of the War of Resistance Against Japan, we executed Chinese officials who worked for the Japanese army, a total of more than 50,000 people, all of whom were put to death.

As a Taiwanese official, you can shoot to resist the PLA for the sake of mutual political differences, and you can argue that KMT is the legitimate government of China, not the CCP. all of these behaviors are acceptable, and it won't be pursued by anti-secession laws. But if you advocate for splitting Taiwan, for being two countries to each other, for it not being a civil war. Then that is an act of splitting the country and it will be recourse by the anti-secession law. If your behavior leads to serious consequences, it is indeed punishable by death. We wouldn't even mind making a stone statue for you too, kneeling facing the Taiwan Strait for tens of thousands of years.

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Interesting to learn about the dish's history. No wonder I've been noticing something off about its name, now I know it's probably derived from Chinese.

Giò Cháo Quẩy
Yu Char Kway (yàuh ja gwái)
@MH.Yang can you suggest a book on Chinese History (In English Language and better if available in pdf format to download and read).
@MH.Yang can you suggest a book on Chinese History (In English Language and better if available in pdf format to download and read).
May I ask which dynasty's history you would like to learn about? Would you like it to be more rigorous or lighter? Do you have some basic Chinese?
May I ask which dynasty's history you would like to learn about? Would you like it to be more rigorous or lighter? Do you have some basic Chinese?

No I don't know even a single word of Chinese language. I'd be interested in a brief overview of Chinese history through ages, not specific time period and not very detailed one.
No I don't know even a single word of Chinese language. I'd be interested in a brief overview of Chinese history through ages, not specific time period and not very detailed one.

Then I recommend you to watch the documentary <General History of China> made by CCTV.


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