Discussion: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran

Exactly why I used the word incoming, all signs show Iran moving towards retaliation. It's a defence forum, so we speculate judging from the signs.

Maybe you are the wrong place.

All signs? As I said, I will wait and see. Thus far, not much being shown by any "signs" except hot headed words and claims.

(And I was invited back, so I must be in the right place. If you have a problem with that please let management know. :D)
Projectile? So the Drone/FPV theory is dead. 7kg warhead, short range, can be an ATGM. Still surprised how they were able to get so close considering it was a short range weapon.

@jauk what do you think what kind of weapon was used in the attack?

May be it was an inside job? Who can get in a missile that close in such an area and then slip out undetected after such an explosion? Surely, that level of incompetence cannot be an adequate explanation.
In fact only Jordan is ambivalent about Israel. From the Chinese point of view, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Egypt are all outwardly neutral and actually favor Palestine. Bahrain is too small for me to know much about.

Recently 14 Palestinian parties signed an agreement in Beijing to unite in resistance to the aggression. These parties include religious, communist, far-left and far-right parties from virtually the entire political spectrum. If 14 parties with such vast political differences can unite, why doesn't Iran try to unite all the Islamic countries of the Middle East?
What the Persian Gulf Arabs say and what they actually do in regards to Israel are two different things. As we speak the UAE and Saudis are providing a land route for goods to enter Israel while talking though to pretend they are on the side of the Palestinians suffering at the hands of Genocidal Zionists!
The topic, if I comprehend the title correctly, is the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Iran, not whose forces are in a neighboring country. May I suggest you take your own advice and stick to the topic?

On topic, has Iran shown any evidence to support its claims of who did the assassination or not?
Why Indians are so upset ? 😂😂
May be it was an inside job? Who can get in a missile that close in such an area and then slip out undetected after such an explosion? Surely, that level of incompetence cannot be an adequate explanation.
Can be, most probably done by a foreign entity using inside actors in IRGC, but that would mean the security establishment is compromised.
What the Gulf Arabs say and what they actually do in regards to Israel are two different things. As we speak the UAE and Saudis are providing a land route for goods to enter Israel while talking though to pretend they are on the side of the Palestinians suffering at the hands of Genocidal Zionists!
Persian Gulf…
May be it was an inside job? Who can get in a missile that close in such an area and then slip out undetected after such an explosion? Surely, that level of incompetence cannot be an adequate explanation.
You under estimate the capabilities of the collective West's intelligence apparatus in carrying out covert ops inside Iran.
Projectile? So the Drone/FPV theory is dead. 7kg warhead, short range, can be an ATGM. Still surprised how they were able to get so close considering it was a short range weapon.

@jauk what do you think what kind of weapon was used in the attack?
Some says it was drone. A very sophisticated drown.
Can be, most probably done by a foreign entity using inside actors in IRGC, but that would mean the security establishment is compromised.

Or the security establishment is trying to reduce its liabilities that were former assets? That is also a distinct possibility.
You under estimate the capabilities of the collective West's intelligence apparatus in carrying out covert ops inside Iran.

Not really. Such an operation can only mean extreme incompetence or devious complicity on part of the Iranians. (Just like the Abbottabad raid for Pakistan.) And neither possibility is exactly a good answer.
Or the security establishment is trying to reduce its liabilities that were former assets? That is also a distinct possibility.
Possible, but why would they do it in such circumstances? Haniyeh in Tehran as a VIP guest, his death has already greatly damaged the image of Iranian security protocols.

I still think it was outside job but facilitated by insider collaboraters.

we are losing precious time because these morons are never prepared for anything that happens and need a long time to decide wtf to do

I am old enough to remember when Salami would brag that any act by Israel against Iran would lead to 10,000 missiles raining on Haifa and Tel Aviv immediately.

either this attack happens tomorrow night or we should forget about it and spare ourselves the embarrassment.

pressure on Khamenei from hardliners

normally I wouldn't say this but thank god for the hardliners. Khamenei has led Iran to a stupid path of making the destruction of Israel a core tenet of Iran's existence but wanting to avoid any form of conflict with Israel and also banning the production of nuclear weapons ...
Im not a military person but after True promise if I was in charge I would have battle plans ready to cover likely scenarios where the aparthied state crosses a red line and then have those plans implemented quickly for a response.

Iran has let the US put its pieces on the chess board now to mitigate against an Iranian attack making its success less likely than a suprise attack.

If I am in charge I would not rush for a response now, let the genocide allies stay mobilised indefinitely, let fatigue and lots of costs set in, with airlines refusing to fly to Israel and the continued turmoil inside Israel with people wondering when the attack will come. This IMO serves better purpose now and when the timing is right with the response likely to be more successful....bang.

I would likely level mossad HQ as a retaliatory measure.

Just my armchair general 2 cents.

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