Discussion: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran

I would, but lets stick to the topic, where the occupier forces belong to USA.

The topic, if I comprehend the title correctly, is the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Iran, not whose forces are in a neighboring country. May I suggest you take your own advice and stick to the topic?

On topic, has Iran shown any evidence to support its claims of who did the assassination or not?
What significant damage did those BMs did?
Well ,here are few "damages" the Iranian attack on Israel did:

1. Destroyed Israel's invincibility myth that it cannot be attacked- Iran attacked it and the world didnt do crap after that.
2.Showed inefficiency of Israel's air defense systems- with all the advanced warning and air defense support from US and GCC, Israel still wasn't able to intercept all the missiles Iran shot, which showed its air defenses are not that good.
3. Proved potency of Iranian military capabilities- some Iranian missiles still hit valuable targets in Israel, and Iran gave an advanced warning, and US and GCC assisted ISrael in defending against missiles, and some not so new Iranian missiles still hit Israel. Iran's enemies are not scared of Iran today, because of that attack on Israel. Despite Israel threatening, there was no real retaliation against Iran for that attack, and that makes sense- its easy to say a country will attack Iran, because its very difficult LOGISTICALLY to execute a potent attack on Iran.
4. Exposed the Arabs/GCC who are in bed with Israel- the GCC and Arab countries that helped Israel during the Iranian attack showed to the world that they are actually collaborators with Israel, which is very painful to see, but was important for the world to understand once and for all.
5. Israel gave away damaging information to Iran- from activating much of its air defense network to intercept the Iranian projectiles, Israel gave away ALOT of valuable military information to Iran, which Iran will use to improve the effectiveness of its potential future attacks on Israel.
Iranian embassy and it's general got cooked, Israelis got off the hook with far less repercussions, same is gonna happen this time too.
And Israelis are flying out of the country before any new action between Iran and Israel takes place, so lets just watch and see what happens. Assumptions are usually bad in situations like this-last time is always a different time from this time.
You can't just look at Saudi Arabia et al's attitude towards Israel from an Iranian perspective. In the last two years, countries like Saudi Arabia and the UAE have visited China, and the main thing they talk about is the civil war in Sudan. If the issue of the Sudanese civil war is not resolved, Saudi Arabia and other countries simply cannot afford to take a strong stance against Israel. Second, the Saudis depend on Israeli gas. Saudi Arabia and Qatar have poor relations and cannot use Qatari gas. If you want the Saudis and others to shift to a hard line against Israel, you have to address their concerns. That's fair enough.
We’re Iranian. We ONLY look at Saudi Arabia ‘from an Iranian perspective . Don’t forget where you’re posting.
Do you really think that was good enough reply? or cause of any concern for Israel?
If the Iranian attack was not good enough for Israel, then why did Israel threaten AND pathetically attempt retaliation against Iran after it?
The topic, if I comprehend the title correctly, is the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Iran, not whose forces are in a neighboring country. May I suggest you take your own advice and stick to the topic?
The topic has shifted from his death to the incoming retaliation now which demands looking at the regional actors, terrorists like USA and Zionists included.
The topic has shifted from his death to the incoming retaliation now which demands looking at the regional actors, terrorists like USA and Zionists included.

What retaliation? Has anything happened yet as a response?
And Israelis are flying out of the country before any new action between Iran and Israel takes place, so lets just watch and see what happens.
Zionists come and go like the insects they are.
I used the word incoming, maybe read properly next time.

Ah yes, more claims. Incoming what exactly? Are there missiles in the air already that are incoming? Nope.

Understanding words before use is usually a good idea.

What you actually mean are statements made to claim that there will some kind of response by Iran, which has not happened yet. Nothing seems to be incoming. Thus far.

I will wait for it.
Ah yes, more claims. Incoming what exactly? Are there missiles in the air already that are incoming? Nope.

Understanding words before use is usually a good idea.

What you actually mean are statements made to claim that there will some kind of response by Iran, which has not happened yet. Nothing seems to be incoming. Thus far.

I will wait for it.
Exactly why I used the word incoming, all signs show Iran moving towards retaliation. It's a defence forum, so we speculate judging from the signs.

Maybe you are the wrong place.
Because of Israel's genocide in Gaza, Iran accepts the risk of starting a war and will gives a strong response.

I believe that the attack will be stronger than the previous one because they did not pay attention to Iran's warning
Thank you - now someone is talking!!!

People shouldnt forget that Haniyeh was not just a guest of Iran's, he was also a Palestinian leader, and with the Gaza genocide war going on, this may be the worst time for Iran NOT to take a risk. if there will be a regional war, i think the sooner the better, because that way the end is in sight, however far it may be.

If Iranian missiles are rendered impotent against Israel, Iran's ultimate move against Israel is probably a ground invasion into GOlan heights or and northern Israel (that borders Lebanon).
Oh bhai, Iran is still fighting hard, as best as they can. Do you know the situation in our country? Most overseas Pakistanis refuse to travel home now because of the collapse of our society and state institutions. You can’t go outside and walk around on the streets without the likelihood of being robbed.

When was the last time you went home?
I live in Pakistan Punjab bro 😂
That is fair. But then Iranian leaders should end its obsession with the destruction of the US and Israel. And focus more on economic growth, battling corruption and social injustice, averting the water crisis etc. Iran is blessed with a history and resources most countries couldn't even dream of, yet we are underperforming so much it should be a grave sin.
Yeah it was much better when your Secular Shah would just bend over to them every chance he got!

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