Discussion: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran

I don't think they did

the number of Arrow and Patriot batteries did not change. they still don't have THAAD. only two US destroyers are in the Med waiting to help. that might even be fewer than last time.

and the number of missiles from Iran will be higher as well.
I don’t think they had this many fighters and support aircraft last time.
Because most countries that have ballistic missiles have not fired them in real war scenarios recently, and if they have, they have definitely not done so with quantity. Iran is the main power that has frequently and effectively fired ballistic missiles recently. Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia etc,. - they all claim to have BMs deployed, but when last did they fire them in real battlefield scenarios? Now when did they fire them against advanced western countries? We cant compare Iran's BM success rate against countries that have BMs but last used them was decades ago. Respectfully!
These guys can’t even manage to fight out of wet paper bags. These are all deen miskeen ghareeb.

I can’t see a single Muslim outfit even remotely in a position to do what Iran is about to do.

And no shit! I put India n China in that same category!

All untested unproven, no modern warfare doctrine no tactical experience no sweet fukk all. They’ve never fired a ballistic missile nor cruise missile nor drone in anger. Zero experience! And worse of all no weapons to confront the west either. 😝

These guys are all amateur junior level Mickey Mouse small time outfits and we know it.
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I think Iran unfortunately missed its chance to retaliate this time. An unprecedented interception system has been put in place, and Arab countries, the EU, and Russia are united in pressuring Iran not to retaliate. Normal aircraft operations have resumed, and if Iran were to give prior notice to avoid collateral damage, it would be easily intercepted just like last time.
I am wondering now what will the target be of the retaliation. The amount of time taken means they will have to use overwhelming force to pierce through the missile defence. Or are they planning something unorthodox, like using a container ship to fire a volley of suicide drones to its target.
I think Iran unfortunately missed its chance to retaliate this time. An unprecedented interception system has been put in place, and Arab countries, the EU, and Russia are united in pressuring Iran not to retaliate. Normal aircraft operations have resumed, and if Iran were to give prior notice to avoid collateral damage, it would be easily intercepted just like last time.
dude, calm down. Don't do what Israel wants you to do. Be patient and do not give the Americans a reason to make war on ydude.
American stocks, exchange rates, and debt are collapsing, and you will have your chance to take revenge on Israel, but not now.
Look at the nonsense Indians put on line saying Russia supplying weapons to Iran….😝. Somebody should ask these Indians on what Russia could possibly supply Iran?……

There is no such thing in Israel as prison where you keep criminals. These are similar to Hitler's camps and also Japanese camps in China where civilians and innocent people are being tortured and doctrined.

Thousands of kids are being held in those camps, people don't even know where their children are being kept and why?
Building consensus is indeed important at OIC & elsewhere then going blindly into madness all alone, great patience and wisdom Iran exhibits in this difficult situation.

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