Discussion: Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran

Iran should just flatten Dubai, the snake in the heart of ME...
Iran doing $20 billion in business with these UAE no? How can they attack profitable tribals just like that?
Since that orange soda drinking idiot in his bunker (Nasrallah) swore revenge. Israel has bombed and bombed Hezbollah and killed 10+ advisors and soldiers.

The axis is all talk.
They should be more straightforward with their base. Naem Qassem in Hezbollah is to the point. He doesn't oversell himself or the movement. Nasrallah has been making empty threats for too long. Seemingly all to keep actual war away from Lebanon and allies. It's not normal to be be that risk adverse. A skirmish won't be the end of the world but idk what's going on in Nasrallah's head. Israeli pyschological warfare got to him.
US pyschological warfare should not be taken seriously. They desperately don't want Israel to be humiliated -- via a strike on a strategic target, like the Palmachim airbase, where it exposes their vulnerabilities and forces them to have to reduce their offensive on Gaza. US wants to buy Israel so much time to be able to have it's entire focus on Gaza and toppling Hamas. A strike on strategic targets in Israel means Israel has to give up its long term ethnic cleansing plan in Gaza. That the US propaganda machine and economy have been enabling the whole time.
Israel is entirely focused on Gaza. Trying to eradicate Palestinian national identity. Everyone knows to hurt Israel you hurt it from being able to execute this plan for Gaza. By disrupting its operations in Gaza. The current level of intensity and scope of attacks by the axis are not sufficient in achieving this. Once you cross threshold, Israel is in big trouble.

You need to be decisive and firm in your stance. All it took was pyschological warfare and US/Israel spamming media with scenarios to get you to back down. The fact they're doing all that to get you to back down should tell you they desperately don't want their campaign in Gaza to be disrupted. And they know they're screwed if it is.
Timeline of the Paper Lion leadership:

  • Iran: Israel will get an attack even harsher then April 12 (another paper lion attack)
  • Arabs: Iran won’t even answer our diplomats calls they are so angry
  • iran: We don’t care it will strike Israel hard, even if it means
  • Iran and HZ and the axis are going to do a multiple prong assault that will be hundreds upon hundreds of projectiles

  • We don’t see Iran make the necessary preparations for an attack
  • Iran seems to have gotten “cold feet”
  • Iran: we will not strike Israel if they leave Gaza
  • Rehotric around revenge has gone down 48 hours

This country took about half a month to make a decision and get ready in April.

Now it took half a month to even decide if it wanted to take action.
More pysch warfare. Israel now trying to make these two legitimate targets as off-limits. If you responded within 48 hours, this wouldn't be happening. Now they'll 'leak' more scenarios to intimidate Hezbollah decision makers and get them to back down off of almost everything.

If Hamas had guided missiles on October 7, it would have struck these targets. Let that sink in.

More pysch warfare. Israel now trying to make these two legitimate targets as off-limits. If you responded within 48 hours, this wouldn't be happening. Now they'll 'leak' more scenarios to intimidate Hezbollah decision makers and get them to back down off of almost everything.

If Hamas had guided missiles on October 7, it would have struck these targets. Let that sink in.

there is a fine line between bravery and recklessness
there is a fine line between bravery and recklessness
If it's reckless to target the IDF HQ, then we're doing a poor job at resisting the enemy. Israel won't spare anything in Lebanon. It targeted the military chief of staff of Hezbollah. If the response is just making verbal threats on not following up on them, then again, the performance in confronting Israel is poor.
there is a fine line between bravery and recklessness
Hamas was not attempting to showcase bravery on October 7. It was letting the world know what Israel is doing to Gaza and West Bank is not sustainable. And trying to bring about strategic changes in the regional dynamic. It's a matter of will power.

What Hamas did greatly frightened Israel. But Gaza's lacks strategic depth and is a glorified refugee camp. So Israel was not facing a existential threat. But it was dealt a blow and shook. The potential is there to make this entity behave. But there is hesitancy to exercise this potential.
They sensed fear and hesitancy amongst Hezbollah decision makers, that now they're going to the next level with their pyschological warfare. As far as Israeli pyschological warfare goes, a response of any sort is off limits. Israel appears mighty and feared, as a result. While Nasrallah loses more credibility.

Imagine if Palmachim airbase was struck one month into the war on Gaza. What do people think the whole US army will deploy to the middle east ? That would be a honey pot trap for the United States. Basically attracting all of Jew worshippers around the world, and engaging in a war on terror on them, lol.

People think wait till Mahdi to deal with Israel. What's a ordinary man going to do differently than what you can do, lol. It will still trigger a big war because you're cutting off head of snake, Israel.

It seems that no one knows what decision has been made in Tehran and that is why they are worried.

The decision is they want the status quo.

Remember this is the same country that quickly abandoned its nuclear weapons program in 2003 when Iraq got evaded.

This is the same country that threatened war against the Taliban for decapitating its consulate staff in Afghanistan including children of family in 90’s only to settle for diplomatic solution.

Iran’s entire history is avoiding head on conflict.

This attack is going to be so watered down another face saving attack by Iran. And in 6 months Israel will kill Hajizadeh or Ghani and we will be talking about this all over again and the same ’patriotic’ users on here will rush to defend the establishment

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