Discussion: India Pakistan Clash in the Next Few Months?

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That would be the Black Monday deal for the Sanghis. Provocation without their having to think about headache-inducing things like military actions, the real thing, not torching a minority settlement while the police are told to go watch a movie. Someone, somewhere, must be praying that some idiot goes on the warpath and does enough so the Sanghis can wrap themselves in the flag, scream at the traitors who don't support them politically, and roll their eyes at the western nations, hoping everybody will forget the faux-Mossad bungling that they are getting boiled in oil for.
It's true; they are a bad lot.
What do you hope to achieve on an online forum by personal name calling and mocking of faith and the ancient divine tenets of another individual?

Its a new forum. Try to behave civilized.

Cheers, Doc
Savagery in thought and lack of humanity deserves bashing.
What do you hope to achieve byinsulting and attacking Pakistan , supporting Islamaphobia, encouraging and abetting Terorrism and genocide, idol worshipping and Cow Ka Cola as a refresshment?

Does it matter to you if we worship idols or drink cow cola whatever feels good for us being Hindus? Why do not you think, it can not be considered as mocking someone's faith when it is not none of the business of Non-Hindus?

Here, I believe, you are referring to "India" as a nation. Well, it is quite obvious that India will try to contain and put all the measures to contain or keep Pakistan busy with its internal issues till Pakistan's aspiration to control part of our territories remains intact.
Diplomatically India does not support pursuing anything that is related to Islamophobia. But you may be correct if you are referring to the online public. At the end of the courtesy of our Amabni sir, every person has a mobile phone and access to post whatever ill-informed/Educated post they would like to share.
Regardless of where I personally stand in the social and political spectrum, i sincerely hope @Kaniska is leaning comfortably right of center so as to have some balance in completely civil India centric discourse here.

I say this with zero malice towards @Joe Shearer but the fact of the matter is that dialog in India between the Sanghis and the Secularists is at a complete nadir standstill. It is non-existent. Except maybe at a personal level, people to people, but even there beyond a point both sides simply let off and say elections mein dekhenge.

Indian forums without exception all lean various degrees right, well away from the center. Dialog is impossible there.

WhatsApp has its silos. Zero cross pollination. Either you are banned and/or burn the group down. Or if less confrontational, you simply hit Exit and Delete from your life.

Friendships of decades have irrevocably broken. Families are split. So what hope from anonymous people on the internet?

Just ranting. Don't mind me.

Cheers, Doc

It will remain non-existent for good reason until both parties or the ideologies understand and start providing basic respect to each other.
I say this with zero malice towards @Joe Shearer but the fact of the matter is that dialog in India between the Sanghis and the Secularists is at a complete nadir standstill. It is non-existent. Except maybe at a personal level, people to people, but even there beyond a point both sides simply let off and say elections mein dekhenge.
You are quite right.

I do have a different bone to pick with you (isn't it fun to have a choice of bones?).

Why should you think that malice would be assumed when you make an assessment of my point of view and talk about that assessment? There is no reason for me to flinch from such an evaluation. It is a different matter if or not that deserves an answer; in this case, because of some small domestic preoccupations, it did not get answered. The point is a valid one, and I acknowledge it to be such.

It's cool, Doc.
It's strange, but the fringe elements on both sides of the border, including the NRI/OPS (or whatever the term is) elements. I read those posts and wonder if all the person's frustrations in real life are getting converted into these exhibitions.

Idol worship has nothing to do with you.
Don't raise religious issues and think of something else to do a war-dance about.
Of course it has something to with me, because savage and humiliating thoughts creates massacres in Gujerat, Delhi, Palestine and threatens Pakistan.
Of course it has something to with me, because savage and humiliating thoughts creates massacres in Gujerat, Delhi, Palestine and threatens Pakistan.
My objection is to your raising somebody else's way of worship.

How does that become a savage and humiliating thought that creates massacres?
As an AI language model, I can't predict future events, including conflicts between nations. The relationship between India and Pakistan has been historically complex, and tensions have arisen periodically over various issues. Geopolitical situations can change due to a multitude of factors, including political, social, and economic developments.

It's crucial to focus on promoting peace, dialogue, and diplomatic efforts to prevent any escalation of tensions or conflicts between countries. Speculating about specific events or conflicts is not within the scope of what I can provide. If you have any other questions or need information on a different topic, feel free to ask.
It will remain non-existent for good reason until both parties or the ideologies understand and start providing basic respect to each other.
This gives me the thought that this might be worth discussing (after the 28th) in an Indian social forum on PDF.

As an AI language model, I can't predict future events, including conflicts between nations. The relationship between India and Pakistan has been historically complex, and tensions have arisen periodically over various issues. Geopolitical situations can change due to a multitude of factors, including political, social, and economic developments.

It's crucial to focus on promoting peace, dialogue, and diplomatic efforts to prevent any escalation of tensions or conflicts between countries. Speculating about specific events or conflicts is not within the scope of what I can provide. If you have any other questions or need information on a different topic, feel free to ask.
You will learn one day. Our ancestors too were idol worshippers once but then we were enlightened. We suffered the consequential ills of the idol worshipping ways , very much similar to how India is suffering today: rampant crime, crimes against women, no respect for civilised values etc.
Good for you, but whatever India is suffering has nothing to do with you.
Please stop your religious attacks.
Your ancestors were the weak blood that folded and converted at the end of the swords and lances of invaders coming through with their new religion fanatic zeal. Your women taken. Your lives forfeit. Rather than fight on, your ancestors chose the easy path of least resistance. Swapping Gods. Living another day. Even marrying your daughters off. Or have them taken away forcefully by the garrisons, as concubines.

Cheers, Doc

The same description applies to the invasion from Central Asia into India.

Don't bother, we know the irony is lost on you, always, which makes it all the more amusing.
The same description applies to the invasion from Central Asia into India.

Don't bother, we know the irony is lost on you, always, which makes it all the more amusing.

Even then guess who got shafted first.

The sons of the Indus.

Do you get the beautiful irony of the trophy on your mantle piece?

My dad always used to say, mixed bloods are more intelligent and better looking.

I guess he was right about one of the two.

Cheers, Doc
Even then guess who got shafted first.

The sons of the Indus.

Doesn't matter who was first or last.
By your logic, the sons of the Indus, once assimilated, joined the 'shafting' party as the tide moved eastward.

Unlike you, however, we don't take pleasure in taunting about war and conquest.
Such puerile passions are the hallmark of people consumed by their inferiority complex.
The phenomenon is entirely well understood in psychology.
'With the ugly girls ... pretty girls'.
Keep going, doc, you have zero clue how you are bungling your way ever deeper....

First the ethnic hatred, then the religious bigotry, and now the trifecta of misogyny.

Why on Earth would I want to stop you when you making my point for me?

You can say a grateful Thank You to your compatriot @Khansaheeb for this refresher course in subcontinental history.

Everything was civilized till his idol worship cow cola bs.

Cheers, Doc
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