Discussion: India Pakistan Clash in the Next Few Months?

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I was discussing this with someone else last night.

India over the past decade is much like the once Kaiser ruled Germany of the 30's.

The creamy layer will make way for and adjust with whoever sways the masses.

But their preeminence will be ensured.

Take a look at Ratan Tata "sir" the darling if the Sanghis to get a whiff of what I'm saying.

And take a wild guess what happens if and when the Congress comes back.

Cheers, Doc
what happens if they come back ?

spell it out, I'm cloudy and slow this afternoon.
what happens if they come back ?

spell it out, I'm cloudy and slow this afternoon.

The creamy layer will accomodate them.

As they did for all but 15 years of Independent India.

It is a very Brahmanical concept.

Do what you want to do with the masses.

Do not disturb us.

Cheers, Doc
The creamy layer will accomodate them.

As they did for all but 15 years of Independent India.

It is a very Brahmanical concept.

Do what you want to do with the masses.

Do not disturb us.

Cheers, Doc

Cheers, Doc
abundance vs lack waali baat

wombs waali phanso from among us gangu lot, but us me bhi sceene hai

depressing shit, man, tbph..

we just a bunch of hutu and tutsis here, whatever flavor/chepi

You can't fight a full scale conventional war with India who has ten times your resources .
Your fraction GDP and Forex and complete reliance on Chinese good will means a serious war for you guys is no start
Big howitzers dont make up for Indian massive resource advantage huge strategic depth....
Blah blah blah, for how many years we have heard this: India is 10X bigger , more resources , bigger army etc. It is good you live in fantasy land of Bollywood one day you may just see reality. India is cracking from crime and insurgency from the East, South and North.
abundance vs lack waali baat

wombs waali phanso from among us gangu lot, but us me bhi sceene hai

depressing shit, man, tbph..

we just a bunch of hutu and tutsis here, whatever flavor/chepi


I think the wombs are abundant. We need fresh Iranic blood. After 44 generations of inbreeding, ours is too intermixed.

That is increasingly happening in the west. Muslims reverting. Marrying. Dasturs (priests) willing to perform the ceremonies and rituals. Kurdish blood is still taboo though. Even though they are our closest cousins. Some very hot cousins.

Cheers, Doc
If anything the next conflict you should keep an eye on is the one that is on the WESTERN border. Please for one moment remove the blinkers and see what is beyond your nose.
Pakistanis think that the fight on western border is a mere sideshow. The real war is India-Pakistan conventional war.

I personally believe that India Pakistan relations will go for a spin in next few months as Indian General elections are coming up. Next few months are crucial and if some incident happens in India, they will again do something stupid, which would in return force us to retaliate. So, I am of the opinion we are heading for another balakot type situation in next few months. I give time until the date of India's General elections. If nothing happens until then, then the status co will continue.
You are hoping for an escalation. India is already happy with the turmoil on western border. If all, Pakistan needs to retaliate for the strike on PAF base, which doesn't seem to be coming against the involved parties.

Blah blah blah, for how many years we have heard this: India is 10X bigger , more resources , bigger army etc. It is good you live in fantasy land of Bollywood one day you may just see reality. India is cracking from crime and insurgency from the East, South and North.
RAWs budget is a big concern, it gives them a lot of options and resources.
I think the wombs are abundant. We need fresh Iranic blood. After 44 generations of inbreeding, ours is too intermixed.

That is increasingly happening in the west. Muslims reverting. Marrying. Dasturs (priests) willing to perform the ceremonies and rituals. Kurdish blood is still taboo though. Even though they are our closest cousins. Some very hot cousins.

Cheers, Doc
You are getting sick, see a doctor.
You are getting sick, see a doctor.

What do you hope to achieve on an online forum by personal name calling and mocking of faith and the ancient divine tenets of another individual?

Its a new forum. Try to behave civilized.

Cheers, Doc
Blah blah blah, for how many years we have heard this: India is 10X bigger , more resources , bigger army etc. It is good you live in fantasy land of Bollywood one day you may just see reality. India is cracking from crime and insurgency from the East, South and North.

Pakistan is weak country relative to India by ten times factor
The gap is growing bigger
You can't change this fact
It means in any military engagement your hope is it's limited conflict only like kargil
Full.scale war you will be on your knees in two weeks

Why ,....no resources including money

You can't change that fact
OK, I get it.
Clear and deliberate provocation.
Wind him up, sit back and listen to the old fool go 'Snap', 'Crackle' and 'Pop'.
No more. I'm not reacting to this bait no more.

Sorry, I am not sure which part you thought was provocative.
I genuinely believe the Indian long term policymakers can and do run circles around their Pakistani counterparts.
But anyway, we can let that be..
Sorry, I am not sure which part you thought was provocative.
I genuinely believe the Indian long term policymakers can and do run circles around their Pakistani counterparts.
But anyway, we can let that be..
Just kidding.
The real war is India-Pakistan conventional war.
It seems weird that the military backs off (= pays minimal attention) to a live, shooting war, only to spend time on an alternative where they are the problem. Can't they see the dangers of what they are doing, allowing a bleeding ulcer to grow and grow and grow until it becomes a life or death situation? The logic beats me.

You are hoping for an escalation. India is already happy with the turmoil on western border. If all, Pakistan needs to retaliate for the strike on PAF base, which doesn't seem to be coming against the involved parties.
That would be the Black Monday deal for the Sanghis. Provocation without their having to think about headache-inducing things like military actions, the real thing, not torching a minority settlement while the police are told to go watch a movie. Someone, somewhere, must be praying that some idiot goes on the warpath and does enough so the Sanghis can wrap themselves in the flag, scream at the traitors who don't support them politically, and roll their eyes at the western nations, hoping everybody will forget the faux-Mossad bungling that they are getting boiled in oil for.
RAWs budget is a big concern, it gives them a lot of options and resources.
It's strange, but the fringe elements on both sides of the border, including the NRI/OPS (or whatever the term is) elements. I read those posts and wonder if all the person's frustrations in real life are getting converted into these exhibitions.

What do you hope to achieve byinsulting and attacking Pakistan , supporting Islamaphobia, encouraging and abetting Terorrism and genocide, idol worshipping and Cow Ka Cola as a refresshment?
Idol worship has nothing to do with you.
Don't raise religious issues and think of something else to do a war-dance about.
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