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Egyptian Armed Forces

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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I get all of what you're saying, but just on the point of BVR I have to disagree. You can train your nuts off with all the anti-BVR tactics you want, but the fact is first look-first shoot is overwhelmingly determinant when it comes to air dominance, more so now than ever. The PAF for at least two decades suffered immensely in this regard vs the IAF, and paid heavily for it. That balance of equation has now shifted dramatically, as proven by the PAF on Feb 2019 against the IAF, using AMRAAMs against Su-30MKIs, Mirages and Mig-29s, who didn't manage to get even a single AAM missile off against the PAF. Yes, yes, I know there were many other factors involved etc. I'm not going to go into the rest of the political issues etc, but the reason the zionists are afraid of Egypt is >100million nation against less then 10million, simple as that. The sooner you guys learn to wean yourselves off the US the better. Although that's easier said that done given the political interference uncle Sam likes to do. I guess for you guys to develop an independent defence posture is difficult due to Camp David and having the zionists next door, but look at what Turkey and Pakistan are doing, slowly weaning themselves away from the US with nascent indigenous tech. Heck, if a basket case country like Pakistan can do it (albeit with a lot of support from China), then surely Egypt can. There'll be a heavy price to pay, but what price for self-respect?

Have you heard of this Chinese system???

This was the reason why Egypt too the risk and chance to let the Chinese have a close tour on the F-16..


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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get all of what you're saying, but just on the point of BVR I have to disagree. You can train your nuts off with all the anti-BVR tactics you want, but the fact is first look-first shoot is overwhelmingly determinant when it comes to air dominance, more so now than ever. The PAF for at least two decades suffered immensely in this regard vs the IAF, and paid heavily for it. That balance of equation has now shifted dramatically,

Has it, really? Just because of 1 skirmish? Now before you judge my response, I'm not taking anything away from the PAF Feb. 2019 shootdown. If anything, the fact that the PAF was able to take the initiative on that particular kill is only a testament that adds & supports what I'm saying with regards to the training factor. The fact that the PAF trains so well gave them that ability to take the quick initiative and make the kill faster than the IAF pilot did.

But at the same time, that could've gone either way which I think is a huge factor many miss. Not to mention the aircraft that was targeted, was in no way comparable to the PAF F-16B. Despite how great the Indian MiG-21 Bison is (hell it's on my avatar lol), it's still no comparison to the F-16 and the munition difference between the two at that time. Not to mention the ground control issues that greatly affected the outcome AND the distance. That distance is reported on almost every single online source as 7 kilometers. 7 KILOMETERS, my friend.

I had this discussion on another Air Power forum where all these ex-pilots talk heavy techno lingo and the general consensus between all the available & published information was that the distance was anywhere from 5km to 25km. That's within range of 98% of current SHORT-RANGE missiles! My point is as great as it was, it's hardly an indication that the great concept of BVR and greater distance-capable missiles are the dominant factor that make one platform "useless" vs the other.

I'm not going to go into the rest of the political issues etc, but the reason the zionists are afraid of Egypt is >100million nation against less then 10million, simple as that.

Sure, that too. But the main reason is because of past aerial battle history between the Egyptian air force & Israeli.

When they pulled off that sleezy preemptive attack in 1967 and destroyed practically our entire air force on the ground, we never had even had a chance to go up against them. So they were all high & mighty on their halucination that they were some superior entity and that Egyptian pilots were no match and all that crap. How could they even think that when we didn't even have a chance to fight? But that was the problem we see even until today, people give them way more credit than they deserve because right after that, from 1967 to 1970 the EAF conducted the War of Attrition which saw a lot of dogfighting where we also lost a lot of battles but scored a bunch of wins as well. The stigma started changing and they began to realize they weren't all that they thought they were and more importantly, the EAF & Egyptian determination wasn't what they thought it was.

Then the October War of 1973 happened and things really took a turn, especially on the 14th of October during the battle of Al Mansoura. The Israelis tried to conduct another attack on Egyptain air bases in Tanta and Al Mansoura as a diversion to conduct their crossing of the Suez Canal in Sinai and that's when they ran into the real EAF. The zionist sent over 100 Phantoms & Skyhawks to bomb the two air bases and Mubarak who was the air force chief at the time and planned the defense of the bases and told all the squadrons to hold position until the zionist came within a few kilometers then sent the MiG-21s who pounced on the enemy. That air battle lasted 57 minutes straight and, in the end, the losses were 17 enemy aircraft to 3 EAF MiG-21s.

THAT is what changed the entire perception and has made the zionist scared shitless of the EAF and why they fight tooth & nail to prevent us from acquiring any advanced BVR missiles because they know that with those, they would be in a heap of crap. More so than the population factor you mentioned.

The sooner you guys learn to wean yourselves off the US the better. Although that's easier said that done given the political interference uncle Sam likes to do.

Weaning off? I don't think that's the proper term. The only reason Egypt accepted the military aid was because it knew that without it at the time, the zionist were going to get it and that would've left Egypt in the dark and way behind. That was the only way to stay within reach as much as possible. It was the best option and made all the sense.

Think of the heavy price the US has to pay Egypt for that QME it cares so much about. Why not bribe the crap out of the US and benefit from it as much as possible while at the same time, add to that bribery with other equipment from other sources and that's what we've been doing. When you say "weaning off" you give the impression that it's like a baby dependent on mommy's titty milk when that's so insulting and demeaning lol, it's not even close to reality. People use that to make it sound like Egypt is totally dependent on the US, and while a large percentage of the equipment is, there is also a large contingent of equipment from other sources. We had a huge fleet of Mirage 5s for decades. Huge fleet of F-7s, Apha Jets, even K-8 Karakorum. Funny how people ignore that, isn't it?

Our Navy is huge ranked 1st in Africa, 6th in the world and would swallow the zionist navy whole. Made up of US, French, Italian, German, Chinese and other European platforms funny how people ignore that, isn't it?

Our air defense which is HUGE is made up mostly of Russian systems, the best in the world. Now we've brought in the IRIS-T-SL/SLM which is a deadly advanced German system and purchasing more because of how prolific it is and how much the EADS loves it.

Our Armored Corp. While most of the tanks are in fact US-made in the M1A1 Abrams & M60/A3s, the new contracts were for the local assembly of the 500 Russian T-90MS' and now has shifted to a similar number of the deadly Korean K2.

Add the Rafale (that's a shift away from the US even though it's considered "western"), the MiG-29M/M2s, the attempt at the Su-35S at least was a valiant effort but not at the cost of ruining the Egyptian economy - a credit to Sisi which goes unnoticed because he's a "dictator, suppressing his own people" lol. Another false misconception designed to degrade and defame only.

So you see, that "weaning off" you're talking about, started a loooong time ago.

Things are much more involved than simplistic observations like BVR missiles only. Fact is, there is so much more that factors in and the EAF's F-16s are a huge and vert effective part of the current structure, regardless of the AIM-7 vs the AIM-120.
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The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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The Egyptian army maintains its Arab leadership in the Global Fire Power classification for the year 2024

The Egyptian army maintained its position as the strongest Arab army, and improved its position globally in the latest “Global Fire Power” classification for the year 2024, where it ranked 15th in the world, ahead of Israel (ranked 17th).

This achievement comes as a culmination of the Egyptian army’s ongoing development and modernization efforts, with the support of the political leadership, in line with the rapid developments in the field of armament and war technology.

Features of Egyptian power:

Manpower: The Egyptian army includes about 450,000 active soldiers and 480,000 soldiers in the reserve forces, which constitutes a massive human force trained at the highest levels.

Air Force: A huge air fleet that includes more than 1,050 various military aircraft, including fighters, attack aircraft, cargo aircraft, training aircraft, and helicopters, giving Egypt a tremendous ability to control the air and carry out various military operations.


Naval forces: A strong naval fleet that includes approximately 316 naval vessels, including submarines, patrol ships, frigates, corvettes, and mine ships, which enables Egypt to protect its coasts and maritime interests.


Armor: A huge arsenal of armor includes more than 4,500 tanks, 11,000 armored vehicles, 1,165 self-propelled artillery, more than 2,200 field artillery, and 1,235 missile launchers, giving the Egyptian army a tremendous ability to confront any land threat.


Huge budget reflecting strong commitment:

More than $10 billion is allocated annually to develop and modernize the capabilities of the Egyptian army, which reflects the political leadership’s commitment to Egypt’s security and stability, and its keenness to have an army capable of protecting the country from any aggression.

Egypt’s position regionally and globally:

This classification is an international testimony to the strength and capabilities of the Egyptian army, and enhances Egypt’s position as an important regional and global player, capable of contributing to maintaining international security and stability.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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You're right, bro. I just wish they were a lot more careful and discreet about it.
Well the didn't sign SISMOA at that times because they knew that even with signing it they won't be getting the AMRAM and other high-tech....they were right!


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Bro, who was the kid who said Egypt doesn't even have a navy? And you simply said something like "yo, you should open a book" or something beautiful like that LMFAOOOOO! That was classic!

I don't blame people for not knowing, but STFU if you don't have a clue lmao.


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Well the didn't sign SISMOA at that times because they knew that even with signing it they won't be getting the AMRAM and other high-tech....they were right!

Yep. We all knew they were full of crap when they said "we would consider offering the AIM-120 series of air to air missiles to the Egyptian Air Force if they agreed to the conditions of 3rd party transfer in the CISMOA treaty. It never was so much about that as it was the QME. We all knew it.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Bro, who was the kid who said Egypt doesn't even have a navy? And you simply said something like "yo, you should open a book" or something beautiful like that LMFAOOOOO! That was classic!

I don't blame people for not knowing, but STFU if you don't have a clue lmao.
That was just obvious provocation.. if they did go through the thread.. they wouldn't have said that.. but who knows ..jealousy can provoke strange behavior in some weak people..

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Dassault Aviation launches the Rafale F5


The updated F5, which is expected to bring tremendous combat capabilities to the battlefield by 2030.

The updated F5 Rafale highlights the importance of electronic warfare in future warfare, drawing on lessons learned from the conflict in Ukraine. Expectations indicate that its electronic system will be able to repel enemy electronic attacks, and even launch counterattacks that hinder its capabilities.

The Rafale F5 enhances its offensive capabilities by being equipped with anti-radar missiles, enabling it to suppress enemy air defense systems and provide safe passage for friendly aircraft.

The F5 has tremendous improvements compared to the F3 and F4 versions, which enhances its capabilities and effectiveness in its various tasks.

The F5's capabilities enable integration with Dassault Aviation's Neuro drones, doubling the effectiveness of air power and enabling complex missions to be carried out with high precision and efficiency.


Expectations indicate that the F5 will be equipped with new standard instrumentation and an advanced mission computer, as well as improvements in communications and data transmission systems, sensors, and weapons systems.

The French Ministry of Defense's plans confirm continued reliance on the Rafale fleet until at least 2070, which reflects great confidence in its capabilities and capabilities to protect French airspace.

The Rafale F5 represents a qualitative leap in the field of military aviation, as it offers a unique combination of advanced combat capabilities and modern technologies, which qualifies it to be an important element in protecting the skies and deterring future threats.

***I know Egypt will get it too..


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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That was just obvious provocation.. if they did go through the thread.. they wouldn't have said that.. but who knows ..jealousy can provoke strange behavior in some weak people..

You're kidding me! You think that was just trolling? To say something that profoundly dumbassery? lol, crazy. I guess I'm just an oldschool OG fart and who doesn't understand this delinquent generation.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Serbian wings and algorithms for special guidance seem suitable for integration on Hafez bombs (1.2.3)


On top of the Egyptian Television, INS and Laser guidance kits units under the name of Egyptian Guided Bomb (EGB)




Elite Member
Apr 22, 2010
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There is no news about EF on media.

IMO there wouldnt be EF even new f16s are questionable. KAAN is going good. why we need outdated jets which we would have them at the same time with new KAANs.
F16 yes ..as they are rapidly deployable

Ef no...it's going to be kaan and lot of drones

Though what's going on with turkey economy


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Who would ever want to mess with these guys?
The TikTok diaper zionist we're seeing in Gaza the last 8 months? lmaooo those undicipline gen. degenerates would get eaten alive by these MEN.

These are men men men men, men men men men, men men men men men men men men!





Elite Member
Apr 22, 2010
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I get all of what you're saying, but just on the point of BVR I have to disagree. You can train your nuts off with all the anti-BVR tactics you want, but the fact is first look-first shoot is overwhelmingly determinant when it comes to air dominance, more so now than ever. The PAF for at least two decades suffered immensely in this regard vs the IAF, and paid heavily for it. That balance of equation has now shifted dramatically, as proven by the PAF on Feb 2019 against the IAF, using AMRAAMs against Su-30MKIs, Mirages and Mig-29s, who didn't manage to get even a single AAM missile off against the PAF. Yes, yes, I know there were many other factors involved etc. I'm not going to go into the rest of the political issues etc, but the reason the zionists are afraid of Egypt is >100million nation against less then 10million, simple as that. The sooner you guys learn to wean yourselves off the US the better. Although that's easier said that done given the political interference uncle Sam likes to do. I guess for you guys to develop an independent defence posture is difficult due to Camp David and having the zionists next door, but look at what Turkey and Pakistan are doing, slowly weaning themselves away from the US with nascent indigenous tech. Heck, if a basket case country like Pakistan can do it (albeit with a lot of support from China), then surely Egypt can. There'll be a heavy price to pay, but what price for self-respect?
Let's be honest
Sisi is simply a western puppet of disagree he will be replaced

Secondly Arabs govts (due to Hamas brotherhood and previous attempts to topple govt) and Palestinians have strong differences that are no longer reconcilable like that of Iran and Saudis

Hence Arabs govts will rather form alliance with Israelis ..as you will see in coming years

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