Egyptian Armed Forces

And THIS is exactly what I have a problem with. Not that the J-10C is not good, all published material including the most technically detailed info out there supports it being a very good aircraft. My problem is with those who claim it's as good as, if not better than the Rafale. I'm leaving the Typhoon out for now since the comparison was made by several members on this forum not only equating the J-10C to the Rafale, but in some instances suggesting it's even BETTER! So no need to add the Typhoon for now.

Now my degree is not in economics, but my business is all about economics and understanding cost/value relationships and so when I see something that is sold at $150 million (forget about the fact that the first 24 Rafales Egypt bought came out to $250 million apiece, a good percentage of that is initial purchase fees such as extensive startup training, logistics setup, simulators, weapons and long term support and so much more which isn't required so much in the subsequent order(s). So the 2nd batch Egypt is buying the Rafale @ $150 million so we'll go with that.

Then you have the cost of the J-10C where one sources claims it to be $28 million and another between $40 million & $65 million per aircraft. Let's assume just for the hell of it to be sure we're not cheating the J-10 in any way we'll go with $75 million just to play it safe and no one can bitch & complain. the hell would it be possible in any realm of the living or even in an alternate reality could an aircraft valued (and that word is important) at half of the other ($75 million) be nearly as good as one that is double that price @ $150 million?! let alone be told it's even better?!

That, is what I have a problem with and what I would really, really, really like to know.

China can reduce the cost of industrial production of equipment through mass production of the equipment it produced from the J-10 aircraft.
So far, more than 700 aircraft. The approximate production line is no less than 40 aircraft annually since 2005 until now.
I have been selling this project for a long time, the China version J-10A
The cost of the structure was no more than one million dollars
China's massive production of the WS-10 engine, which was integrated into the J10/11/15/16/20 fighters, shows that it was produced in the thousands, and even the volume of its imports from China for the AL-31 engine was in huge numbers, which reduces the cost of manufacturing the best engines for the Chinese aviation industry, as China has invested in quality. Engines for its tidal and military aircraft cost $16 billion for an air force that permanently owns 3,000 fighters
Do not forget that America and America sell weapons at many times their real cost. China maintains its market by providing relative advantages to customers.

For simple examples, the Rafala fighter program was estimated at 290 billion euros in order to meet France's needs. Up to 300 fighters throughout its service life. The aircraft is sold to the French Air Force for the equivalent of 90 million euros. It is sold to Egypt. The first batch is for 170 million dollars. The second batch is worth 150 million dollars due to the low cost of training and qualification. The maintenance equipment supplied to the aircraft, as well as the spare parts, are not only of high quality but also of low quality

Rather, it is a balance between quality and cost, as I previously explained, the cost of carrying out the mission. Clearing the airspace from drones requires a single-engine fighter with a low operating cost, and the Egyptian Air Force, like any large air force, requires large numbers of light fighters.
The Rafale itself is considered the largest of the light aircraft, as it is classified, and the smallest of the heavy aircraft is a medium fighter as a result of the weakness of its engines, because France was unable to provide sufficient funding to continue developing the engine for many years, especially for a fighter that did not have any state market until 2015. The Rafale emerged as a country-based aircraft. Unmanned, so we find that Egypt requested large numbers of two-seat aircraft, 28 aircraft, to manage and control numbers of drones and facilitate aerial bombardment operations, as well as the so-called French targeting and reconnaissance warehouses, as the price increased as a result of the low demand for them, as France has large sales of the Mirage 5 and Mirage F1 fighters. This was due to the low cost of its fighters in the sixties and seventies, and when the demand for its fighters decreased, its cost rose because the cost of research, development, and production lines were distributed among limited numbers of fighters. The MIRGE-2000/5 fighter was sold at a price of 70 million dollars, and the F-16 BLOCk 52 was sold in the nineties at a price 50 million dollars, which was the price of the F-15E fighter
Things are not always prices. For example, since 2008, Egypt has been nurturing that the F-35 project and its endless problems will not be successful, and we are now in 2024. The fighter’s readiness does not exceed 55%, that is, simply its ability to carry out sorties does not exceed one sortie per day, compared to 4 vanguards for 4+ fighters. + This point is exceeded by the Russians and Chinese in their fighters, which fly at the level of fourth-generation fighters with the same ability to carry out many daily sorties. The fighters were chosen, classified, and employed depends on multiple factors, not just the cost of the fighter, the cost of washing, or the cost of ammunition. I will explain to you simple points. The French Exocet missile is priced at $3.5 million. Pimca The price of the Chinese C-802 missile does not exceed half a million dollars, although the Chinese have developed special versions of their missile with large ranges and also increased speed in the final stage of airborne flight on ships.

The same thing goes for why Egypt requested American ammunition in the Rafale for its lower and lower cost compared to limited numbers of French HAMMER AASM bombs. Rather, Egypt even developed a bomb with a range of 80 kilometers simply to reduce the cost from KIT companies, directing the user to Al-Tariq bombs, for example, and even JDAM bombs for a simple reason, the main channel in its weapons. C. Russia and America are guided bombs with a range of 80 kilometers currently used extensively in their air weapons. In contrast, longer-range bombs are used in limited numbers in the air weapons arsenal due to the cost. The presence of a fighter such as the J-10CE or the MIG-35 in large numbers is considered an ideal solution even to overlook the development of F-16 fighters. Which we will develop in Egypt at a limited cost, as you do not see any benefit in developing an old fighter like the F-16 at a price of $35 million per fighter, with full American ammunition, and full American control. Rather, it is better to obtain a fighter at a price of $50 million that contains an AESA radar and ammunition whose cost does not exceed $10 million per fighter instead. By developing a fighter that will not operate for more than 15 additional years in service for a number of flight hours that does not exceed 4,000 flight hours, you get a fighter that operates 8,000-14,000 flight hours, which is newer and capable of operating for longer periods with its standard equipment.


Selling it to Egypt with some ToT will be magnificent. It isn't new that some rumors are popping up about Egypt interests in the KC-390. Btw, I love the design hahahaha.

We can convert this tactical transport aircraft into aerial refueling tanker which is something we don't have.
Brazil is keen to sell it to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Morocco..they should all ask for different TOT in coordination.. at the end they will together have the complete TOT of the aircraft..




Selling it to Egypt with some ToT will be magnificent. It isn't new that some rumors are popping up about Egypt interests in the KC-390. Btw, I love the design hahahaha.

It would be great. I remember when this first came out and it included a couple of other items they were interested in. I can't seem to remember what they were, maybe a satellite and something else? @The SC encyclopedia would know.

The 3rd part to Waleed's X post (BTW, what a great guy he is, too. Just talking to him he's so down to earth and he's not one of those guys who promotes unrealistic things) where he mentioned 8 countries being interested in this aircraft and that SAAB confirmed plans to integrate some of their avionics into the KC-390 which if the EAF does end up acquiring it in whatever capacity, ToT or just straight purchase, it should open the door for possibly some of the other SAAB platforms, especially the Erieye.

We can convert this tactical transport aircraft into aerial refueling tanker which is something we don't have.

That shouldn't be too difficult considering Brazil already has the A2A refueling capability and using it.

@GoMig-21 @The SC just AH-64 over the crows during 30th June protests.

My nieces & nephews were there one of the nights where they were all going crazy with the green lasers pointing them at the chopper. They didn't do any pointing because my brother was telling them not to do it because he knew it was dangerous and can affect the pilots especially thousands of lasers lol. I remember getting emails "uncle, you should've seen the Apache helicopter all lit up in green" loool.

My nieces & nephews were there one of the nights where they were all going crazy with the green lasers pointing them at the chopper. They didn't do any pointing because my brother was telling them not to do it because he knew it was dangerous and can affect the pilots especially thousands of lasers lol. I remember getting emails "uncle, you should've seen the Apache helicopter all lit up in green" loool.

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I remember that day. My mother was out doing some mashaweer and I was at home. When Pres El Sisi said that famous speech, my father was happy and we ended up ordering Buffalo Burger to celebrate hahaha
It would be great. I remember when this first came out and it included a couple of other items they were interested in. I can't seem to remember what they were, maybe a satellite and something else? @The SC encyclopedia would know.

The 3rd part to Waleed's X post (BTW, what a great guy he is, too. Just talking to him he's so down to earth and he's not one of those guys who promotes unrealistic things) where he mentioned 8 countries being interested in this aircraft and that SAAB confirmed plans to integrate some of their avionics into the KC-390 which if the EAF does end up acquiring it in whatever capacity, ToT or just straight purchase, it should open the door for possibly some of the other SAAB platforms, especially the Erieye.

That shouldn't be too difficult considering Brazil already has the A2A refueling capability and using it.

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Egypt and Brazil have strategic defense agreements in military production..They were discussing the Brazilian cruise missile tech of the AV-TM 300 Matador.. equivalent to the US Tomahawk..

They were discussing the Brazilian cruise missile tech of the AV-TM 300 Matador..

That's what it was, El Matador mata el torro, I remember that line from my Spanish classes in highschool lol. Even though Brazilians speak Portuguese, some of the words are still the same and matador (and torro I believe) is one of them.

I think there was a 3rd item also, no?
That's what it was, El Matador mata el torro, I remember that line from my Spanish classes in highschool lol. Even though Brazilians speak Portuguese, some of the words are still the same and matador (and torro I believe) is one of them.

I think there was a 3rd item also, no?
Brazilian naval cruise missile MANSUP or AV-RE40

That's what it was, El Matador mata el torro, I remember that line from my Spanish classes in highschool lol. Even though Brazilians speak Portuguese, some of the words are still the same and matador (and torro I believe) is one of them.

I think there was a 3rd item also, no?
Si si senor @GoMig-21 , pero en Brasil, los Brasileños hablan Portugués y no Español. Pero puedes entender el sintaxis de la phrase, entonces entender lo que se dice
Anyone know where the Chinese who wrote this article got this information from?
That's an empty statement.No such encounter occured b/w Indian Rafale and Pak J-10s.
Only combat record of J-10C in Pak Service was during strikes on Iran.
And Iranians posed no credible threat to J-10.
Si si senor @GoMig-21 , pero en Brasil, los Brasileños hablan Portugués y no Español. Pero puedes entender el sintaxis de la phrase, entonces entender lo que se dice

So many Brazilians here in the United States it's ridiculous lol. But they're really hard-working people and very smart. Almost all my subcontractors I use are Brazilian because not only are they quite intelligent, they're also very skilled & hardworking and also their prices are affordable LOL! :D

And of course Hispanic people are as abundant as rice is in Vietnam. So I hear both languages spoken almost on a daily basis and can easily distinguish the difference which is really not that difficult to begin with anyway. Some words are identical and others are totally different. Very similar to other languages as well, Hebrew & Arabic for example. That's a perfect example of the exact similarity.

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