Egyptian Armed Forces


LOL! Did TR mention that same exact number of missiles? Or anything close?
I don't know, but it just seems like something you would read on there.
That's right. Which is why any clause in CISMOA that would allow advanced (not even sensitive, just advanced) weapons would get overridden by QME. 100% spot of again which kinda brings up another point, the importance of CISMOA? How useful could it really be if it's almost always trumped by QME? Could've also been the reason for the EAF's stagnation in signing it. They had resigned to the fact that it wouldn't make much difference to the things they really wanted, which were much more component-oriented than comms related.
I think a good part of it is the logistical dependency it would create. Basically, the army would have to rely on US support for maintaining the sensitive tech. Unless we know the specifics of the deal, this is all speculation.
I heard this or something similar which made me think if the Yemen issues were real or not, since there are basic methods of communications anyway that can easily be used, especially when fighting an enemy such as the Houthis. I don't mean to denigrate them whatsoever, not my intention. It's just that they don't represent the typical enemy army that such comms were designed for. Much more elaborate battlefield schemes & positions and objectives and targets and how to attack those. That's what those comms that enable more fluid interoperability are and what the CISMOA clause emphasises.

But when fighting an enemy such as the Houthis, how much of that level of sophistication and technology do you really need? Am I undermining it a bit too much, or does that kinda make sense? They have radar, radio, IFF and many other things they could still use and not be hampered by not having that interconnectivity. Or it could actually be primarily an IFF issue. What do you think?
Exactly! The Egyptian military has produced its own IFF systems since the 80's. They now produce even more advanced variants, so IFF would not be the main issue. In addition, the tech restrictions are not on IFF systems so it would not make a difference.
That's a great point. The only thing I can think of is the benefit of having the proper IFF hardware & software so they get plugged into the same network. As a result, it took them out of the circle, so to speak? That's the only thing I can think of aside from perhaps they couldn't get in on the specific GPS guidance because they don't have the guidance systems needed to plug into the Saudi & UAR network? Getting plugged in would allow them to be part of that network-centric environment which then facilitates objectives and missions etc. That might actually be it. @The SC , what's your opinion, bro? About this alleged Yemen problem? SC, having Saudi heritage might be able to fill us in on some juicy details lol. :D
But again, why would they have to rely on other jets. Egyptian F-16's are equipped with GPS systems but simply commercial code. Again, it does not make sense.
That's what I'm saying, no offense to the great & honorable Houthis (considering the tremendous effort they're taking to disrupt zionist shipping in obligation to the Palestinians), but they're not exactly an army as per definition of the term. I'm 100% with you on that.
looooooooool! So true 😅 And speaking of the harpoon missiles, there's another weird story about them speaking of CISMOA. I just need to investigate the story first but it's something along the lines of either the latest harpoon that the EN ordered was blocked because of certain components or something I forget what the reason was exactly and then there were some pictures that appeared online showing large tubes of something completely wrapped in tarps being unloaded from an EAF C-130 alleged to be those harpoon missiles finally haven been approved and delivered. Your fun-poke at the "laser-guided harpoon" looool reminded me of that. I'll look it up and post it, see what you think but no, again, your point is spot on, ma man.
Think you're talking about the modification of the harpoon block II missiles for the Ambassador MK and type 209 not remove ground targeting based on Israeli objections.
Yes, you are correct indeed. I forget why I lumped the SCALP into that conversation. There was a reason but can't think of it now. Too much brain fog from information overload ATM.
No problem! I was actually trying to correct one of the articles that claimed that.
Where's that guy who used to give me a super hard time about the Egyptian Su-35? Remember all that mumbo jumbo jive buuuuuulllllssshhhhiiiitte? He would jump ugly all over me simply for saying "I think the Su-35 deal is finished" lol and he would blow a gasket! Forget his username, claimed to be an naval officer or something like that OH YEAH, the joke of the day JOKER88! loool. What a joke is more like it.
I actually have a lot respect for joker! He knows his stuff really well. And yeah, he was navy and works in the Suez Canal now I believe. He just twitter a bit too seriously and because most of his interactions on arab forums are with idiots, he has a really short fuse. I still believe that the best (and frankly only) option for the EAF to operate an air superiority platform is the Su-35, but it will simply take time.
Too bad also that the Su-35S is UNFAIRLY getting a bad name in Ukraine. People all over this forum claiming it's doing bad which is far from the truth. They keep peddling the BS narrative that it's old Russian avionics and it's not what the Russians claim it is and all this stuff. I think much of that is driven by the PAF vs IAF riff that's been going on for many decades, now. I can see why they would feel that way but truth is, the VKS has only lost 6 Su-35Ss in Ukraine to date. I also went over the whole reasons for the Russians having a hard time with Patriot missiles and all that in the IRIAF thread I don't wish through all that again. Just that it's one hell of a fighter and pretty sure the EAF would jump on aquring it in a heartbeat if it was possible without being hit with sanctions. But that's over with now we just need to see what the replacement is, eagerly!
Russian losses have to do mainly with close-range engagements and the use of dumb munitions. Now that they're mass producing glide munitions, their aircraft losses have drastically fallen.
BTW, what do you think about the Barracudas and that latest bit of news? Do you think Marker is jumping the gun a little bit? lol
He's patriotic, but he uses the same sources we all have access to. He's a journalist/reporter. Why would he have access to sensitive information?

As for the Barracudas, they comfortably fall into the category of game-changing weapons, especially when paired with the Type 209s. The reason why this deal is taking so long, in my opinion, is that it would provide they Egyptian navy with both a quantitative and qualitative edge over other regional peers. In addition, there seems to be demand for domestic construction, which would further enhance the domestic industry. In addition, the other side providing such deals will always be concerned about the military's diversification doctrine. If they get western subs, what assurance do they have that they would not also acquire russian Kilos or Chinese 039's to fill the eastern quota. I believe the military can succeed in acquiring it, but it will take time to pursue it.
A locally produced FA-50 would be a better option for the EAF with indigenous s.korean LIG Nex1 ESR-500A AESA Radar to replace the Israeli Elta EL/M-2032, Kepd 350k-2 500km bunker-buster cruise missile intended for export, integration of an Air-to-Air missile other than the AMRAAM. On top of that you would get a comprehensive ToT. This will also pave the way for the purchase of KF-21. Instead of upgrading F-16s spending 40-50 million per jet. Egypt could spend that on upgrading its 24 Rafales in service to F4.1 Standard. And upgrading its 30 (or 31) new Rafale F4.1 to F4.2 which is available by 2026. The F4.2 standard will get a new OSF for long range passive IR detection. The MICA NG IR with a range of 80-100km, coupled with the new OSF is a nightmare for any stealth fighter. F4 upgrades also include Thales Scorpion helmet mounted display in order to fully exploit the engagement capabilities after firing. And place a new order for Rafale F5 to be locally manufactured/assembled in Egypt. Which is basically a 5th gen fighter without an internal weapons bay.

OK, sooooo you're basically saying instead of the Viper upgrade for the existing 20 block 52s and let's say 100 block 40s (just for the sake of the math), the EAF gets 100 FA-50s with ToT (since that would have to be the minimum S. Korea would agree to a ToT deal) with all the bells and whistles you mentioned and add those to the 54 Rafales, 30 of which will be delivered as F4 standard from what we know, then upgrade the original 24 F3Rs to F4 for a total of the 54 F4s.

So 54 Rafale F4s & 100 FA-50s instead of.....
120 Vipers + the remaining 80 block 40s +/- so that means 200 F-16 of which 120 would have the:
- Advanced APG-83 AESA Radar:
- Upgraded Modular Mission Computer and Avionics Architecture:
- Passive Infrared Search and Track (IRST):
- Advanced Datalink, Targeting Pod, and
- Weapons: AMRAAMs, AIM-9X, AGM-88HARM

- Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System (Auto GCAS):
- Missionized Cockpit Layout: Which includes Advanced Helmet Mounted Devices (HMD) for situational awareness
- Service Life Extension Program (SLEP)

I don't know, my brother, I'll be honest with you, I might just take the Vipers with the Rafales (since the Rafales are going to be there anyway) and having those two to me is a seems a better combination because let's not forget, this also comes with having the data linkage that would make the combination of those two aircraft unstoppable. And frankly, not sure there is anyone out there who would think the FA-50 is close to an F-16 Viper even with all those goodies PLUS the interoperability factor which is huge in of itself. Combined with the 8 E2-C Hawkeyes that could eventually become Ds. That just seems more enticing to me but it makes you think, for sure.

At the same time, it wouldn't be as if the current F-16s would be gone anyway with the introduction of the FA-50s. They would just stay stagnant the way they are which is not terribly bad, but it would add much greater numbers in the end.
200 + 54 + 100 for 354 aircraft vs
200 + 54 for 254. With the Vipers it would end up 100 aircraft less but you're sacrificing potency + quality for decency + quantity. Plus it will take at least 8 years to build all 100 FA-50s and who knows by then what the state of affairs would be for the F-16s without any upgrade. That number could very well dwindle with attrition & retiring, especially the block-15 Bs I mentioned earlier. This is a tough decision! lol
You know what, I've been thinking about this friggin missile and I've decided the hell with it. You fellas realize the cost of 1 of these bad boys? $2 MILLION! A PIECE!

Screw that ten times over who the hell would want to pay that kind of loot for those damn things. Just stick with the MICA IR & ER and bring in the NG and to hell with these meteors at that price. Stick to good aerial tactics and make the best of it.
Exactly! The Egyptian military has produced its own IFF systems since the 80's. They now produce even more advanced variants, so IFF would not be the main issue. In addition, the tech restrictions are not on IFF systems so it would not make a difference.

I think the problem is that the IFF is tied in with the data linking which is then distributed throughout all platform systems, specifically AWACs and ADS. I believe that was the problem in Yemen, they weren't able to connect the EAF with what Saudiya and UAE had with their fighters and AWACs. Between Saudiya's 6 E-3 Sentrys and 2 SAAB 2000s and UAE's 5 SAAB Globaleye/Erieyes (they're actually very advanced versions which combine the airframe of the Globaleye with the radar of the Erieye in a typical UAE super-duper custom beastmode AWACs platform. Point is, combine all those advanced AWACs platforms of both air forces along with the UAE's 80 Block 60s F-16 and we all know Saudiya formidable, super spastic modern 270+ F-15SAs, 73 Typhoons and whatever number of souped-up Tornadoes they're operating, and you can see why they quite possibly got frustrated with the EAF's mediocre F-16s. It really makes sense and I unfortunately see a lot of truth to them telling our boys to pack them up and head on home. I would think that would suck to no end.

Think you're talking about the modification of the harpoon block II missiles for the Ambassador MK and type 209 not remove ground targeting based on Israeli objections.

These ones here?

Can't get a read on that close-up screenshot.

All the caption says is this:
An Egyptian Air Force member marshals a K- loader to the ramp of an Egyptian Air Force C-130 Hercules during a foreign military sales mission at Dover Air Force, Delaware, Dec. 11, 2021. The United States and Egypt share a strong partnership based on mutual interest in Middle East peace and stability, economic opportunity and regional security. Due to its strategic location, Dover AFB supports approximately $3.5 billion worth of foreign military sales annually. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Faith Schaefer)

Funny how it doesn't specify what those tubes are, as if it was some super-duper secret cargo woohooo. :D Still think they're Harpoons?

He just twitter a bit too seriously and because most of his interactions on arab forums are with idiots, he has a really short fuse.

He's a horse's ass. I let him get away with his rudeness (hell, it wasn't even rudeness it was straight up disrespectful filth for absolutely no reason whatsoever. At least with Sami he misunderstood my comment, so it didn't bother me at all. But this jackboot is just a thug. Yallah, ma3alenna.

Russian losses have to do mainly with close-range engagements and the use of dumb munitions. Now that they're mass producing glide munitions, their aircraft losses have drastically fallen.

Oh man, Russian tactics are straight up out of Bush league. An absolute disgrace and they don't even get the proper training. Never mind their hours (we actually did a tally comparision between VKS and USAF and there's at least 100 hours less training per pilot per year on the Russian side. And we see absolutely nothing in terms of any type of mission training, either. And you can tell that simply because of their aircraft designations, with the Su-34 having it's strict attack role hunting Ukrainian ADSs and getting the living pummel knocked out of it. They showed nothing in the scope of dedicated SEAD missions like the USAF has with its entire Wild Weasels and even the USA has its own dedicated units trained solely and specifically for SEAD with their EA-18G Growlers. It's night and day and in the end, their platforms take the beating on the world stage because they don't dedicate enough into their mission parameters & tactics. I hate to say it since who doesn't love the Russians and their vaunted fighter jets especially the Su-35S. They have learned to keep them at standoff distances even though the Su-35 has actually performed quite well all things considered with only 6 losses to date. The Su-30S/SM & Su-34? Forget about it. It's too bad, really.

As for the Barracudas, they comfortably fall into the category of game-changing weapons, especially when paired with the Type 209s. The reason why this deal is taking so long, in my opinion, is that it would provide they Egyptian navy with both a quantitative and qualitative edge over other regional peers. In addition, there seems to be demand for domestic construction, which would further enhance the domestic industry. In addition, the other side providing such deals will always be concerned about the military's diversification doctrine. If they get western subs, what assurance do they have that they would not also acquire russian Kilos or Chinese 039's to fill the eastern quota. I believe the military can succeed in acquiring it, but it will take time to pursue it.

Yes sir, super exciting if they pull that deal off. Do we know what type of cruise missiles those things are packing and supposedly would be coming with the subs? Are they the

I'll tell you what I'm hoping and waiting for? The rest of the 4 Bergamini frigates. With the MEKOs & Aquitaine, they'll be packing a good punch, not to mention what a handsome looking ship!

You know what, I've been thinking about this friggin missile and I've decided the hell with it. You fellas realize the cost of 1 of these bad boys? $2 MILLION! A PIECE!

Screw that ten times over who the hell would want to pay that kind of loot for those damn things. Just stick with the MICA IR & ER and bring in the NG and to hell with these meteors at that price. Stick to good aerial tactics and make the best of it.
Mostly MICA and a few Meteors is a good combination ..
The ninth Seal Team course for Egyptian Special Forces

Mostly MICA and a few Meteors is a good combination ..

Interestingly enough, that's almost double the cost of a single MICA which is listed as $1.1 mill. Ironically, the AIM-120C-7 is also a tiny bit over half the cost of a Meteor @ $1.1 - $1.4.

So you purchase 500 MICAs or AIM-120s you're paying just over $1 billion, but for that kind of loot you get only 250 meteors. Add the two types together and to hell with that, bro lol. That's just crazy expensive. Although I must say, currently there is no missile out there that performs or has the PK and even range of the Meteor because of its guidance and uniquely engineered propellent system. You just have to pay a shitton of dough for each one.

And BTW, the R-37 is just a little over $1 million a piece. Shows you how value can play a significant hand here, especially if it turns out that the PL-15E is as potent as the Chinese claim it is since it would be arguably the best value for performance @ $1 million per.
I think the problem is that the IFF is tied in with the data linking which is then distributed throughout all platform systems, specifically AWACs and ADS. I believe that was the problem in Yemen, they weren't able to connect the EAF with what Saudiya and UAE had with their fighters and AWACs. Between Saudiya's 6 E-3 Sentrys and 2 SAAB 2000s and UAE's 5 SAAB Globaleye/Erieyes (they're actually very advanced versions which combine the airframe of the Globaleye with the radar of the Erieye in a typical UAE super-duper custom beastmode AWACs platform. Point is, combine all those advanced AWACs platforms of both air forces along with the UAE's 80 Block 60s F-16 and we all know Saudiya formidable, super spastic modern 270+ F-15SAs, 73 Typhoons and whatever number of souped-up Tornadoes they're operating, and you can see why they quite possibly got frustrated with the EAF's mediocre F-16s. It really makes sense and I unfortunately see a lot of truth to them telling our boys to pack them up and head on home. I would think that would suck to no end.

Have to respectfully disagree here. There's no doubt that the RSAF and UAEAF are more techy than EAF jets, but the scenario simply doesn't add up due to the reasons I mentioned before. Your point about the AWACS planes may actually support my POV. The UAE operates both f-16's and mirages, so does the Egyptian military. The SAAB AWACS would have been a great facilitator between the two. Again, it just doesn't make sense.
These ones here?

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Can't get a read on that close-up screenshot.

All the caption says is this:
An Egyptian Air Force member marshals a K- loader to the ramp of an Egyptian Air Force C-130 Hercules during a foreign military sales mission at Dover Air Force, Delaware, Dec. 11, 2021. The United States and Egypt share a strong partnership based on mutual interest in Middle East peace and stability, economic opportunity and regional security. Due to its strategic location, Dover AFB supports approximately $3.5 billion worth of foreign military sales annually. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Faith Schaefer)

Funny how it doesn't specify what those tubes are, as if it was some super-duper secret cargo woohooo. :D Still think they're Harpoons?
Hmmmm...I don't know what those are. Could be harpoons, but most likely not a super duper secret cargo plane.
Yallah, ma3alenna.
Oh man, Russian tactics are straight up out of Bush league. An absolute disgrace and they don't even get the proper training. Never mind their hours (we actually did a tally comparision between VKS and USAF and there's at least 100 hours less training per pilot per year on the Russian side. And we see absolutely nothing in terms of any type of mission training, either. And you can tell that simply because of their aircraft designations, with the Su-34 having it's strict attack role hunting Ukrainian ADSs and getting the living pummel knocked out of it. They showed nothing in the scope of dedicated SEAD missions like the USAF has with its entire Wild Weasels and even the USA has its own dedicated units trained solely and specifically for SEAD with their EA-18G Growlers. It's night and day and in the end, their platforms take the beating on the world stage because they don't dedicate enough into their mission parameters & tactics. I hate to say it since who doesn't love the Russians and their vaunted fighter jets especially the Su-35S. They have learned to keep them at standoff distances even though the Su-35 has actually performed quite well all things considered with only 6 losses to date. The Su-30S/SM & Su-34? Forget about it. It's too bad, really.
There's definitely no comparison between the RuAF and USAF because of the difference of the fighting doctrine of both countries. The gap in training hours is much more than 100 hours, and keep in mind that USAF training hours are better spent. Training and combat capabilities accumulate over time. The USN and USAF conducts exercises with many other well-trained air forces in addition to their own exercises, so there is plenty of expertise to go around. Russia does not have many partners to do the same with. If you think about it, this is another reason why the EAF in Yemen scenario is implausible. It would be quasi-impossible something like that would just pass by the EAF after decades of joint exercises and a tradition of high annual flying hours per pilot.
Yes sir, super exciting if they pull that deal off. Do we know what type of cruise missiles those things are packing and supposedly would be coming with the subs?
At the very least there will be the exocet and probably the MDCN. However, there's the even more mysterious topic of the integration of munitions on subs. Ever think about what type of missiles the older Chinese subs could launch other than the harpoon considering their open design and the complement of missiles China offers? Yeah dude don't even get me started.
I'll tell you what I'm hoping and waiting for? The rest of the 4 Bergamini frigates. With the MEKOs & Aquitaine, they'll be packing a good punch, not to mention what a handsome looking ship!

View attachment 54331

View attachment 54330
Oh man, that would be the dream! A navy with 2 Mistrals, 4 Gowind corevettes, 4 MEKO frigates, 6 Knox and OHP frigates, AND 8 Fremm frigates (6 bergamini/2 ASW). What I am equally excited about is the cc-60 project. If we can build 8 of them for red sea fleet and another 8 for the Mediterranean with quad-packed SAMs and a decent ASCM, teb2a et3ashet awy lol.
Have to respectfully disagree here. There's no doubt that the RSAF and UAEAF are more techy than EAF jets, but the scenario simply doesn't add up due to the reasons I mentioned before. Your point about the AWACS planes may actually support my POV. The UAE operates both f-16's and mirages, so does the Egyptian military. The SAAB AWACS would have been a great facilitator between the two. Again, it just doesn't make sense.

My post was so inadequately convoluted that I missed making the point by getting hung up on describing all of RSAF & UAEF's hardware. My point was that all those advanced AWACs & super duper fighter jets are already using CISMOA interoperability comms and data linkage which is integrated throughout their entire network including their ADS and IFF. That was the problem, that they simply couldn't plug the EAF right into their network to facilitate all operations that they were conducting. So they had to make additional considerations to not only keep the EAF in the loop, but to keep its fighters from being misidentified by the radars and SAMs. It was a headache, hence the claim that it was more of a hindrance than an assistance leading to the alleged "pack up your bags and go home" comment.

Does that make sense? It kinda does to me, especially with the comms interoperability being the major component of CISMOA and ending up driving them to sign at least that part.

I definitely see what you're saying, it's not a big deal to have a basic IFF setup with basic comms and a simple network to plug a bunch of anybody's into it and be fine. But this is a bit beyond that and a much more complex network with several major branches/sectors & platforms combined that are using specific US-built systems, equipment, signals & comms etc. that are all tied and interconnected to a much larger network than what would take place in a simple, joint exercise.

Curious what @The SC knows about that. Did you hear anything from Saudiya with regards to this EAF scenario in Yemen?

At the very least there will be the exocet and probably the MDCN. However, there's the even more mysterious topic of the integration of munitions on subs. Ever think about what type of missiles the older Chinese subs could launch other than the harpoon considering their open design and the complement of missiles China offers? Yeah dude don't even get me started.

LOL! This will be unreal if it comes to fruition. We're looking at each sub carrying 20 "racks" for Missile de Croisière Naval (MdCN) cruise missiles, and I tried researching what they mean by "racks" if they're single, or dual or even quads of this monster behemoth. Couldn't find anything so at least 20 of these mega destructions per sub, if not double or quadruple that number.


With a range & warhead similar to the Tomahawk and double the range of the standard, unrestricted SCALP which makes you wonder how the heck they'll circumvent MTCR regulations? Interesting to say the least.
EAF F-16 & Rafale with an RAF Typhoon (2021).

One of only 4 M2 Two-seaters. Rear seat clearly visible probably the only pic showing that. Exercise Nile Eagles 2, 2021, Sudan.


Sudanese pilot taking a ride in the backseat of an M2.


Taken from a Sudanese A-5 Nanchang.

What happened to the 2 A330 MRTTs EAF was supposed to get?
Joint French/Egyptian Mission Performance Formation with single A330 MRTT. Gagle of F-16s, Rafales, Mirage 2Ks & MiG-29Ms.


Pretty bird in a nice angle of attack for A2A refueling & sporting the pointy, subsonic belly fuel tank.

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