Egyptian Armed Forces

EAF AW149/189 Troop transport, SAR & VIP transport.


@Immortals , these are what IRIAF needs. Would an Anglo/Italian Co. sell civilian helicopters to Iran?

March, 2023 Egyptian Air Force awarded by Dassault Aviation for reaching 10,000 total flying hours between all of its 24 Rafale jets. A good indication of the pilots training hours in the aircraft.

Operation Sinai 2018, Rafale EM & DM are engaging in airstrikes with AASM and GBU munitions as well as recon missions with Damocles RECO-NG pod.

EAF Rafale escorting presidential A340. Curious as to the armament protocol in these scenarios. Not sure if it has changed with what appears to be the MiG-29s & Rafales assuming escort duties now since there are no MICA missiles on this Rafale and in another pic I just can't find ATM, contrary to the fully armed F-16s when performing the same duties.


Like these.

EAF COS checking out the Typhoon's flight simulator during his visit to Italy when they were considering the EFT in the mega deal.


That must be the tranche 4 cockpit simulator with that giant single screen but the aircraft should still be equipped with a HUD, even with the new HMDH/HMS.

Opportunities for new fighters to enter Egypt are related to several offers and options

1 - The French Rafale fighter. The Egyptians are aiming to assemble it, and I believe that the numbers will be between 36-60 maximum over 5 years. Obtaining the Rafale will be to restore the capacity of fighter production without closing the aircraft factories over the past 13 years.
Also, it is not possible to obtain aircraft through French production lines at all. The plan for the Rafale fighters extends beyond the year 2032, even in the context of the Indian deals. Greece wants a total of 40 additional aircraft until the year 2035, in addition to the 24 aircraft contracted by Serbia. It wants 12 fighters. There are Iraqi requests and the Indonesian and French orders themselves. It makes it possible for any Egyptian contracts to be concluded until 2030

2 - Advanced training aircraft, a fearsome fighter. The matter has not been decided, perhaps due to the GE-404 engine, the price factor, and levels of technology transfer. It is believed that the program will be decided in September this year.

3 - The next generation fighters are competing with the FC-31B and KF-21. The Chinese plane is better because the Chinese government funded the production of fifth generation fighter technologies and the achievements were distributed to fighter manufacturing companies.
The Chinese FC-31B aircraft represents the maturity of the aircraft. It is believed that there is a limited Chinese demand. There have also been modifications to the aircraft’s design and capabilities, meaning that there are actually countries that have announced that they will buy the aircraft, and China is targeting countries such as Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, and Egypt, in addition to Pakistan, which has announced its request.
The upgrades included side containers to carry two short-range air-to-air missiles in each container, adding 4 WVR missiles to the plane, in addition to the main container that holds 2 tons of ammunition.
The Chinese WS-19 engine is not considered a source of concern. The Chinese have succeeded in their WS-10/15 engine projects after China spent $16 billion on developing the engines over the past twenty years. Therefore, there is more confidence, as China has produced fighters powered by Chinese engines and Chinese transport planes powered by the WS-20 engine. All of them were produced in large numbers and these engines have been in service for more than 5 years, meaning they have confidence in their efficiency, even if they are less than similar Western engines.
The Korean KF-21SA aircraft is an enhanced fourth-generation fighter, and therefore the contract for it does not provide anything new or more advanced in fifth-generation fighter technologies because it has been producing the J-20 fighter since 2017 with improved versions, and the technologies have been transferred to the FC-31 fighter because the Chinese government, which funded the research, is handing over the research results to companies. China sells its products, so there is no real advantage in purchasing the KF-21SA fighter for Egypt

Korea has not developed the KF-21EX version, which will not be ready before 2032


Therefore, the EUROFIGHTER TYPHOON or F-15EX is completely excluded

The best option for Egypt, which we consider, is to obtain FC-31 fighters in two batches of 120 aircraft, each with a fifth-generation fighter configuration and the other with a sixth-generation fighter with a derivative version of it. China will work to develop such a version if Egypt has orders for two batches of 120 aircraft each, as the availability of fighters is considered. New instead of developing old fighters, the best option for Egypt. First, the new fighters have higher performance than any development of fighters such as the F-16. Allowing the manufacture of ammunition locally, as well as technical insurance for fighters and spare parts for local manufacture, is better than any Western quantitative or qualitative restrictions.
The nature of the situation in the Middle East has made Western countries place Egypt within the framework of a country that is neither a friend nor an ally. Therefore, they object to any new deals. There is a disruption of the deals by rejecting Egyptian demands.
Egypt may request limited numbers of the SU-57 as it is an aircraft that can operate at a great distance from Egyptian airspace and is therefore considered vital alongside the SU-35 fighters.
IAF & EAF participating together more and more lately. This just took place a few weeks ago, and we didn't hear much about it. Notice the tire boxes on the parked Rafales inside the hangar.


Escorting MBS during his visit to Cairo a few years ago.

F-16 rookie pilots fresh out of the academy.

2015 when EAF was targeting vermin cretins in Derna, Libya. That entire western campaign was a thing of precision beauty and quite effective.

EA securing the Suez Canal during a USN aircraft carrier's passing.

Republican Guard, most likely some of the best trained units in Egypt for the usual reason any country needs a Republican Guard.

I think this is a new, previously unposted view of this Greek exercise in 2020. Beautiful capture.
Click for HR.

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