Egyptian Armed Forces

Egypt is interested in MBDA's CAMM air defence system again cheaper than IRIS-T SLM and faster

Built in just 21 months, the Navy is preparing to receive the first Egyptian-made MEKO A-200 frigate next year.


The Egyptian Navy is preparing to receive the fourth MEKO A-200 frigate, which is considered the first 3,700-ton military frigate to be manufactured locally in the docks of the Alexandria Arsenal of the Egyptian Army’s Marine Industries and Services Authority.

The Egyptian army was able to manufacture the frigate locally within 21 months after transferring manufacturing technology from the German company ThyssenKrupp, as part of the plan to localize heavy military industries.

The MEKO A-200 frigate features many advanced technical specifications, including:

• Maximum displacement: 3700 tons.

• Maximum speed: 54 kilometers per hour.

• Range: 13,300 kilometers at a speed of 29.6 kilometers per hour.

• Length: 120 meters.

• Crew: ranging from 100 to 120 individuals, including helicopter crew.

• Capacity to accommodate special forces: It can accommodate 50 special forces personnel.

• Duration of stay at sea: You can stay at sea for up to 28 days before needing to refuel and supply supplies.

• Armament: includes 16 RBS 15 Mk III surface-to-surface missiles, 32 VL-Mica-NG vertical launch cells for air defense missiles, a 127 mm Oto Melara cannon, two MSI 30 mm cannons, and two MU-90 torpedo launchers.

• Technical equipment: It is equipped with a Sea Giraffe main radar, a Thales UMS4132 Kingklip sonar, and a Swedish Cirrus 200 system.

• Ability to carry helicopters: It can carry two helicopters for anti-submarine missions and surveillance and reconnaissance work.

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Egypt reinforces its Russian-made Ka-52 attack helicopters with long-range “Vikhr” anti-tank missiles.


The long-range anti-tank missile, known as the Vikhr (AT-16 Scallion), uses a laser guidance system to target ground targets.

The “Vikhr” missile, equipped with a tandem warhead, can engage targets at distances ranging between 10-12 km.

The warhead of the Vikhr missile, which was developed by the famous Russian guided missile manufacturer KBP Instrument Design Bureau, can penetrate about 1,000 mm of armored vehicles.

The “Vikhr” missile is now used to destroy enemy armor and hit firing points and camouflaged objects..

The National Interest reported that there has been a change in Russia's war strategy, with Moscow now prioritizing air attacks using missiles and drones.

Meanwhile, the Russian news agency, TASS, reported that the Vikhr missile provides amazing accuracy in strikes.

“These missiles are effective all the time, even in bad weather conditions,” TASS wrote, citing the Russian state company Rostec. Fakher's role in special military operations is increasing. “These missiles are used to destroy hidden and mobile armored vehicles, as well as to target firing points and well-protected positions.”

This missile is specifically designed to destroy targets such as tanks and other armored vehicles as well as low-speed air targets such as helicopters.

This missile, which is 2.75 meters long, 0.13 meters in diameter and weighs 45 kg, is capable of reaching speeds of up to 610 meters per second, making it a supersonic missile.

The guidance system uses laser beam technology, ensuring high accuracy and resistance to electronic countermeasures.

Powered by a solid-propellant rocket motor, the Vikher has a range of up to 12 km.

The presence of these tank-killing missiles is a source of concern..
Western sources: Egypt is the first potential customer for the Chinese stealth fighter, rivaled by Pakistan..

The specs WOW..

Egypt manufactures the first engine for civil and military aircraft and a plan to localize the manufacture of the first Egyptian fighter

It is considered a good opportunity to develop the Egyptian MIG-29M/M2 fighters and equip them with this radar, as it exceeds the level of the APG-83 radar in performance. Also, integrating more Indian ammunition in addition to the Russian ones for these fighters will raise the fighter's performance significantly.

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Israel always complains about any weapon that Egypt tries to obtain, even though Hamas humiliated it with very simple weapons and was unable to leave Gaza for 11 months.


Egypt seeks to purchase Chinese PL-15 long-range air-to-air missiles. what's behind​

One of the strategic lessons of the Egyptian army after the Yom Kippur war, in light of its poor results both in fighting against the Israeli Air Force ( The Israeli religion is built on lies. It lost 324 fighters due to the Egyptian Air Force and Air Defense, while Egypt's losses were less.)and in its efforts to contribute to the overall war effort by hitting targets deep in Israeli territory, it was decided in the Egyptian army to establish a long-term strategic strike arm that would enable Egypt in their next war against Israel to strike strategic targets in Israel.

Egypt also realized that if it wants to reach striking range in Israeli territory, its air force must first overcome Israel's long-range air-to-air missiles that do not allow its planes to approach striking range.

In order to meet this task, Egypt has been working for many years to obtain suitable armament, long-range air-to-air missiles.

All its requests from Egypt and France to equip it with such missiles met with understandable Israeli resistance.

Now Egypt is turning to China in Nesiol to get the armaments it so badly wants.

It is important to emphasize that the Israeli air-to-air missiles, some of which are self-made, are far superior in quality and range to the Chinese missiles offered to Egypt.

And if you ask where Egypt has the money to buy air-to-air missiles from China that are only suitable for Chinese fighter jets, the answer is that they do not have the money needed for these purchases. But Egypt does not offer money. It only wants licenses and know-how to manufacture these missiles in exchange for giving the Chinese military a permanent base on its soil, like it gave the Russians, as well as political influence within the country for China's strategic purposes.

Egypt is working hard to improve its air capabilities through a possible agreement with China to obtain modern air-to-air missiles.

According to press reports, the Egyptian Ministry of Military Production is close to signing a deal to purchase PL-15 missiles, which are long-range radar-guided missiles considered one of the latest Chinese developments.

If this deal is completed, it will be an important step to improve the capabilities of the Egyptian Air Force, as Egypt will become the first African country to use this type of missile.

Sources reported that the Egyptian Ministry of Military Production stated that the Egyptian Air Force is seeking to purchase radar-guided air-to-air missiles, and that it is interested in Meteor, AIM-120D and PL-15 missiles, which indicates its efforts to keep up with the latest developments in the field of air armaments

Egypt currently owns hundreds of combat aircraft of various types, including 120 Chinese K-8E training aircraft. However, Egypt does not have an aircraft capable of launching Chinese PL-15 missiles.


The PL-15 is currently considered the most advanced long-range air-to-air missile in China's possession. Even if there is an export version of it, it is likely that China will not cooperate with Western defense companies and reveal the secrets of this weapon. Therefore, it is difficult to combine PL-15E missiles with Egyptian fighter jets such as Rafale, MiG-29, F-16 or Mirage 2000.

Experts noted that Egypt's interest in purchasing PL-15 missiles may indicate its intention to purchase Chinese fighter jets in the future. Since the 1990s, Egypt has been a regular user of Chinese fighter jets, and now it seems that the Egyptian Air Force has become more interested in the fourth-generation Chinese J-10CE fighter jet. Recently there was also news about Egypt's interest in the Chinese J-31 (OFC-31) fifth generation stealth aircraft.

Egypt's possession of these advanced Chinese systems will undoubtedly help it strengthen its military arsenal, especially Egypt's longest arm, which is the Egyptian Air Force.

Chinese stealth:


The PL-15 missile is a long-range, radar-guided air-to-air missile developed by China. Here are some of its most notable specifications:

• Range: The range of the missile reaches 200-300 kilometers.
• Speed: It can reach speeds of more than Mach 4 (four times the speed of sound).
• Guidance: it uses an active radar guidance system, which gives it high precision in attacking targets.
• Platform: It can be launched from a variety of aircraft such as J-20, J-10C, J-15, J-16 and J-11B.
• Engine: powered by a two-stroke solid-fuel rocket engine.
• Maneuverability: It is characterized by high maneuverability and resistance to electronic countermeasures.

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