Egyptian Armed Forces


fake news, i have read many time bs news coming from that site.
Calm down, do not be fanatical, everything will become clear soon
Calm down, do not be fanatical, everything will become clear soon
🔴Egyptian President Sisi inspects the Chinese weapons exhibition.
Egypt will buy J-10CE aircraft to replace the strategically useless F-16 aircraft.

Arms export demonstrates friendship and long-term military cooperation.

We have made it very clear that the United States cannot be trusted in the region.

For his part, the Chinese President stressed his country's readiness to enhance military cooperation with Egypt and provide the necessary support to achieve stability and security in the region.

This agreement comes within the framework of strengthening bilateral relations between Egypt and China in the field of defense and security, and reflects the mutual trust between the two countries in this aspect.


Egypt’s Strategic Acquisition of 40 J-10CE Chinese Fighter Jets​

The J-10C is considered by some as a fourth-generation plus-plus fighter. The J-10C has a reduced radar cross-section with stealth coatings. It also boasts an active electronically-scanned array (AESA) radar.

Other features include a fly-by-wire system plus an advanced fire control system that can track ten targets at once. The airframe can withstand nine positive Gs and three negative Gs. Its maximum range is over 2,100 miles with a ceiling of 65,000 feet.

The J-10 can dogfight and offer surface strike capability for close air support. There are 11 external hardpoints for a diverse range of weapons.

The J-10C variant has a home-built WS-10 Taihang engine that was operational in 2021 to take the place of the Russian Saturn AL-31 engine with afterburner. This propulsion system enables nearly 25,000 pounds of thrust and a top speed of MACH 2.2.


Military Watch Magazine believes the J-10C stands out when comparing the Chinese airplane to the F-16V. “Ultimately the superiority of the J-10C is overwhelming. The two jets may be well matched in terms of electronic warfare systems and situational awareness - although export variants of the F-16V will have a disadvantage due to downgraded avionics - the J-10C’s advantages in weaponry and flight performance are overwhelming.”

The J-10 has 11 external hardpoints: five hardpoints on the fuselage with one on the centreline and a pair of hardpoints on each side of the fuselage, and three hardpoints on each wing.

The outer wing stations carry air-to-air missiles such as the Chinese built Python 3 PL-8, P-11 or PL-12 or the Russian Vympel R-73 (AA-11 Archer) or R-77 (AA-12 Adder). on top of PL-10 and PL-15..

The PL-8 infrared homing short-range air-to-air missile, a variant of the Israeli Python 3 missile, was manufactured in China under a licensed production agreement by the China Academy (formerly the Luoyang Electro-optics Technology Development Centre). The PL-11 is a licensed-manufactured variant of the MBDA Italy Aspide medium-range air-to-air missile.

The PL-12 missile was manufactured in China under a collaborative agreement with Russia. It uses the Russian AA-12 Adder missile technology configured with a Chinese-developed rocket motor to give a range of 50 miles and speed of Mach 4.

The aircraft can be armed with laser-guided bombs, the anti-ship YJ-8K or C-801K solid rocket powered missiles, the C-802 land attack and anti-ship turbojet-powered missiles manufactured by CHETA, and the YJ-9 anti-radiation missile.

A 23mm cannon is installed internally on the port side of the forward section of the fuselage above the nosewheel.

The single-seat fighter aircraft was developed in a two-seat variant as a trainer aircraft and as an electronic warfare aircraft with a zero-zero ejection seat in its cockpit. The first flight of the two-seat variant was completed in 2003.

The aircraft has a digital fly-by-wire flight control system and HOTAS (hands-on throttle and stick) control on which the pilot has every control for combat incorporated into the two handholds.

Cockpit displays include a helmet-mounted weapon sight, a wide field of view head-up display and one full-colour and two monochrome liquid crystal multifunction displays. The avionics are served by a 1553B databus.
If Egypt does buy J-10 it'll be great for both counties, the only obstacle is potential US reaction.

It is not just US losing an arms customer, but Egyptian air force actually gaining capabilities threatening to IAF, and opening the roads to more advanced Chinese equipment in the future. Israel is not gonna be happy and therefore US is not gonna be happy, I suspect sanctions or even IMF related measures maybe installed if it pans out.

Let's wait and see, so far there's not much to corroborate the news
If Egypt does buy J-10 it'll be great for both counties, the only obstacle is potential US reaction.

It is not just US losing an arms customer, but Egyptian air force actually gaining capabilities threatening to IAF, and opening the roads to more advanced Chinese equipment in the future. Israel is not gonna be happy and therefore US is not gonna be happy, I suspect sanctions or even IMF related measures maybe installed if it pans out.

Let's wait and see, so far there's not much to corroborate the news
Unhappy..most likely.. but the US has no law against buying weapon systems from China..
Unhappy..most likely.. but the US has no law against buying weapon systems from China..

Not yet. They can always change their law if they feel strongly enough, same thing happened to Egypt's purchase of Russian Su-35. Other than sanction, US also have leverage over Egypt through IMF.

But then again, if I am Sisi I'll definitely go for it. If the Americans do nothing then it is a win for Egypt; if they do protest then I hope Egypt is smart enough to play hard ball with the US, at the very least extract some concession out of it.

Geopolitics aside, as a Chinese I do very much wish to see J-10C and even J-31 protect the sky of Egypt
Not yet. They can always change their law if they feel strongly enough, same thing happened to Egypt's purchase of Russian Su-35. Other than sanction, US also have leverage over Egypt through IMF.

But then again, if I am Sisi I'll definitely go for it. If the Americans do nothing then it is a win for Egypt; if they do protest then I hope Egypt is smart enough to play hard ball with the US, at the very least extract some concession out of it.

Geopolitics aside, as a Chinese I do very much wish to see J-10C and even J-31 protect the sky of Egypt
You know friend..Egypt bought the SU-35 after the US declared means it does not give a cent to what the US thinks or does when it comes to its own national security.. and by the way the SU-35 deal is still on.. it has not been announced officially neither by Egypt nor by Russia that the deal was terminated.. So both the J-10C and J-31 will come to Egypt with no worries at all..It was just a question of political will and now the decision was taken and a deal was signed....
You know friend..Egypt bought the SU-35 after the US declared means it does not give a cent to what the US thinks or does when it comes to its own national security.. and by the way the SU-35 deal is still on.. it has not been announced officially neither by Egypt nor by Russia that the deal was terminated.. So both the J-10C and J-31 will come to Egypt with no worries at all..It was just a question of political will and now the decision was taken and a deal was signed....

I hope it is true. If J-10C does go to Egypt I'll celebrate it with a pack of Tsingdao and some fried chicken

J-10 DEAL No one knows the real numbers. Some information was obtained from the exhibition that Egypt requested a special version of the Chinese plane. The Chinese hinted at their ability to improve the radar of Egypt. The plane will be priced higher than the price that Pakistan obtained. Considering the modifications that Egypt requested for the plane many years ago.

In 2010, China refused to provide Egypt with the J-10A plane and the right to develop it and produce it locally, which led at the time to reject it and reject the L-15 plane to be produced in Egyptian factories.

Talks also took place between Egypt and China on the previous J-10B plane, but no agreement was reached between them.

Since 2022, there have been negotiations between Egypt and China on the J-10C plane, and some were talking about the J-10CY/D version.
The agreement with China, the latest announcement of the J-10C plane, the Chinese delegation did not hint at anything except by prior agreement with the Egyptian side. This does not mean that Egypt is not negotiating on the FC-31 plane or even the J-20 plane, but it is only what is allowed By announcing or talking about it


Even the Chinese leak about 2 Egyptian pilots, one of whom is a former F-6 pilot and the other says that he is a pilot from the second batch of training on the SU-35 fighters, what was published is to send specific messages and not the full facts. Instead of denying something that was proven and confirmed regarding the Chinese SU-35, Egypt has a bad previous experience with Chinese fighters. I myself spoke with former military personnel and they saw that the Russian MIG-21 aircraft that served in Egypt for more than 50 years were better than the Chinese F-7 versions and that the miserable F-6 engine caused a number of aircraft to crash. Egypt searched for solutions for other engines for the aircraft and the same thing happened with the K-8E aircraft. Egypt made 33 modifications to it and the percentage of composite materials in the structure reached 60%. Despite this, Egypt made other additional modifications and replaced some Chinese components with European components to be able to operate efficiently.

The Chinese side had an objection since 2010 that the aircraft is better What China has and its fear of leaking information about it and its capabilities, whether good or bad, while since 2017 and the entry of the J-16/20 fighters, the aircraft has not represented the pinnacle of their development for the Chinese.

Therefore, the Egyptian negotiations with China included trade facilities for large deals, not just the J-10 deal, but for a series of Chinese aircraft on the long-haul in exchange for large-scale and diverse deals.

The negotiations on the J-10 plane cannot be separated from the negotiations on the PL-15 missile, nor even from the negotiations on the CM-400AKG missile, whether purchasing or manufacturing locally for any of them.

China's golden opportunity is due to the Russians' slowness in developing AESA radars and an avionics package that satisfies the Samarris, whether for the MIG-29/35 or SU-35 fighters, and even completing the development of the SU-57E aircraft, simply paved the way for China, which also wants to remove the South Koreans and the Russians from the Egyptian market cake. The Russians, therefore, presented the missile to the Egyptians KH-69 Bruce destroyer multi-capacity and range as a way to maintain the Egyptian market for them and the Russians tried to show in the exhibition that they are getting arms deals from Egypt in large quantities, for example, the announcement that Egypt received the second deal of air defense systems, which the Israelis announced, for example, that Egypt has 8 S-300V4 batteries and did not announce the third class, but only hinted at the S-350 batteries for Egypt and focused on ammunition for fighters and Russian Helicopters in Egypt so that we do not stray too far. The Chinese-Egyptian leaks in the exhibition and informally are more than enough. The story of preparing the contract. Things are under study. For example, Egypt needed 50-60 J-10 aircraft. The Korean side did not succeed in contracting with Samar. Negotiations are still ongoing. In the event of their failure, the Chinese may enter instead of the FA-50 version, which increases Egyptian requests for the J-10C aircraft. Also, Egypt announced that it is preferable to buy new aircraft instead of developing the F-16 fleet. We must understand specific points. Egypt has equipment development programs that do not spend money on them. Huge, Egypt would spend 30 or 50 million dollars developing F-16 fighters. We said this before as long as I have alternatives to buy new fighters at a good price and I can develop them flexibly without pressure from other suppliers. Therefore, Egypt also had a problem in developing the F-16, meaning new programs, a new fire control computer, and protection for the aircraft code. It will be difficult to hack, while the F-16 copies in Egypt are Block 40. A number of the aircraft users have already hacked and modified it outside the framework of American control. You are returning yourself to American control. Egypt preferred the F-16, which has control over its consciousness, instead of the F-16V. America controls its armament. It was certain that Egypt rejected any American development, and Egypt was satisfied with extending the life of the engines and structures. Thank you to America. American companies care about the Egyptian defense market and 40-year relations, but American politics is what imposed the cessation of cooperation in batch projects. Therefore, companies such as Boeing want to obtain Egyptian contracts for passenger aircraft in the coming years without leaving the Egyptian market completely. Simply put, things are more complicated than some people think, as are the interests of the countries that lead the cooperation programs.
But those weapons that RES is producing can be mounted on our F-16? Because I am sure we will carry them on MIG-29, Rafales. We are missing a local ALCM and anti-ship.
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Look what I found @The SC @GoMig-21 @Ramses Akhenaten Ahmose @Sami_1
Ik there was an old image of ST-100 . So it seems that we are continuing with project.

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Their cooperation with military production was reduced by establishing a new company and escaping from the gang of brigadiers. The company is currently achieving good exports to Iraq, Libya, and Arab and African countries.

In general, the private sector is successful, while the government sector in Egypt is a failure and a swamp of corruption, and their separation is the reason for their success.
The company cooperates with Poly Defense Company in providing armament towers that form a series of anti-tank missiles and cannons.

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