Extreme hatred of foreign colored people in the West

Dont understand with the white police doing thing like that to old guy...more like aggression comes from hate. He surely hates immigrant to the core and use the opportunity to damage the old guy
One of the homeowners called the cops that a nibba walking around and he’s upto no good!

Lot of Asian’s already avoiding the US bro. After the Covid racist attacks on Chinese people.

Kung flu and drink bleach and what not trump racism.
I’m tryin making a point here that tutti frutti bhluddy bhluddy converts got it very tough out there in da US, cuz these dudes think theys bum chums wid da US. Hillbilly would shoot Indians in da face in 2 seconds if he could get away wid it. These hendu guys got it easy in the UK……try living in the US and they’d find out the reality real quick.

I posted the statistics no? One gets murdered in the US daily.

Everyone knows, Indians more than anyone else, on how White nativism can go

It's shame on them they derive pleasure and schadenfreude when Muslims or Muslim origin people are on the receiving end and have been since 9/11

It's shame on anyone who eggs this on for anyone else

One day, these same people in the West might need allies and protection, guess who they will cosy up to... Muslims and African Americans

But people are smarter now
That was disgusting and uncalled for. That video was sickening. Why did they body slam him when he was not resisting and under control? Some real psychos out there.
US Cops are totally racist man. You body slam a weak Indian guy like that? They broke his neck. He’s fukked for life.

I keep telling Indians all day on diff forums…….they’re weak as hell. They can’t fight yo!

So fragile.
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US Cops are totally racist man. You body slam a weak Indian dalit like that? They broke his neck. He’s fukked for life.

I keep telling Indians all day on diff forums…….they’re weak as hell. They can’t fight yo!

So fragile.
Avoiding fights is not always cowardice, it can be survival

Celebrating the need to fight is not a badge of honour, this is probably not your reality so idle boast is easy
Avoiding fights is not always cowardice, it can be survival

Celebrating the need to fight is not a badge of honour, this is probably not your reality so idle boast is easy
Nah, it’s very racial. You look a certain way/ dress a certain way/ drive a peculiar type of car in da US, the cops know exactly who to target…….you are living in sheltered UK, where da coloreds still got some rights…….

You just don’t know.

Ask @PakFactor how the cops target you in da US…..he lives in Chi-raaq……he’d tell ya.
@Lulldapull @r3alist unfortunately both of you are not desis so you won't understand what I'm saying.

Indians have no concept of personal space or boundaries.

This uncle was probably walking into driveways looking around and comparing things to what he had seen in his son's house. He's a gujju. Very very money and value minded.

He was also most likely touching things. Like mailboxes and even the parked cars.

In India it is VERY common for arbit aunties and uncles to pluck flowers from the bushes and trees in your garden. Usually from across the wall or hedge. Sometimes/often they will even brazenly walk through your property and do that. Carrying a basket or a bag in the other hand. For the plucked flowers. And will look greatly affronted if you accost them. Pooja ke liye hai ...

Lemon grass, patrel leaves, mangoes are other favourites.

He had been in the US for less than a week. I actually blame his son.

Now look at it from the eyes of a white paranoid chronically depressed American.

Cheers, Doc
Nah, it’s very racial. You look a certain way in da US, the cops know exactly who to target…….you are living in sheltered UK, where da coloreds still got some rights…….

You just don’t know.

Ask @PakFactor how the cops target you in da US…..he lives in Chi-raaq……he’d tell ya.

What do you mean to say then, learn jiu jitsu to put the cops in an arm bar?

It's ok, don't worry, whatever happens in the USA lands eventually in the UK, if the authorities go judge dread what's your proposal? WWE wrestling 🤣🤣
@Lulldapull @r3alist unfortunately both of you are not desis so you won't understand what I'm saying.

Indians have no concept of personal space or boundaries.

This uncle was probably walking into driveways looking around and comparing things to wgat he had seen in his son's house. He's a gujju. Very very money and value minded.

He was also most likely touching things. Like mailboxes and even the parked cars.

In India it is VERY common for arbit aunties and uncles to pluck flowers from the bushes and trees in your harden. Usually from across the wall or hedge. Sometimes/often they will even brazenly walk through your property and do that. Carrying a basket ir a bag in the other hand.

Lemon grass, patrel leaves, mangoes are other favourites.

He had been in the US for less than a week. I actually blame his son.

Cheers, Doc

Good post, sounds plausible.

His son would have to shadow his dad for atleast month to get him clued up, it's not until you see things in the moment do you know what it is you have in front
Now da Aussie’s and canucks basically getting an affidavit from Indians that yous can’t stay over once your studies are done……Yous gotta go back home to India……😝

Man this thing is not goin fly at all. No one would sign up for dis……😝


@vsdoc @Sharma Ji @PakFactor @SaadH @Dalit @SecularNationalist @Muji.Iqbal @SteppeWolff @hussain0216 @PAKISTANFOREVER
Can I ask why you don't attempt better use of English?

I am not being a snob or the grammar police, obviously I am far from perfect, but I would like to read your posts, though you really don't make it easy

Sometimes sounds more like a derivative of Carribbean patois
@vsdoc @Sharma Ji @Dalit
@PAKISTANFOREVER @Oscar @alphapak @SecularNationalist @hussain0216 @Muji.Iqbal @safriz @CPTPLANET @SteppeWolff @AZADPAKISTAN2009

Not easy or fool proof life no more. Daily one Indian gets murdered in da US……

Mashallah bhai. Somebody in da US shoots an indian fella daily. Yet here da indians think Pakistani are evil and the humreeki's are soweet ass buddies. :p :love:

365 deaths every year for a population of ~5M Indians in US is way below the average mortality rate.

Btw, how many Pakistanis die every year in US?
Can I ask why you don't attempt better use of English?

I am not being a snob or the grammar police, obviously I am far from perfect, but I would like to read your posts, though you really don't make it easy

Sometimes sounds more like a derivative of Carribbean patois
Man forget English……in a few decades no one’s goin speak it anyway.

Look at da content!

They asked that sikh guy in canada that you mofo sign on dat dotted line dat yous goin go home and not stay over in canada once we hand yous yer diploma……😝


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