Extreme hatred of foreign colored people in the West

A mexigori then, south America is full of native goras from Thpain and Portugal and other European genetics waaley folk. The racism is pretty bad in Brazil from the gora ones toward the proper African ones.. Argentina, famously, home to a lot of Germans.

shaklein dekh lo, Bolsanaro, Milei, Obrador etc ki



I know it’s the same story in Latin Americas. Handful euros ruling over the millions of natives. So sad.
Canada too has this homicide problem of colored people. Hundreds of Indians have been murdered over the years:

This is so mainstream now, it ain't funny no more. Daily incidents and the off n on killings/ lynchings:

One thing I never understood. These goreh are always complaining and hating on immigrants for taking their jobs but if the goreh were DOING those jobs in the FIRST place their respective governments would not be bringing in the immigrants. Problem solved.

In all honesty and seriousness, what I have noticed about a lot of white people is that the younger and middle-aged ones ABSOLUTELY hate hard work. They also like to blame non-whites for their personal failures. It's ALWAYS everyone else's fault, never their's.

The BIGGEST problem facing non-whites/immigrants in the west is NOT white racists. It's OTHER non-whites who worship white-racists and think they have merged into/become a part of the white european races. They are the biggest enemy.
You are a smart man you know what they are cooking

  • The black folks in USA were not even given right to vote till 70's and how long is USA a Country 200-300 years

No, that's not true. That's Eastern media lying to you.

They got the right to vote in 1870.
The problem was a few southern states implemented things like literacy tests that blocked all US citizens from voting. These blocks were removed by a Supreme Court decision in 1965.

  • In some USA states they don't even let a Black person vote if they were convicted in crime

again lying Eastern media..even white people can't vote

Felon Voting Rights​

In summary:
  • In the District of Columbia, Maine and Vermont, felons never lose their right to vote, even while they are incarcerated.
  • In 23 states, felons lose their voting rights only while incarcerated, and receive automatic restoration upon release. Note that in Maryland, convictions for buying or selling votes can only be restored through pardon.
  • In 15 states, felons lose their voting rights during incarceration, and for a period of time after, typically while on parole and/or probation. Voting rights are automatically restored after this time period. Former felons may also have to pay any outstanding fines, fees or restitution before their rights are restored.
  • In 10 states, felons lose their voting rights indefinitely for some crimes, or require a governor’s pardon for voting rights to be restored, face an additional waiting period after completion of sentence (including parole and probation) or require additional action before voting rights can be restored. These states are listed in the fourth category on Table 1. Details on these states are found in Table 2 below.

  • That is number one reason why the Black people are easily sent to prison to Nullify their vote
You don't get easily sent to prison in the US. I think all those shoplifting videos from San Francisco and New York City proves that.

You really have to try hard to get sent to prison in the US

  • I have read statement from Black people that , now they understand the system better they are fighting against this injustice so they can vote
You mean by softening crime laws?

There is a Cult controlling over US politics

There's a cult controlling most countries politics..like military cults in certain central Asian countries.
The guy who shot the Indian dude in road rage murder has been released from custody:

He deserved the bullet..serves him right..running up to a vehicle with a gun in his hand.

How you think a miscarriage of justice happened is just beyond my comprehension.

I'd let the pickup truck driver go too.
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This is so mainstream now, it ain't funny no more. Daily incidents and the off n on killings/ lynchings:

Yes, USA is a very racist place. But personally I think racism/discrimination is everywhere.

He deserved the bullet..serves him right..running up to a vehicle with a gun in his hand.

How you think a miscarriage of justice happened is just beyond my comprehension.

I'd let the pickup truck driver go too.
He dropped right there like a ragdoll. The dude in the truck capped him twice right in da gut. He thought hes wuz in India for a moment. Bad mistake!
The dude in the truck capped him twice right in da gut.
No, at least 3 times to the neck and face.

He thought hes wuz in India for a moment. Bad mistake!

So why did you mention "The guy who shot the Indian dude in road rage murder has been released from custody" in this thread about unprovoked violence on non-whites if you think it is a non-issue?

He ran up to a car with a gun drawn...and you stupidly did not tell him to stop.
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So why did you mention "The guy who shot the Indian dude in road rage murder has been released from custody" in this thread about unprovoked violence on non-whites if you think it is a non-issue?
Well I mentioned him cuz he thought he’s genghiz khan from India, but it turned out he’s wuz just a foo who got excited and got shot in da gut and died.

Point being, Indians keep getting killed by the hundreds as migrants.
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