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Five decades after Pakistan’s recognition of Bangladesh

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Jan 7, 2024
People usually suffer from their imaginary horrors more than reality. The reality is that current regime is tip toeing towards Muslims to ensure a complete capture of power.

And if ever, India goes to become genocidal -- I hope not and there are no signs of it -- Hindu extremist hell, Muslims in India will convert to Buddhism or Hinduism in droves. Life will go on.

Muslims in India convert to Hinduism 🤣

This is the wet dream of Hinduvta.


Muslims will convert to become untouchable Hindus 🤣🤣🤣

This belief is why we are heading for a genocide!


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Mar 9, 2024
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Muslims in India convert to Hinduism 🤣

This is the wet dream of Hinduvta.


Muslims will convert to become untouchable Hindus 🤣🤣🤣

This belief is why we are heading for a genocide!
Its happening in UP, actually. In isolated incidences. If India becomes really extremist, it will happen more often as a movement. Right now its just few isolated incidences of mass conversion.

PS : Let me be clear, its not something I endorse or promote or even condone, just saying that it has happened before and is happening now. As a movement, I do not see any party really pushing for it.
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Jan 7, 2024
Its happening in UP, actually. In isolated incidences. If India becomes really extremist, it will happen more often as a movement.

PS : Let me be clear, its not something I endorse or promote or even condone, just saying that it has happened before and is happening now.

So, basically they were not really Muslim 🤣

If Hinduvta ever tries this on actual Muslims - there will be a genocide!

Bangladeshis are prepared for it hence my assertion that at some point Bangladesh and Pakistan will form a confederation to choke Hindus from east and west.

Sure you don’t support it 🤣

But your getting rather wet thinking about 🤣


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Mar 9, 2024
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So, basically they were not really Muslim 🤣

If Hinduvta ever tries this on actual Muslims - there will be a genocide!

Bangladeshis are prepared for it hence my assertion that at some point Bangladesh and Pakistan will form a confederation to choke Hindus from east and west.
I will leave to "grade" Muslims as real or fake to you because I do not do that.

But yes, collective reconversion to hinduism is a thing in India. It happens in isolated incidences and not really a mass movement. Most of it is non violent. If India becomes really extremist, there will large scale reconversion. If not for anything else then for just betterment of life. Its neither new nor uncommon. Conversion for convenience happens everywhere.

As far as chocking India goes, well, When you two were one and India was very weak, you could not do anything. Right now, I do not see any scenario in which you could do anything. Current rulers in Bangladesh are pro India. Current rulers of Pakistan are insular towards Indian Muslims and they will just use any extremism done in India as a proof for how two nation theory was correct and Jinnah was a visionary.

Beyond that nothing will happen. I mean look at middle east. UAE and Saudia Arabia are 10 times more powerful than you and Pakistan put together. What have they been able to do for Gaza people? Lets face reality : Both Pakistan and Bangladesh have their own country to worry about, Indian Muslims are not their concern.
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Jan 7, 2024
I will leave to "grade" Muslims as real or fake to you because I do not do that.

But yes, collective reconversion to hinduism is a thing in India. It happens in isolated incidences and not really a mass movement. Most of it is non violent. If India becomes really extremist, there will large scale reconversion. If not for anything else then for just betterment of life. Its neither new nor uncommon. Conversion for convenience happens everywhere.

As far as chocking India goes, well, When you two were one and India was very weak, you could not do anything. Right now, I do not see any scenario in which you could do anything. Current rulers in Bangladesh are pro India. Current rulers of Pakistan are insular towards Indian Muslims and they will just use any extremism done in India as a proof for how two nation theory was correct and Jinnah was a visionary.

Beyond that nothing will happen. I mean look at middle east. UAE and Saudia Arabia are 10 times more powerful than you and Pakistan put together. What have they been able to do for Gaza people? Lets face reality : Both Pakistan and Bangladesh have their own country to worry about, Indian Muslims are not their concern.

The Arabs haven’t led Muslims for a millennia. They are a bunch of cowards!

That job has fallen on Turks, Persians and the decedents of the Mughals.

They tamed Hinduvta once and they will again.


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Dec 24, 2015
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Bangladesh was pretty successful before the advent of Pakistani generals 🤣

Pakistani generals are powerful because without them Pakistan would fall apart. Each ethnic group will go their own way.

Pakistani generals are powerful because without them Pakistan would fall apart? Is that why Bangladesh seceded from the rest of Pakistan?

The Pakistan army generals first dismembered Pakistan and then turned the remaining part a banana republic.


Full Member
Mar 9, 2024
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The Arabs haven’t led Muslims for a millennia. They are a bunch of cowards!

That job has fallen on Turks, Persians and the decedents of the Mughals.

They tamed Hinduvta once and they will again.

"Hindutva" came into being AFTER Islamic rule in India had pretty much ended, during 1920s. Out of Turks, Persians and "decedents[sic] of the Mughals", the second is hand in glove with India and the last one is dead or seeking alms to survive, literally. That leaves Turks. I mean, sure, let Erdogan try it. He can start by intervening in Gaza... Thats much nearer.
Jan 7, 2024
Pakistani generals are powerful because without them Pakistan would fall apart? Is that why Bangladesh seceded from the rest of Pakistan?

The Pakistan army generals first dismembered Pakistan and then turned the remaining part a banana republic.

Pak generals made the mistake of trusting a politician I.e. Bhutto

They learnt their lesson quickly.

Keeping Pakistan together has been their only aim since then…
Jan 7, 2024
"Hindutva" came into being AFTER Islamic rule in India had pretty much ended, during 1920s. Out of Turks, Persians and "decedents[sic] of the Mughals", the second is hand in glove with India and the last one is dead or seeking alms to survive, literally. That leaves Turks. I mean, sure, let Erdogan try it.

Persians and the descendants of Mughals have the nuclear bomb 🤣🤣🤣

North Korea is an economic basket case but Uncle Sam still shit scared of them 🤣🤣


Jan 8, 2024
Bangladesh and Pakistan will form a confederation
Bangladesh is so far ahead of Pakistan that it will dominate economically, politically, militarily.

The uneducated Pakistanis stand no chance in front of the highly educated, rich and NOT BANKRUPT Bengalis. Pakistanis would be reduced to second grade citizens in the federation. All white-collar posts would be occupied by Banglas due to their superior education.

I guess you should start taking Bangla lessons, it would give you a chance at finding employment in your imaginary federation.
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