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Five decades after Pakistan’s recognition of Bangladesh

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Mar 9, 2024
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Persians and the descendants of Mughals have the nuclear bomb 🤣🤣🤣

North Korea is an economic basket case but Uncle Sam still shit scared of them 🤣🤣
I mean sure, Iran threatens India daily with their nukes, right?

And I am not sure you understand who the descendents of Mughals are. I mean... scratch that... I guess, we are not even talking about the same people here. BTW, Do you know what language Mughals used to speak in their household?
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Joe Shearer

Apr 19, 2009
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I guess, you probably think the same of Nehru?
I am not a Nehru fan, but do respect the great job that he did to set democratic standards, deferring to the opposition (except in two infamous instances, Kerala and the Namboodiripad government that was dismissed, and his hot and cold behaviour towards Sheikh Abdullah, who was equally responsible for earning his distrust), and building norms of behaviour that contrast so shockingly with the behaviour of the present incumbent.

Where people fault him is in his susceptibility to Soviet methods and concepts, to centralised planning, for instance, and to a far lesser degree to an emphasis on heavy industry (critics don't understand how horribly impoverished we were, after the British left, and how important it was to use the scarce capital available, mainly with the state, to build the sinews of industry).


He was fine in almost every aspect except defence. He had this perhaps Gandhian distrust of the soldiers, and they suffered horribly both by his almost childish neglect, and the vicious intriguing and politicking of Krishna Menon, one of his favourites. In his defence, it might be said that the generals behaved equally badly - ask me in some other thread to talk about that - and not just Birji Kaul; Timmy Thimayya made a hash of things, and tried the outre experiment of bypassing him and going to Radhakrishnan pleading that R as Commander-in-Chief should impose his decision on Nehru and Menon and make Thorat the next chief to succeed him. That would have been brilliant for Indian defence, but instead, we got a weak, easily cowed down wimp, Thapar, and a wicked Monty Palit, who took full advantage of Krishna Menon's criminal habits of interference and seeking to foment internal dissent, a Bogey Sen who simply couldn't understand what was going on, and an entire cadre - Harbaksh, Manekshaw, and that whole generation - who were fuming at what they saw happen.
Jan 7, 2024
Bangladesh is so far ahead of Pakistan that it will dominate economically, politically, militarily.

The uneducated Pakistanis stand no chance in front of the highly educated, rich and NOT BANKRUPT Bengalis. Pakistanis would be reduced to second grade citizens in the federation. All white-collar posts would be occupied by Banglas due to their superior education.

I guess you should start taking Bangla lessons, it would give you a chance at finding employment in your imaginary federation.

Bangladesh and Pakistan are destined to reunite.

Smart Bengalis will run the economy and social space.

Pakistanis will beat Hinduvta with their nuclear bombs 💣

They joined hands to outmanoeuvre Hinduvta in 1940s and they will do so again.

Joe Shearer

Apr 19, 2009
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Anyway, Bangladeshis have rejected their version of BJP.
At moments of stress, I keep thinking of what I had been told by a Bangladeshi friend of mine, who ran Shaw Wallace Bangladesh, that Indians with two grandparents of Bangladeshi origin were eligible for Bangladeshi citizenship.

I have Dhaka, Faridpur, Barisal and Bogura, and at moments when it seems that the outrages are no longer bearable, this thought runs through my mind. It may be entirely false, I have never checked it, but it is a straw to cling to.

Joe Shearer

Apr 19, 2009
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Kola bhai,

Modi has increased underlying poverty through his big business reforms e.g. enabling big businesses to undercut mom and pop shops and abolition of price guarantees for farmers.

All the three propositions that you have stated are false. You will have to start all over again.

and stagnation in jobs growth.

India has a serious employment issue. But it has nothing to do with Modi. It started with the previous UPA govt. In 10 years, it created a mere 12 million or so jobs inspite of massive economic growth.

Incidentally your own country BD has a stellar record in job creation and Hasina devi deserves credit for that.

India is running a massive deficit

What deficit are you referring to? Fiscal? Or Current Account?

Disregard SS. He is a subtle Sanghi.


Jan 8, 2024
Bangladesh and Pakistan are destined to reunite.

Smart Bengalis will run the economy and social space.

Pakistanis will beat Hinduvta with their nuclear bombs 💣
Bangladesh and Pakistan will not unite, because Banglas won't be stupid enough to take on the debt that Pak has uilt up. I don't think you've any understanding of economy.

BD is lightyears ahead of Pak and getting farther. BD's per capita forex reserves is 8 times that of Pak. 1 BD citizen is equal of 8 Pak citizens. There is absolutely no equality. The nuclear weapon is a joke, because the army wielding it is impotent. COAS Bajwa admitted it. Do you know more about Pak military than the Army Chief?

Joe Shearer

Apr 19, 2009
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what language Mughals used to speak in their household?
A language that one or two of the first British ambassadors to the Mughal Court used to build a rapport with the surprised and pleased Emperor Jahangir.

Clever spot, that.

Joe Shearer

Apr 19, 2009
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Bangladesh and Pakistan are destined to reunite.

Smart Bengalis will run the economy and social space.
That was the stupidest thing that the two can do.

Look at the economics. Look at how the joint Pakistan prospered until 1971, and how after that, the remaindered Pakistan steadily declined, while Bangladesh steadily grew.

It doesn't compute.


Full Member
Mar 9, 2024
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That was the stupidest thing that the two can do.

Look at the economics. Look at how the joint Pakistan prospered until 1971, and how after that, the remaindered Pakistan steadily declined, while Bangladesh steadily grew.

It doesn't compute.
Hassan Nisar -- the journalist who grew up and lived in that era once said : "We are not same culture and upbringing. When I was a teenage in college, I used to live with 40% of other students being Bengali. There was nothing in common with us. We (Punjabi Muslims) used to spend our monthly allowance by 20th of the month and they never spent one additional penny over their budget. We were fundamentally incompatible!"

Joe Shearer

Apr 19, 2009
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Hassan Nisar -- the journalist who grew up and lived in that era once said : "We are not same culture and upbringing. When I was a teenage in college, I used to live with 40% of other students being Bengali. There was nothing in common with us. We (Punjabi Muslims) used to spend our monthly allowance by 20th of the month and they never spent one additional penny over their budget. We were fundamentally incompatible!"
Contrast that to the many points of congruence between Bengali Hindus and Muslims, perhaps more visible in West Bengal than in Bangladesh.

On a lighter note, I made the mistake of wishing my dear friend Mizan urRahman for Eid. His very Brit reply was, "As one good Muslim to another, I heartily reciprocate your good wishes!"

Got a stitch in my side laughing.

I miss him so much.


Jan 8, 2024
A language that one or two of the first British ambassadors to the Mughal Court used to build a rapport with the surprised and pleased Emperor Jahangir.

Clever spot, that.

This is a photo of the last Mughal princes, the sons of Bahadur Shah Zafar.

Joe Shearer

Apr 19, 2009
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View attachment 25401
This is a photo of the last Mughal princes, the sons of Bahadur Shah Zafar.
I thought Hodson killed them all?

I was really depressed to learn that Hodson (who died during the breaking of the siege of the Lucknow Residency, and of our sister school, La Martiniere Lucknow) is actually remembered by one of the Lucknow houses being named after him.
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