Five decades after Pakistan’s recognition of Bangladesh

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Jul 25, 2013
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Pakistani generals are powerful because without them Pakistan would fall apart? Is that why Bangladesh seceded from the rest of Pakistan?

The Pakistan army generals first dismembered Pakistan and then turned the remaining part a banana republic.

In my opinion there should be consensus for Kashmir, then Pakistan could lower their defense spending and spend more on education and infrastructure. I see even popular Imran Khan is the most hawkish when it comes to Kashmir, so how can you lower your defense budget with civilian leader with this kind of mindset ?

Pashtun areas like Waziristan with their own law and has become like untouchable areas for many years in Pakistan is also dragging Pakistan development.

Balochistan is also something that could be fixed if Pakistan gov give more to Balochistan and set up decentralized local government there. One of the new feature of Indonesia after the year 2000 is changing political landscape from centralized gov into decentralized system where local government get more from economic activity happening in their own land.

Joe Shearer

Apr 19, 2009
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That is why India would not be seen as a trusted partner for other "Global South" nations.
In that case, that is your own conclusion.
I had hoped for something concrete, that could be used to expose him.


Jul 25, 2013
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Pak has moved on long back. They didn't even apologies because they believe they've done nothing wrong.

I am not trying to provoke anything. If the gang-rape of millions of your women does not provoke you, then what chance does anything else stand?

LOL raping millions of Bangladeshi women is just a blatant lies. There could be some rape happening but I doubt it was executed massively, just individuals who did that if it did happen.

Unlikely Muslim Pakistani soldiers rape Bangladeshi women in mass rape like that since they know it is big sin for them in Islam and can get them entering Hell.
Jan 7, 2024
That was the stupidest thing that the two can do.

Look at the economics. Look at how the joint Pakistan prospered until 1971, and how after that, the remaindered Pakistan steadily declined, while Bangladesh steadily grew.

It doesn't compute.

It’s Bangladesh’s back up plan!

Actually, survival plan.

We will not underestimate the genocidal Hinduvta!
Jan 7, 2024
LOL raping millions of Bangladeshi women is just a blatant lies. There could be some rape happening but I doubt it was executed massively, just individuals who did that if it did happen.

Unlikely Muslim Pakistani soldiers rape Bangladeshi women in mass rape like that since they know it is big sin for them in Islam and can get them entering Hell.

Actually, the rapes were committed by Bihari foot soldiers. Hindus were the primary victims.

250k abortions were administered under UNHCR supervision apparently.

Biharis then were at the receiving end.

Which is why Hindus and Biharis are so bitter about 1971.

In fact, Biharis have repeatedly rejected BD citizenship given the atrocities they suffered.
Jan 7, 2024
Where and when did they do that? It is quite possible, given the kind of attitudes and postures that the present has been striking, but did he open his mouth and drop these pearls? Please let me know.

Ramzan Kareem, btw

When UKBengali is hostile against India - you really have a problem 🤣🤣

The so called Indian shill is demanding reunification with Pakistan 🤣🤣

Hinduvta does know how to slap itself in the face.


Sep 14, 2006
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A country which has actively conducted genocide and mass-rape of Bangla women would be forgiven by Bengalis? Even after it did the same to Palestinians in black September?
And is now doing to the Uighyrs?

If you think Pakistanis are Muslims, I can only laugh at your innocence.

A few BD men might have forgiven Pak for the rape of millions of Bangla women due to their "unique" taste but most BD men are still furious

Glad this one was banned, what a serial troll.


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Jan 6, 2024
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This thread is nuts, Bangladesh faces no existential threat from India today, most people have not clue about the actual regional security arrangement here. There is no credible indicator to suggest Republic of India in short to medium term has any Strategic ambition to carry out a full scale/partial invasion of Bangladesh.

Regardless of this, whatever you think of Hindutva ideology and the threat they pose, this is a simple cost benefit analysis.

*India has two nuclear amred adversary on its Western and Nothern border with massive conventional armed forces who has claims on Indian controlled territory, and both adversaries never stoped actively persuing their claims.

*While BD is small country it is actually quite big population-wise. It has the demographic depth. And it's terrain is not armored and mchanzied friendly at all.

*Indian army has around 38x divisons. While it faces around 20 PAK army divisons on its Westeen border. it also faces PLA Western command on its entire North. it is a big stretch to think Indian army can spare roughly one third of its fighting power (13x divisons) for a 'special military operation' type adventure in BD against 10x Divisons size BD army.

*Last but not the least, today the offense/defence balance has shifted dramatically in favour of defence from what it was 50 years ago. People who are actually familiar with contemporary military literature knows what I am talking about.
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