Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

If they don’t care about Palestinians killed, The numbers of IDF casualties need to come out for the Israeli public to see what the cost of continuing this war is for them.

The Israelis are hiding their casualties, but crying family members cannot be hidden.

It is probably a bogus theory that Israelis killed JFK.
It needs to be understood that Americans didn't particularly cared for Jews until at least 1967; that was the year when Americans started to see Israel as the 'aircraft carrier' against the Soviets. I personally never knew words like 'Kike' or 'Jew me down' until some WASP Americans spoke to me so.

Israelis have been carefully cultivating their 'European' origin, their race, their Biblical connection to fool Christian Americans. But as far as the cultural/religious connection is concerned, it was almost non-existent prior to 1967--in fact, antipathy. Never forget it were the Soviets who protected the Jews while the West, including America, persecuted them and America even turned the refugee ships away during/before WWII.

So then why was there such a change of heart in America about Israel? Propaganda and bullying by the Israel Firsters.

Sure, the racial aspect of supporting a largely 'white' country against the largely 'brown' country played a part in the American support for Israel. But the real support started after the fall of the Soviet Union. The Israel Lobby took total control of the American political class after that.
You absolute hypocrite, these are your words about Houthis: "Rafidi kafir liars" determined to "establish a Persian state in Yemen"

View attachment 6858

As for Shias ...

View attachment 6859

There is, unfortunately, much much more of this sectarian hatred from you. This thread is to share news about Hamas and Israel, not for you to spam the same sectarian Tweets bashing Iran and Hezbollah 100 times a week.

I held my tongue until now but you did not heed the warnings and continued, so it is important people understand who you are.

How is this guy a mod? I can go back to old forum if needed. He's a Iranian supremacist trying to silence anyone who criticizes Iran. This thread is being derailed by Iranian supremacists that try to play God and want to criticize everyone except themselves. Get a grip on your forum guys.
Tony Blair is as big s Zionist as any

This is a trap, another way to get a Zionist shill in the decision making process
The Brits are only relevant because of the empire the created after giving up its physical empire. Preventing embezzlement of national funds into British offshore accounts will finally put an end to British relevance.

Then they will be as relevant as their own internal economy will deserve. Not the one based on the stolen wealth of the world by their “partner” rulers.

It is probably a bogus theory that Israelis killed JFK.
It needs to be understood that Americans didn't particularly cared for Jews until at least 1967; that was the year when Americans started to see Israel as the 'aircraft carrier' against the Soviets. I personally never knew words like 'Kike' or 'Jew me down' until some WASP Americans spoke to me so.

Israelis have been carefully cultivating their 'European' origin, their race, their Biblical connection to fool Christian Americans. But as far as the cultural/religious connection is concerned, it was almost non-existent prior to 1967--in fact, antipathy. Never forget it were the Soviets who protected the Jews while the West, including America, persecuted them and America even turned the refugee ships away during/before WWII.

So then why was there such a change of heart in America about Israel? Propaganda and bullying by the Israel Firsters.

Sure, the racial aspect of supporting a largely 'white' country against the largely 'brown' country played a part in the American support for Israel. But the real support started after the fall of the Soviet Union. The Israel Lobby took total control of the American political class after that.
You seen the film JFK?

Look into the making of that film a bit more, you might change your mind.
The Israelis are hiding their casualties, but crying family members cannot be hidden.
But has anyone figured out how many IDF have been killed and wounded in Gaza? See the numbers will force Israeli public opinion to really reconsider what they are doing. Also the reports of friendly fire will turn public against the war.

The Brits are only relevant because of the empire the created after giving up its physical empire. Preventing embezzlement of national funds into British offshore accounts will finally put an end to British relevance.

Then they will be as relevant as their own internal economy will deserve. Not the one based on the stolen wealth of the world by their “partner” rulers.

The Brits are very relevant, they sent their navy very early, Cyprus logistics, plus all the history.

How is this guy a mod? I can go back to old forum if needed. He's a Iranian supremacist trying to silence anyone who criticizes Iran. This thread is being derailed by Iranian supremacists that try to play God and want to criticize everyone except themselves. Get a grip on your forum guys.
You made some ridiculous claims, so I provided screenshots to counter them.

Derailed by Iranian supremacists? This is the first time I interacted with you for many days. Sincerely suggest you get a grip and stop playing the victim after spamming the same old tweets.
You made some ridiculous claims, so I provided screenshots to counter them.

Derailed by Iranian supremacists? This is the first time I interacted with you for many days. Sincerely suggest you get a grip and stop playing the victim after spamming the same old tweets.
Khamenei is a murderer of Muslims and a evil fraud that stabbed Gaza in the back and abandoned it. I can prove this with facts. It's not against the rules. You can say same thing about Hamas officials and I can refute you with facts. Either counter the points made or put me on ignore if I stress you out so much. Don't try playing God. Come in person if you want to try that. You're spamming 9 year old screenshot from the old forum and accusing others of spam. Oh the irony.
You seen the film JFK?
Look into the making of that film a bit more, you might change your mind.

Off-topic but...

Oh, yes. In a cinema/theater decades ago. Please remember that Israel was a nonentity to Americans until at least 1967. And even around 1990, Bush Sr. had strongly opposed Israel. He was the last American President with a spine against Israel. The Fall of the Soviet Union gave the NeoCons too much hubris after that--and they are in bed with Israel Lobby: $$$$$.

And so no, I see no JFK/Israel connection. At most--and even that is tangential--something to do with Cuba and/or Vietnam.

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