Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

So genocidal Netanyahu plans to free hostages and clear Hamas so far has been an epic failure. It brings me to believe this was the public plan but in private they have wanted to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from Gaza.
I watched a video recently where an Israeli commentator stated if you go with a one state now the jews would be 47% minority. By 2048 there will be around 20m people living in Palestine and Israel with majority being arab 10m+
He was saying where will all these people live. This is a major concern for these genocidal maniacs they know that one state for them won't work a 2 state means they have to give land but they were born on thefting land. Their solution is to ethnically cleanse gaza move as many people away to other countries make gaza not livable. With the west bank we see more land theft and making Palestinian lives there a misery.

For sure, after World War II, Israelis would have preferred to have expelled all the Palestinians but the Jewish immigrants were exhausted from WW II, Hitler's pogroms, the stress of immigration, and the 1948 war. Plus there was a genuine desire in enough Jewish immigrants to not repeat to the Palestinians what was done to them. Still, I have seen statements from Israeli Founding Fathers regretting not expelling all the Palestinians.

But since this conflict started, I see Israelis not only wanting to kick out the remaining Palestinians but also to expand the Israeli territory to Lebanon up to the Litani River and elsewhere east and west wherever there is arable land ("Lebensraum") AND to increase the Israeli Jewish population to include up to 50 million Jews by enabling more Aliya, so to be truly independent of America. I suspect such thoughts always existed but now they find more receptive audience in Israel.

They would do anything except learn to live as part of the Middle East. This is what the great Israeli journalist Gideon Levy repeatedly says. It is about 'Jewish Supremacy' which now even Col. Macgregor is starting to say.

It is a form of NAZISM!!!
Are the Palestinians getting supplies from somewhere

Very rare to see

But they should set up a ambush

When the rescue helicopter comes to collect the injured Zionist p$gs they should hit it after take off

Killing all the injured p$gs inside

That would be great to see

When the rescue helicopter comes to collect the injured Zionist p$gs they should hit it after take off

Stinger Missiles changed the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan mid 1980s!!!
Friends for god's sake please stop throwing every Jewish person under the bus by constantly tossing the word "jew" in every insult and argument against the actions of the state of Israel. Its not fair, as you will know Jews in the west have been some of the most vocal opponents of the Israeli war in Gaza, some have lost places at University, arrested and even lost their jobs for supporting Palestine.

Also using curse words is not cool, so please polite reminder, please avoid using religious or nationality based curse words etc, use your commonsense.

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