Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Many Palestinian Refugees in Jordan and Lebanon would probably want to go back if it were a one state solution. Many Israelis would probably not want to live in such a state, because over time they have 1. Come to loathe the Palestinians and come to fear them, similar to how many right wing Americans fear Blacks and Latinos.

There are over 3.2 million Palestinians in Jordan alone. Nearly 4.6 million of you count Lebanon, Syria and Egypt with Jordan. These being the three countries where Palestinians probably live like Refugees, to one extent or another, and would be motivated to go back.


And in 1948,, the Jews made these people refugees and stole their land intending never to let them back

At that point the Jews had a massive demographic majority over the PALESTINIANS

But what's happened is the Jews have gradually lost that advantage, even without the refugees the PALESTINIANS are now the majority population, although across Gaza, Israel and the west bank and Israel itself approx a 21% minority

The Jews felt it was a issue of birth rate so whilst in Israel itself the birth rate is about 3.0 for both populations, I. Gaza and the west bank it's higher

What's going to hammer the Jews is the average age of the populations

Because the PALESTINIANS with a average age of 19 are so much younger than the Jews with a average age of 43 a mass of the Palestinian population is HEADING TOWARDS MARRIAGE, family and children

That's what will kill the Jews, they will become a increasing minority

So if the PALESTINIANS want to hurt the Jew state they need to marry and have kids and we all need to fund them In doing so as a act of faith and resistance

That's why the only way out for the Jews is ethnic cleansing of the PALESTINIANS and it's why we must resist that every way we can

The Jews hope that by making the lives of Palestinians unbearable in Gaza and the west bank they will be forced to leave

This is why the resistance by the PALESTINIANS is so inspiring and so necessary
An American plan to train 5,000 members of the Palestinian Authority to deploy them in the Gaza Strip after the war, in order to enable the Authority to control the Gaza Strip.

These forces are supposed to cooperate security-wise with Israel

Israel is getting hurt as we speak. IDF soldiers are losing limbs and are crippled. We see the visuals of crying family members. Don't think that Israel is invincible. It is not and this war has exposed t
Israel quite badly.
If they don’t care about Palestinians killed, The numbers of IDF casualties need to come out for the Israeli public to see what the cost of continuing this war is for them.

The US can pass a law and give Israel any money it loses in prosecuting this war, but lives lost, are irreplaceable.
Houthi's are Shia too and we are all praising them for their actions
These are your words about Houthis: "Rafidi kafir liars" determined to "establish a Persian state in Yemen"


As for Shias ...

Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 02.45.32.png

There is, unfortunately, much much more of this sectarian hatred from you. This thread is to share news about Hamas and Israel, not for you to spam the same sectarian Tweets bashing Iran and Hezbollah 100 times a week.

I held my tongue until now but you did not heed the warnings and continued, so it is important people understand who you are.
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