Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Urgent | Osama Hamdan: The occupation forces kidnapped some Palestinians while they were injured due to Israeli bombing

Urgent | Osama Hamdan: The occupation forces have arrested more than 4,000 people from the Gaza Strip since October 7.

Urgent | Osama Hamdan: The occupation is still detaining more than 200 Palestinian children in its prisons since October 7, facing harsh conditions.

Urgent | Osama Hamdan: The occupation forces threatened Palestinian female prisoners with rape unless they gave testimonies attacking Hamas.

Urgent | Osama Hamdan: Zionist violations have escalated since October 7, bringing the number of prisoners since that date to 9,500.

Urgent | Hamas leader Osama Hamdan: The occupation continues its violations and crimes against prisoners and field executions of those kidnapped from Gaza.

Urgent | Hamas leader Osama Hamdan: The occupation continues its violations and crimes against prisoners and field executions of those kidnapped from Gaza.

Urgent | Osama Hamdan: We affirm that the violations and crimes against our prisoners and detainees are a flagrant violation of all international laws and norms.

Urgent | Osama Hamdan: We call for international pressure on the occupation authorities to allow visits to prisoners and detainees

Urgent | Osama Hamdan: The occupation only wants one stage in which it takes prisoners and then resumes its war

Urgent | Osama Hamdan: Without a clear position from Israel to prepare for a permanent cessation of the war and withdrawal from Gaza, there will be no agreement.

Urgent | #Al Jazeera correspondent: Israeli occupation forces storm a number of neighborhoods in the city of Nablus in the northern West Bank
Urgent | The Israeli Broadcasting Corporation: The Israeli leadership’s fear that Washington might not support the continuation of the war prompted it to request guarantees

Urgent | Israeli Broadcasting Corporation: The War Council decides to request guarantees from the United States that the war on Gaza will continue
Teach your children

That Palestine is occupied

That the Al AQSA Mosque is captive and detained

That the Zionist entity is an enemy

That resistance is noble

That there is no state named Israel..


King Faisal Ibn Abdel Aziz
After the Israeli Ambassador to Britain, Tzipi Hotovely, announced her intention to visit Scotland on a tour to spread the Israeli narrative in its war on Gaza... the residents of Scotland welcomed the ambassador with large billboards placed on the main roads bearing the phrase (Welcome to Scotland... Tzipi Hotovely, go to hell)


The Iron Dome's failures to secure Israel was, is and will remain a certainty in face of many simultaneous cheap rockets fired from Israel's vicinity. I think years ago I had made a remark on PDF which went something like 'Israel would have to build walls around it going up to the atmosphere' to prevent the rockets from reaching Israel. As an Israeli blogger on an Israeli site recently and correctly said: 'Israel's enemies know that only one rocket landing is Israel is the same as 50 rockets landing in Israel. ' [I am sort of liberally paraphrasing here but I think I have been consistently saying that Israel cannot win a prolonged multifront war of attrition]
Urgent | The Israeli Broadcasting Corporation: The Israeli leadership’s fear that Washington might not support the continuation of the war prompted it to request guarantees
Urgent | Israeli Broadcasting Corporation: The War Council decides to request guarantees from the United States that the war on Gaza will continue

The more publicly Israelis lean on Washington, the more the world knows Israel is a paper tiger and the less the Americans, whether they like Israel or not, lose faith in Israel and thus the more the anti-Israel forces get support globally, including in America. Israel has been screaming at a mountaintop for months, broadcasting itself as a weak nation utterly dependent on America!!
1. This is a battle between Jewish Supremacy and the non-white world.
But since most Jews are white, Jewish Supremacy = White Supremacy. We can also say:

1. This is a battle between Jewish White Supremacy and the non-white world.

2. Do not make it a battle between whites and non-whites or you will find out white people can and will be brutal butchers if we have to. Next great race war, we will not give the Christians a chance to talk us out of killing every last one of you like with the Indians.
"If we have to"? Does that mean that when non-white people who have faced deadly colonialism and slavery from White people for centuries were correct that their oppressors were savages and that White people today haven't really changed from their ways in history?

Don't get mad at us that White countries have colluded with the Jewish supremacist nation to execute a genocide project...its your people who took the wrong action (again, look at Ukraine also) by supporting the wrong country- Israel- they have to take accountability for that- serious pay back.

@PAKISTANFOREVER -Can you believe what this guy is saying? smfh.

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