Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

We have heard this before during the Gulf War, how the Iraqi republican guards will destroy the US of A. We had all seen what happened then. US + UK + Israel plan would be simple stage one - knock down Iranian air defense, stage 2 - bomb the shit out of it. Sorry to say all the macho talk and bravado on a forum is all good, but in real world Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi are nothing but a nuisance. Iran yes a respectable adversary but no way a match for the firepower of the western world.

Hamas was stupid on 7 oct - 40000 of them killed, whole Gaza destroyed, hamas will be soon be fighting for it's existence in dark rooms/tunnels in Gaza with Israeli settlers enjoying beachfront resorts there. Hope Iran is not as stupid to play in to the hands of Israel.
Hamas had no choice they were being systematically slaughtered anyway. I guess they miscalculated the hearts of stones of the Munafique so called Muslim world who turned a blind eye to the crimes against women and children. Truly sickening what the Hollywood movies have brainwashed into the masses of the enslaved minds.

This was Pakistan's best opportunity to downsize the evil IDF and reduce one enemy in the west but our army is busy building defence schemes and buying Papa John's franchises and selling their people to the Indians. A full military alliance with Iran , China, Russia and Turkey is the need of the day and it will have devastating consequences if it doesn't materiaise. The ugly head of Nazism has risen in the form of Zionism and it is time to chop of that ugly head, the world will suffer huge tyranny if it doesn't act now.
Can't see it on his official account.

The Iranians should continue with their mind games, and the resistance should continue with its slow burn. Its working.

The terrorist entity, supported by its submissive loyal goyims, isn't going to last much longer.

Glory to the resistance Palestine 🇵🇸
What if Israel target Iranian Ports & Power Plants in Response?
Is Iran capable enough to defend against that attack?
I do not think so.

With American help, Israel can destroy Iran's infrastruture but only with significant American help.
However, Iran is a large country with a large population and would be able to absorb many losses unlike Israel.
There is no victory for Israel and its backers in a conventional war. Only nukes can capitulate the forces arrayed against Israel and that too only maybe. The anti-Israel forces are too large, too dispersed, and too close to Israel to make even nukes a decisive factor. And what will destroying Iran achieve when Israel will be gone and Americans expelled from the Middle East?? We know that those thousands of Americans illegally stationed in Syria and Iraq would be sitting ducks. How many body bags come to America will be tolerated? And this is an election year.

I have been saying since this conflict began in October 2023: A regional war will result in total destruction of Israel and the expulsion of Americans from the Middle East. There is a reason Americans don't want a regional war and those reasons are not some particular concerns for the population of the Middle East.

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