Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Surely, surely they must understand that Muslim history will look at them at utter SCUM

Muslim history won't look back at this period and go, 'oh how great and wonderful were the Egyptians, Jordanians, Saudi emrats'
Muslim history will be clear these people were jackals and traitors, munafiqs who sold out the Muslim world for their greed

The literal SHAME would motivate me to act, but these are the children of bar workers from the 80s

I'm shocked at how low the Arab states have fallen

Well according to @MH.Yang , KSA buys stolen Palestinian gas from the entity.

What more can one say about the Gulfies?

#URGENT ‼️🚨 The Revolutionary Guard issues a new statement regarding what happened in the assassination of Commander Ismail Haniyeh

In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful

1- After the terrorist act carried out by the criminal Zionist regime, which led to the martyrdom of the great martyr Dr. Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the Mujahideen and the brave political bureau of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), and his companion, the Iranian nation was informed;

This measure was designed and implemented by the Zionist regime and with the support of the criminal American government.

2. According to investigations and investigations, this terrorist operation was carried out by launching a short-range projectile with a warhead weighing about 7 kilograms, accompanied by a strong explosion, from outside the guests’ residence area.

In the end, this was confirmed; The shedding of the blood of the “martyr Ismail Haniyeh” is certain, and the adventurous and terrorist Zionist regime will receive the response to this crime, which is “severe punishment” at the appropriate time, place and manner.
‼️🚨 Scenes of a widespread spread of skin diseases among children in the Gaza Strip

I hope this unjust world ends soon. This tragedy only suffered by Palestinians is unacceptable while the rest of the world turned out to be spectators and watch it from the sidelines - if they aren't already helping the people who are committing the genocide.
Pakistan might face a fiscal default if the American support is not given for IMF loans and even face American sanctions which would cripple the Pakistani economy but not only Pakistan observed an official Day of Mourning yesterday over Haniyeh's death but Pakistan does what it can. Also, it is to be noted, Pakistan continued to recognize the Assad govt in Syria while even Pakistan's close allies like Saudi Arabia and Turkey tried to topple Assad. Pakistan stands for unity in the Islamic World.

Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar on Saturday said that Pakistan fully supported Iran’s call for an “extraordinary meeting” of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) after the killing of Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh in a strike in Tehran, the Foreign Office (FO) said in a press release.

In a telephonic conversation with Dar today, Acting Foreign Minister of Iran Ali Bagehri Kani shared his country’s deep anguish on the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran.

FM Dar conveyed to his Iranian counterpart that Pakistan shared their sentiments, adding that Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif had condemned the developments in Gaza and the atrocious assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in the “strongest possible terms”.

Moreover, the National Assembly unanimously condemned the killing, which it said was against “international law, established diplomatic norms and acceptable behaviour amongst the comity of nations”.

Kani requested Dar to participate in the “extraordinary meeting” of the OIC being convened on this matter at the “foreign ministers level”.

The meeting has been requested by Iran and is likely to be held in the near future, the FO said.

Dar fully supported the call for an extraordinary meeting and confirmed that Pakistan would “actively participate” in the “important meeting”.

A very complicated racial dynamic is happening here. Between 1300 to the 1960s, the whole world including the conquered colonial subjects in places like india and Africa accepted that the white race had a divine right to rule over them. That notion is now seen to be HIGHLY offensive and completely ridiculous. israel is the LAST white european colonial state in the non-white world. No arguments can justify it's existence. So these white european jews who have 0 connection to the Middle East have no other choice but to be EXTREME racists in order to somehow justify their existence.

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