Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

It would be better to keep quiet as you are digging a bigger hole for yourself.
You have no clue of International law governing airspace.. and you come here opening your bad mouth with empty rhetoric..?
You have no clue of International law governing airspace.. and you come here opening your bad mouth with empty rhetoric..?

Enlighten me please with credible link.
This is someone is reported by Syrian news..why you say this is fake too..
no offence but are you looking at what you post? that's literally the same made up name and same photo of Amir Ali Hajizadeh!!!!! wtf.
Israeli negotiator: Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Bahrain tell us they do not like Hamas, support us removing Hamas from the map

at 20:35
no offence but are you looking at what you post? that's literally the same made up name and same photo of Amir Ali Hajizadeh!!!!! wtf.
Yes I'm looking well.. the photo is not the know it..or pretending not to know it.. the name is different too only sharing the same last name..So it is the same news but badly reported on X.. this article by Syrian media is the real news..
Enlighten me please with credible link.
"An aircraft entering an ADIZ (Air Defense Identification Zone) is required to radio its planned course, destination, and any additional details about its trip through the ADIZ to a higher authority, typically an air traffic controller. The aircraft must also be equipped with a radar transponder."

Just google Air space International'll have hundreds of credible sources..

Know that this does not apply to outer space.. Iran can still fire Ballistic missiles at Israel through any country in the long as it crosses in outer space..
"An aircraft entering an ADIZ (Air Defense Identification Zone) is required to radio its planned course, destination, and any additional details about its trip through the ADIZ to a higher authority, typically an air traffic controller. The aircraft must also be equipped with a radar transponder."

No this is nothing to do with what we are talking about.

Where does it say there is an obligation to try to shoot it down and if it is not done then the "entity" it is fired at has reason to attack the country whose territory it flew over?

Just keeping digging yourself into an even bigger hole or just stop talking.
dude that's Amir Ali Hajizadeh ... please stop posting his photo with these fake news from random accounts saying he is killed in Syria ... I just told you he would not go to Syria ...
I understand that.. but the name is different..Are the pictures the same ?

Check this one out..different name and different picture yet..
I understand that.. but the name is different..Are the pictures the same ?

Check this one out..different name and different picture yet..
the pictures are of the same person...

your first and second post talked about an Iranian killed in Damascus (with a fake name accompanied by photos of Hajizadeh) now this link talks about a strike in Beirut ... please make up your mind wtf you are talking about ...
It is not even cowardice which can at least be understood.

A coward would just not get invoved on either side but these lot are on the side of the Zionist entity clearly.

More like greed for power and money which will be remembered and never forgiven by history.

Surely, surely they must understand that Muslim history will look at them at utter SCUM

Muslim history won't look back at this period and go, 'oh how great and wonderful were the Egyptians, Jordanians, Saudi emrats'
Muslim history will be clear these people were jackals and traitors, munafiqs who sold out the Muslim world for their greed

The literal SHAME would motivate me to act, but these are the children of bar workers from the 80s

I'm shocked at how low the Arab states have fallen

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