Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The real attack on Israel hasnt happened yet but in terms of psyops and damages to the Israeli economy, the 'anxiety' is mounting in Israel. I bet flights out of Ben Gurion are on many people's minds. Many airlines have cancelled flights to Israel and one has suspended into September!

Perhaps a nice hotel in a beach, paid for by the American tax payers??

I dunno man things are looking pretty busy over Israel..unless those flights going over Egypt are an abnormal diversion.

I dunno man things are looking pretty busy over Israel..unless those flights going over Egypt are an abnormal diversion.

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Yesterday or day before an article on an Israeli website itself said several airlines have cancelled flights to Israel and, I think, Delta cancelled till September.
I think the word 'several' is a loaded one. Out of, say, 100, if 5 cancel INTO the Israeli airports, then is that significant or not. Whether it is or not, when a prominent Israeli site makes major news like that it is significant as psyops.

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