Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Hamas calls for probe into Israeli 'executions' of Palestinian civilians​

Hamas accuses the Israeli army of "digging a large pit east of Gaza City and placing dozens of citizens in it before executing them and filling up the pit".

The Israeli army did not directly comment on those allegations but said it ensured that its strikes against military targets comply with the provisions of international law. / Photo: AFP

The Israeli army did not directly comment on those allegations but said it ensured that its "strikes against military targets comply with the provisions of international law". / Photo: AFP
The Palestinian resistance group Hamas has called for an international investigation into "summary executions" that it accused the Israeli army of committing in the war-ravaged Gaza.
Hamas said in a statement to have gathered testimonies showing "the Israeli army had carried out the summary execution of 137 Palestinian civilians" in northern Gaza, including Gaza City, since the start of Israel's ground attack on October 7.
The group accused the Israeli army of "digging a large pit east of Gaza City and placing dozens of detained citizens in it before executing them and filling up the pit".
Earlier Saturday, the health ministry in Gaza said dozens of Palestinians were killed this week and publicly "executed" during an Israeli offensive in the northern town of Jabalia.
The Israeli army has "executed" dozens of elderly people in Gaza in "direct shooting operations" since October 7, a human rights watchdog has said.
In a statement, Geneva-based Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said that 1,049 elderly men and women have been killed so far — about 1 percent of the estimated 107,000 elderly people who live in Gaza, and 3.9 percent of all Palestinian deaths.
UN concern
The Israeli army did not directly comment on those allegations but said it ensured that its "strikes against military targets comply with the provisions of international law".
On Wednesday, the United Nations human rights office said it had received "disturbing" reports that Israeli troops had "summarily killed" at least 11 unarmed Palestinians in a possible war crime in Gaza.
The killings were alleged to have been carried out in the Rimal neighbourhood of Gaza City this week, it added, calling on Israel to open an investigation.
An Israeli official, speaking on condition of anonymity, rejected the allegations as "yet another example of the partisan and prejudiced approach against Israel" by the UN body.
The claims were "nothing but blood libel", the official added.
At least 20,258 people --- most of them women and children -- have been killed in Gaza since the start of the Israeli army's aggression.
The war was launched following the unprecedented attack carried out on October 7 by Hamas fighters, which left around 1,140 dead in southern Israel.
Palestinian fighters also abducted around 250 people, 129 of whom Israel says are still in Gaza.

Jewish extremists are vandalizing Churches in Europe, cursing Jesus, and putting Allah next to the curses to blame Muslims for it. Christians and Muslims have caught on to it. Still, this shows the degree the Jewish extremists are willing to go to to force everyone into submission:

Pope has called IDF a terrorist oragnziation

Biden has turned

and the UK Head Defence secretary

and even Piers Morgan

Israel has a bad time coming
Wishful thinking, unfortunately, if the Palestinian Authority continues to represent the Palestinian people and is the only authority the international community recognizes and will work with, thanks to US pressure.

The Palestinian Authority has to be ousted. And the world must recognize Hamas as the representative of the Palestinian people. Otherwise the PA paid stooges will just move on like nothing happened, and no other states will put the effort to prosecute Netanyahu and his terrorist government if the Palestinian 'gov't' itself won't.
Most moral army in the world church killers....Catholic world and traditional Christians up in arms;

On Christmas Eve, I am glad the NY Times has this as a top story. God is buried under the rubble in Gaza. As I go to the Christmas family dinner tomorrow--and, no, I am not Christian--but as in almost all previous Christmas gatherings, I'd the only one who'd say 'Merry Christmas'. The rest are there for some routine or traditions--uninformed to even point out Bethlehem on the map and unwilling to accept that their Jesus was probably a brown guy. And yet these so-called Christians blindly support those who killed their Jesus. They are as 'Christian' as I am a Martian-- the Southern Baptists and various most other Protestant Christian denominations in America and Canada. They never turn 'the other cheek'. They cheer the missiles raining on the Afghans, the Vietnamese, and the Gazans.

But I say here to those who believe in this: Merry Christmas and Peace to all those who seek peace in the world.

‘God Is Under the Rubble in Gaza’: Bethlehem’s Subdued Christmas​

The war in Gaza has prompted the city, traditionally seen as the birthplace of Jesus, to tone down its Christmas celebrations.


There will be no musical festivities. No tree-lighting ceremony. No extravagant decorations that normally bedeck the West Bank city of Bethlehem at Christmas. With the war in Gaza raging, this is a city in mourning.

In perhaps the most overt display of how Israel’s war in Gaza has dampened Christmas celebrations in the city seen as the birthplace of Jesus, a Lutheran church put up its crèche, but with a sad and symbolic twist. The baby Jesus — wrapped in a keffiyeh, the black-and-white checkered scarf that has become a badge of Palestinian identity — is lying not in a makeshift cradle of hay and wood. Instead, he lies among the rubble of broken bricks, stones and tiles that represent so much of Gaza’s destruction.

“We’ve been glued to our screens, seeing children pulled from under the rubble day after day. We’re broken by these images,” said the Rev. Munther Isaac, the pastor at the Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church who created the crèche. “God is under the rubble in Gaza, this is where we find God right now.”
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This is the right decision. Israel can't recover a single prisoner. It's facing more casualties each day and will now have to be more increasingly responsible for the humanitarian needs of the civilian population of Gaza. Hamas leaders don't fear martyrdom. Israel has played all its cards to pressure Hamas and it's remaining options are costly for it. Ball is now in Israel's court.

Hamas leader to AWP: We are committed not to enter into negotiations before a comprehensive ceasefire

Curse the Israeli genociders may Allah eliminate them from Palestine:-

Netanyahu has blood on his hands from both sides. I believe that him and his cabinet will one day stand trial for genocide and slaughter - ethnic cleansing and even putting the nation he strides to represent at risk.
No person with any sane attributes can justify his actions.
Unless they start burning things nothing is going to change , walking up and down and shouting , the voices of anger aren't being heard.
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Most moral army in the world church killers....Catholic world and traditional Christians up in arms;

Well done to the priest "I don't believe the IDF, these are cold blooded killings by state forces".

The look on the reporter's face said it all.
That bitch is zio propagandist not reporter.
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Why doesn't he shut the oil and send in the drones? Turkey has one of the largest fleets of drones in the world.

Erdoğan’s ‘Solidarity’ With Palestine Is Just a Vehicle for His Own Nationalism​

Turkey’s leader is more anti-Kurd than pro-Palestinian.​

by Ronî Özdemir

14 November 2023​

Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan at a Palestine solidarity rally in Istanbul, October 2023. Umit Turhan Coskun/Reuters

If you’ve taken part in any of the marches against Israel’s bombing of Gaza in the last month, you’ll likely have spotted the Turkish flag being waved in support of the Palestinian cause. Although it represents neither the decolonial glory of the Algerian flag nor the Arab solidarity of the Lebanese or Jordanian flags, it’s nonetheless unsurprising that Turkey’s red banner should be seen at these protests.
Turkey’s rightwing president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has been vocal in his unilateral support of the Palestinian people and his condemnation of Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel’s assault on the Gaza strip. Addressing the hundreds of thousands who gathered at a rally in Istanbul in October in support of Palestine, Erdoğan, wearing a traditional Palestinian chequered scarf, denounced Israel as an “occupier” and a “war criminal”.
Yet for many, the Turkish flag isn’t a symbol of liberation from an oppressive regime, but quite the opposite. Indeed, others have pointed out the hypocrisy of Erdoğan’s denunciation of Israeli war crimes when the Turkish state has been carrying out airstrikes in the Autonomous Administration of North-East Syria (AANES), targeting civilians, and damaging critical infrastructure – leaving millions without clean water and power.
Just as Israel has pointed to Hamas to legitimise airstrikes on Palestinians, Turkey’s foreign minister has justified its assault against Kurds in Syria as an attack on ‘legitimate terrorist targets’. This comes in response to a suicide bombing in Ankara, carried out by members of the Turkey-based Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). As Elham Ahmad, executive president of the Syrian Democratic Council, put it: “Erdoğan made a statement [about Gaza], saying targeting water, electricity, hospitals, mosques, schools, is a crime, but when he targets the same facilities in NES [north-east Syria], he considers it fighting terrorism.” Despite the unprecedented intensity of the attacks, Turkish military assaults are nothing new to the area, where, following the Syrian Civil War, incursions by Turkish forces and Turkish-backed militias have led to the forced displacement of hundreds of thousands living in north-eastern Syria, including Kurds, Assyrians and Armenians.
But to understand Turkey’s actions purely as a matter of hypocrisy is to see only half the picture. Turkey’s official support for the Palestinian struggle doesn’t just distract from its own war crimes, but mobilises Palestinian suffering in order to justify Turkey’s own attacks on north-east Syria.
By highlighting relations between Israel and Kurdish militants in Syria, as well as Israeli support for Kurdish self-determination, Turkish politicians and media outlets have sought to further demonise Kurds as ‘terrorists’ by depicting Kurdish militants as Israeli mercenaries. During his speech at Istanbul’s pro-Palestine rally, Erdoğan claimed that the YPG (the People’s Defense Units, operating in Syria) and the PKK were supported by Israel, with all three parties standing in the way of Turkey’s fight against terrorism. Such baseless claims have been repeated by Turkey’s national broadcaster, TRT, and distorted further by other parts of the rightwing press, which said that PKK members had been paid to participate in Israel’s attack on Gaza as part of jointly-orchestrated plan by the US and Israel.
At the same time, there’s good reason to suspect that Turkey’s condemnation of Israel is little more than political posturing. In recent weeks, opposition MPs have called on the Turkish government to address its own involvement in Israel’s military-industrial complex, noting that IDF pilots previously underwent part of their training in the Turkish city of Konya. What’s more, while Turkey has joined other nations such as Bolivia and South Africa in severing diplomatic ties with Israel, this is yet to be met with a commitment to economic and military divestment. Despite calls from Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei for a total boycott of oil exports to Israel, Turkey has continued to allow oil exports from its close ally, Azerbaijan – which provides around 40% of Israel’s oil – to pass through the port of Ceyhan, where it is then shipped to Israel’s Eilat Port.
Indeed, this performance of condemnation between Erdoğan and Netanyahu is nothing new. Netanyahu himself has joked about Erdoğan’s public criticisms of him, suggesting these are empty words. And crucially, where Israel and Turkey’s military interests have coincided, accusations of ethnic cleansing have fallen silent on both sides, such as with their mutual support for Azerbaijan in its military offensive and recapturing of Nagorno-Karabakh in September, which led to the displacement of over 100,000 ethnic Armenians.
Once Turkey’s shallow and inconsistent solidarity with Palestine is understood as being ultimately tied up in its own national interests, then Erdoğan’s impassioned cry that Gaza was once an inseparable part of Ottoman territory begins to sound less like a call for kinship with Palestinians and more like an extension of his nationalist fantasies of an imperial Turkish homeland.
Indeed, while Erdoğan speaks of the Turkish people coming together “to support [their] Palestinian brothers and sisters in Gaza”, it’s worth keeping in mind that these comments come at a time of high anti-Arab racism and xenophobia in Turkey, which, following the influx of Syrian refugees as a result of the Syrian Civil War, has only worsened with Turkey’s current economic crisis. Despite his proclamations of a pan-Ottoman fraternity, Erdoğan has proven that he’s not above wielding refugees as a political tool, as indicated by his infamous threat in 2019 to “open the gates and send 3.6 million refugees” into Europe.
After capturing formerly Kurdish-held areas of north-east Syria since 2018, Turkey has begun to resettle Syrian refugees, as well as internally displaced Syrians, in the empty homes and villages of (mostly Kurdish) civilians who had fled the violence. This has been criticised as a project of forced demographic engineering that seeks to strengthen Turkey’s position in the region by “Arabising” these previously ethnically-diverse areas and instating a pro-Turkish zone along the country’s border with Syria. Kurds have decried the irony of the fact that a small but growing number of such settlements have been funded by Palestinian NGOs (while being condemned by the Palestinian foreign minister, Riyad al-Maliki). With over 70% of Gaza’s population already displaced by Israeli bombardment, there’s increasing speculation as to whether Turkey’s co-option of the Palestinian struggle will extend to the eventual resettlement of Palestinian refugees in Syria in order to complete its project of an ethnically Arab, pro-Turkish buffer zone.
By taking Erdoğan’s ‘solidarity’ at face value, those seeking Palestinian liberation run the risk of allowing the cause to become a pawn in Turkey’s self-interested domestic and foreign policy agenda. This will come at a great cost not just to the Kurdish people, but to many others in the region too. True solidarity with Palestinians must mean principled opposition to occupation, genocide and ethnic cleansing. To accept anything less is to let the struggle be co-opted in the service of further violence.
Ronî Özdemir is a freelance writer based in London.

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